Business & Economics
Business & Economics
Eliminating barriers to entrepreneurship will help immigrants, poor
The United States is in the midst of the longest economic expansion on record. The U.S. economy has been growing for more than 10 years. The unemployment rate is near its lowest point ever. And yet, poverty continues to be persistent nationwide. Tens of thousands of people are homeless in ...
Wayne Winegarden
January 13, 2020
Taxpayers Exhausted from Newsom’s Marathon Budget Presser
Gov. Newsom’s announcement of his 2020-21 State Budget plan on Friday was another whopper, his speech clocking in at roughly 2 hours and 47 minutes. Last year, reporters who were used to covering a 30 minute press conference where caught off guard by Newsom’s lengthy presentation. Los Angeles Times reporter ...
Tim Anaya
January 13, 2020
California And Bernie Sanders a Snug Political Fit
A Washington newspaper has reported that U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the socialist from Vermont, has received 300 endorsements from California. That goes a long to explaining why things keep going wrong in the state. “The campaign released endorsements from 40 elected officials, more than 80 community leaders and more than ...
Kerry Jackson
January 9, 2020
Business & Economics
Entrepreneurship can be the antidote to poverty
More than 38 million Americans are living in poverty, according to the latest U.S. Census data. That’s just under 12% of the population. Not exactly what President Lyndon Johnson had in mind when he declared war on poverty in 1964, more than a half-century ago. Since then, the U.S. poverty ...
Wayne Winegarden
January 3, 2020
A Ghost in the Machine?
In 1967 Arthur Koestler wrote The Ghost in the Machine, which was essentially a critique of the hypothesis that the human mind could be viewed as a machine, a sort of chemical computer. He went on to consider that if were a computer, then what of the metaphysical? That is, ...
Bartlett Cleland
January 2, 2020
Who Are the Big Winners and Losers of 2019?
We made it to New Year’s Eve 2019 – the last day of the year and the last day of the decade. In between getting ready for a great party and enjoying some champagne, today is a time to look back on the year that was. 2019 was PRI’s 40th ...
Tim Anaya
December 31, 2019
Fighting for Free Markets as a New Decade Approaches
As our nation enters a pivotal presidential election year, it will be critically important to promote and defend free markets and individual freedom in California and throughout the country. The Pacific Research Institute remains committed to advancing policies that champion liberty and prosperity to better the lives of Californians and ...
Ben Smithwick
December 30, 2019
Enjoy 2019’s Best of “Next Round” and “Right by the Bay”
The last week of December is naturally a time to look back on the year that was. Here at PRI, we are particularly proud of the growing popularity of our weekly “Next Round with PRI” podcast and our daily “Right by the Bay” blog. Thanks to you, our podcast had ...
Tim Anaya
December 26, 2019
Court ruling leaves problem-plagued ObamaCare’s future unknown – More pragmatic plan needed
ObamaCare’s much-hated requirement that every American carry health insurance or pay a penalty was ruled unconstitutional Wednesday in a 2-1 decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. That’s the right decision on a badly flawed law – but it won’t change anything for months or more likely years ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 20, 2019
Things Just Keep Going The Wrong Way In California
Two days before Thanksgiving, financial services firm Charles Schwab announced it was relocating its headquarters from San Francisco to Texas. The Wall Street Journal’s explanation: “The brokerage giant heads for a state that doesn’t punish finance.” Fresh from its $26 billion acquisition of TD Ameritrade, Schwab, located in San Francisco ...
Kerry Jackson
December 16, 2019
Eliminating barriers to entrepreneurship will help immigrants, poor
The United States is in the midst of the longest economic expansion on record. The U.S. economy has been growing for more than 10 years. The unemployment rate is near its lowest point ever. And yet, poverty continues to be persistent nationwide. Tens of thousands of people are homeless in ...
Taxpayers Exhausted from Newsom’s Marathon Budget Presser
Gov. Newsom’s announcement of his 2020-21 State Budget plan on Friday was another whopper, his speech clocking in at roughly 2 hours and 47 minutes. Last year, reporters who were used to covering a 30 minute press conference where caught off guard by Newsom’s lengthy presentation. Los Angeles Times reporter ...
California And Bernie Sanders a Snug Political Fit
A Washington newspaper has reported that U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the socialist from Vermont, has received 300 endorsements from California. That goes a long to explaining why things keep going wrong in the state. “The campaign released endorsements from 40 elected officials, more than 80 community leaders and more than ...
Entrepreneurship can be the antidote to poverty
More than 38 million Americans are living in poverty, according to the latest U.S. Census data. That’s just under 12% of the population. Not exactly what President Lyndon Johnson had in mind when he declared war on poverty in 1964, more than a half-century ago. Since then, the U.S. poverty ...
A Ghost in the Machine?
In 1967 Arthur Koestler wrote The Ghost in the Machine, which was essentially a critique of the hypothesis that the human mind could be viewed as a machine, a sort of chemical computer. He went on to consider that if were a computer, then what of the metaphysical? That is, ...
Who Are the Big Winners and Losers of 2019?
We made it to New Year’s Eve 2019 – the last day of the year and the last day of the decade. In between getting ready for a great party and enjoying some champagne, today is a time to look back on the year that was. 2019 was PRI’s 40th ...
Fighting for Free Markets as a New Decade Approaches
As our nation enters a pivotal presidential election year, it will be critically important to promote and defend free markets and individual freedom in California and throughout the country. The Pacific Research Institute remains committed to advancing policies that champion liberty and prosperity to better the lives of Californians and ...
Enjoy 2019’s Best of “Next Round” and “Right by the Bay”
The last week of December is naturally a time to look back on the year that was. Here at PRI, we are particularly proud of the growing popularity of our weekly “Next Round with PRI” podcast and our daily “Right by the Bay” blog. Thanks to you, our podcast had ...
Court ruling leaves problem-plagued ObamaCare’s future unknown – More pragmatic plan needed
ObamaCare’s much-hated requirement that every American carry health insurance or pay a penalty was ruled unconstitutional Wednesday in a 2-1 decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. That’s the right decision on a badly flawed law – but it won’t change anything for months or more likely years ...
Things Just Keep Going The Wrong Way In California
Two days before Thanksgiving, financial services firm Charles Schwab announced it was relocating its headquarters from San Francisco to Texas. The Wall Street Journal’s explanation: “The brokerage giant heads for a state that doesn’t punish finance.” Fresh from its $26 billion acquisition of TD Ameritrade, Schwab, located in San Francisco ...