Business & Economics
Leave the Toy Aisle Alone, Please
As a former legislative staffer in the California State Assembly, I often asked myself when reviewing legislation, “do we really need this bill?” I asked myself the same question when I came across the introduction of a bill mandating gender-neutral toy sections in department stores. Assembly Bill 2826 by Asm. ...
Evan Harris
March 5, 2020
How Many Billionaires Would It Take to Fund Bernie’s Agenda?
Our colleague Wayne Winegarden wrote a marvelous piece for his Forbes column on “Bernie’s Math Problem.” To fund free health care, free housing, free college and so on, the Democrat frontrunner plans to make “billionaires pay their fair share of taxes.” Why not cut to the chase, thought Winegarden, “Instead ...
Rowena Itchon
March 2, 2020
Worker Freedom No More
Love it or hate it, for a variety of reasons when California enacts public policy the impact is felt across the country. And so, it has been again with the January 1st implementation of California’s Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), the so called “gig employment” law that changes the worker status ...
Bartlett Cleland
February 26, 2020
Bernie’s Math Problem
Anyone in earshot of a television set, or a smart phone, is undoubtedly aware that the undisputed front-runner in the Democratic Primary wants to spend more money – a lot of it. And, while these policies are economically flawed, Senator Sanders also has a fundamental math problem. Reviewing his website, there ...
Wayne Winegarden
February 24, 2020
Business & Economics
Lord Jamie Borwick – Everything You Need to Know about Britain, Brexit, and Boris
Lord Jamie Borwick of the United Kingdom’s House of Lords was a recent guest at a PRI luncheon in San Francisco. Britain’s House of Lords has certain similarities with the U.S. Senate, except the members are mostly appointed, or as in Lord Borwick’s case, elected for life. He provides his ...
Pacific Research Institute
February 17, 2020
Beyond the New Normal? Not.
Back in 2017, concerned over the sclerotic growth of the U.S. economy, PRI published a series of studies titled Beyond the New Normal by economist and PRI senior fellow Wayne Winegarden. Up until that point, annual real GDP growth averaged just 1.9 percent since 2001. Many economists, resigned to our ...
Rowena Itchon
February 13, 2020
Business & Economics
Regulation stands in the way of entrepreneurship for low-income families In October 2019, the Pacific Research Institute released findings of a new report, titled Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity #2 Entrepreneurship as a Pathway to the American Dream. The report, authored by Wayne Winegarden, contends that “overly complex government regulations are a common cause behind the barriers to low-income entrepreneurship.” ...
Pacific Research Institute
January 30, 2020
Warren’s Medicare for All isn’t affordable for anyone
Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has released her new road map for Medicare for All. She’s proposing a series of executive actions and bills that would transition the country to a government-run health system during her first term in the White House. Sen. Warren claims her brand of Medicare for All, once fully in place, would require $20.5 ...
Sally C. Pipes
January 27, 2020
Business & Economics
The SEC’s Proposed Rule Will Improve Transparency And Protect Investors
The complexity of the financial markets encourages people to support positions that would be unthinkable in most other situations. Such is the case with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) proposed new regulations of proxy advisory firms. The SEC requires institutional investors (such as mutual funds and public pension funds) ...
Wayne Winegarden
January 27, 2020
Enacting UBI Would Bust Federal Budget, Rob Americans of More Prosperous Future
I have written before on the benefits and drawbacks of the various universal basic income (UBI) proposals bubbling up the last few years in the American political scene, specifically the economic, political, and moral dimensions of these policies. All share the same essential structure: cash payments sent to all American ...
Damon Dunn
January 14, 2020
Leave the Toy Aisle Alone, Please
As a former legislative staffer in the California State Assembly, I often asked myself when reviewing legislation, “do we really need this bill?” I asked myself the same question when I came across the introduction of a bill mandating gender-neutral toy sections in department stores. Assembly Bill 2826 by Asm. ...
How Many Billionaires Would It Take to Fund Bernie’s Agenda?
Our colleague Wayne Winegarden wrote a marvelous piece for his Forbes column on “Bernie’s Math Problem.” To fund free health care, free housing, free college and so on, the Democrat frontrunner plans to make “billionaires pay their fair share of taxes.” Why not cut to the chase, thought Winegarden, “Instead ...
Worker Freedom No More
Love it or hate it, for a variety of reasons when California enacts public policy the impact is felt across the country. And so, it has been again with the January 1st implementation of California’s Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), the so called “gig employment” law that changes the worker status ...
Bernie’s Math Problem
Anyone in earshot of a television set, or a smart phone, is undoubtedly aware that the undisputed front-runner in the Democratic Primary wants to spend more money – a lot of it. And, while these policies are economically flawed, Senator Sanders also has a fundamental math problem. Reviewing his website, there ...
Lord Jamie Borwick – Everything You Need to Know about Britain, Brexit, and Boris
Lord Jamie Borwick of the United Kingdom’s House of Lords was a recent guest at a PRI luncheon in San Francisco. Britain’s House of Lords has certain similarities with the U.S. Senate, except the members are mostly appointed, or as in Lord Borwick’s case, elected for life. He provides his ...
Beyond the New Normal? Not.
Back in 2017, concerned over the sclerotic growth of the U.S. economy, PRI published a series of studies titled Beyond the New Normal by economist and PRI senior fellow Wayne Winegarden. Up until that point, annual real GDP growth averaged just 1.9 percent since 2001. Many economists, resigned to our ...
Regulation stands in the way of entrepreneurship for low-income families In October 2019, the Pacific Research Institute released findings of a new report, titled Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity #2 Entrepreneurship as a Pathway to the American Dream. The report, authored by Wayne Winegarden, contends that “overly complex government regulations are a common cause behind the barriers to low-income entrepreneurship.” ...
Warren’s Medicare for All isn’t affordable for anyone
Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has released her new road map for Medicare for All. She’s proposing a series of executive actions and bills that would transition the country to a government-run health system during her first term in the White House. Sen. Warren claims her brand of Medicare for All, once fully in place, would require $20.5 ...
The SEC’s Proposed Rule Will Improve Transparency And Protect Investors
The complexity of the financial markets encourages people to support positions that would be unthinkable in most other situations. Such is the case with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) proposed new regulations of proxy advisory firms. The SEC requires institutional investors (such as mutual funds and public pension funds) ...
Enacting UBI Would Bust Federal Budget, Rob Americans of More Prosperous Future
I have written before on the benefits and drawbacks of the various universal basic income (UBI) proposals bubbling up the last few years in the American political scene, specifically the economic, political, and moral dimensions of these policies. All share the same essential structure: cash payments sent to all American ...