Business & Economics
Business & Economics
Barron’s Op-Ed Cites PRI Study on Underperformance of ESG Investing
Former Connecticut State Treasurer and founder and president of the Institute for Pension Fund Integrity Christopher Bancroft Burnham recently cited Dr. Wayne Winegarden’s study showing how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) funds underperform broader investment funds over the long-term in an op-ed published in Barron’s. BlackRock’s ESG Strategy Plays Politics with ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 28, 2020
Business & Economics
Coronavirus recovery — Want to help the economy? Don’t do this
Nearly 39 million Americans have filed for unemployment, as of May 21, since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, pushing unemployment closer to levels not seen since the Great Depression. So far, Congress has allocated over $239 billion in stimulus checks and unemployment benefits to help. Congressional Democrats want to go further. ...
Sally C. Pipes
May 26, 2020
Business & Economics
Dr. Wayne Winegarden – Legislating Energy Prosperity
PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Dr. Wayne Winegarden joins us to discuss his latest study “Legislating Energy Prosperity,” which makes the case that if lawmakers acted to alleviate the unnecessary costs from state energy mandates, Californians living through these unprecedented times could save more than $2,000 annually – ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 26, 2020
Coronavirus Chronicles: A Small Business Recession Could Turn into a Depression
Year to date, the Dow Index of the U.S.’s 30 largest companies is down 14 percent; the S&P 500, which tracks 500 large-cap companies, is down 8 percent; and the NASDAQ, an electronic system that trades many of the world’s fastest growing companies, is up more than 4 percent. Clearly, ...
Rowena Itchon
May 21, 2020
Does The Private Sector Have A Role In Deciding When To Reopen Businesses?
Policies intended to force Americans into electric vehicles, and taxpayer-financed subsidies that have propped up the EV industry aren’t consistent with those who believe government has limits. But this doesn’t mean that a company such as EV maker Tesla can’t contribute to the economy in some way. Tesla CEO Elon ...
Kerry Jackson
May 19, 2020
Coronavirus Chronicles: States Want Bailout for Past Profligate Spending
Even as House members consider themselves non-essential workers (they’ve decided to vote from home), it hasn’t stopped some lawmakers from coming up with bad ideas for the next stimulus package, including relief for states and municipalities with pre-existing economic conditions. In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced last week at his ...
Rowena Itchon
May 14, 2020
Business & Economics
David White – Keeping the Wine Flowing During the Coronavirus Crisis
Public affairs professional and noted wine blogger David White of joins us to discuss how the wine industry is faring during the global coronavirus crisis. He also shares his advice on organizing a virtual Happy Hour and gives recommendations for good wines that you can buy online or at ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 11, 2020
Sweeping Expansion of Workers Comp Benefits Could Hit Struggling CA Businesses Hard
There’s been a growing debate in California and nationally about extending workers’ compensation benefits for workers who are impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Some states are moving to make front line workers battling COVID-19 to be eligible for workers’ comp. Politico reports that “at least five smaller states have made ...
Tim Anaya
May 11, 2020
And The Damage From AB 5 Begins
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has officially filed suit against Uber and Lyft for violating Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5). The action is a clear signal that the state’s policy leaders are determined to maximize the economic damage from this ill-considered policy at a time when millions have been furloughed ...
Wayne Winegarden
May 6, 2020
Coronavirus Chronicles: Why for Some Workers, Unemployment Makes More Sense
Roughly 30 million people have filed for unemployment since the coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc on the nation’s economy. Economists estimate that the unemployment rate now ranges from 15 to 20 percent – numbers not seen since the Great Depression nearly a century ago. How H How quickly the economy bounces ...
Rowena Itchon
May 5, 2020
Barron’s Op-Ed Cites PRI Study on Underperformance of ESG Investing
Former Connecticut State Treasurer and founder and president of the Institute for Pension Fund Integrity Christopher Bancroft Burnham recently cited Dr. Wayne Winegarden’s study showing how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) funds underperform broader investment funds over the long-term in an op-ed published in Barron’s. BlackRock’s ESG Strategy Plays Politics with ...
Coronavirus recovery — Want to help the economy? Don’t do this
Nearly 39 million Americans have filed for unemployment, as of May 21, since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, pushing unemployment closer to levels not seen since the Great Depression. So far, Congress has allocated over $239 billion in stimulus checks and unemployment benefits to help. Congressional Democrats want to go further. ...
Dr. Wayne Winegarden – Legislating Energy Prosperity
PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Dr. Wayne Winegarden joins us to discuss his latest study “Legislating Energy Prosperity,” which makes the case that if lawmakers acted to alleviate the unnecessary costs from state energy mandates, Californians living through these unprecedented times could save more than $2,000 annually – ...
Coronavirus Chronicles: A Small Business Recession Could Turn into a Depression
Year to date, the Dow Index of the U.S.’s 30 largest companies is down 14 percent; the S&P 500, which tracks 500 large-cap companies, is down 8 percent; and the NASDAQ, an electronic system that trades many of the world’s fastest growing companies, is up more than 4 percent. Clearly, ...
Does The Private Sector Have A Role In Deciding When To Reopen Businesses?
Policies intended to force Americans into electric vehicles, and taxpayer-financed subsidies that have propped up the EV industry aren’t consistent with those who believe government has limits. But this doesn’t mean that a company such as EV maker Tesla can’t contribute to the economy in some way. Tesla CEO Elon ...
Coronavirus Chronicles: States Want Bailout for Past Profligate Spending
Even as House members consider themselves non-essential workers (they’ve decided to vote from home), it hasn’t stopped some lawmakers from coming up with bad ideas for the next stimulus package, including relief for states and municipalities with pre-existing economic conditions. In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced last week at his ...
David White – Keeping the Wine Flowing During the Coronavirus Crisis
Public affairs professional and noted wine blogger David White of joins us to discuss how the wine industry is faring during the global coronavirus crisis. He also shares his advice on organizing a virtual Happy Hour and gives recommendations for good wines that you can buy online or at ...
Sweeping Expansion of Workers Comp Benefits Could Hit Struggling CA Businesses Hard
There’s been a growing debate in California and nationally about extending workers’ compensation benefits for workers who are impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Some states are moving to make front line workers battling COVID-19 to be eligible for workers’ comp. Politico reports that “at least five smaller states have made ...
And The Damage From AB 5 Begins
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has officially filed suit against Uber and Lyft for violating Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5). The action is a clear signal that the state’s policy leaders are determined to maximize the economic damage from this ill-considered policy at a time when millions have been furloughed ...
Coronavirus Chronicles: Why for Some Workers, Unemployment Makes More Sense
Roughly 30 million people have filed for unemployment since the coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc on the nation’s economy. Economists estimate that the unemployment rate now ranges from 15 to 20 percent – numbers not seen since the Great Depression nearly a century ago. How H How quickly the economy bounces ...