Business & Economics


Could Earmarks End Congress’ Partisan Gridlock?

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer has told House Democrats that earmarks are coming back in 2021. According to Punchbowl News, which originally broke the scoop on earmarks, Rep. Rosa DeLauro and Sen. Patrick Leahy – Congress’ lead appropriators – are preparing to bring back “member-directed spending” for next fiscal year’s ...
Business & Economics

Dr. Wayne Winegarden Talks Gig Economy on the Andy Caldwell Show

Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI’s senior fellow in business and economics, joins the Andy Caldwell Show to discuss his new study, “The Small Business Gig,” on steps policymakers can take to help gig economy workers. Winegarden talks about the regulations and laws currently being passed by state’s like California that limit ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Discusses Gig Entrepreneurship Study on NTD Business

Watch PRI’s Dr. Wayne Winegarden discuss the last report in the “Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity” series on gig entrepreneurship with host Paul Greaney on “NTD Business.”
Business & Economics

The future is now for gig-based entrepreneurship

With Californian Kamala Harris as vice president, it’s clear the new Biden administration is taking its cues from the once-Golden State on labor policy. In one of its first acts in office, the Biden Administration placed a regulatory freeze on a Department of Labor regulation enacted in the waning days of the ...

Wayne Winegarden Featured in National Interest on Biden Stimulus

Do State and Local Governments Really Need $350 Billion in Aid?: President Biden’s anti-coronavirus stimulus plan has faced some push back. by Rachel Bucchino Democrats and the Biden administration have repeatedly pushed for the passage of the American Rescue Plan, a $1.9 trillion stimulus package that they claim will save ...

Groundhog Day for Minimum Wage

At first, we were relieved to find that Pres. Biden’s proposal to include a $15 minimum wage hike in the COVID-19 relief package was just a bad nightmare.  But when Californians woke up the other day, the idea was back on track.  Unlike Bill Murray, who thanks to the magic ...
Business & Economics

Sacramento Conference: Economic Recovery

Watch as policy insiders and free market economists discuss efforts to help California’s economy recover, including federal stimulus legislation.    

What’s in Senator Klobuchar’s Antitrust Bill?

One of the big policy stories coming out of Congress is Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar’s introduction of the Competition and Antitrust Law Enforcement Reform Act, a broad measure aimed at strengthening antitrust regulation in the United States. What’s noticeably absent, but obviously implied in Sen. Klobuchar’s bill, is the target. ...

President Biden’s Stimulus Will Harm The Economy Long-term With No Short-term Benefits

The argument for an economic stimulus seems persuasive. The economy contracted 3.5 percent in 2020, which is the largest annual decline in the national economy since 1946. The latest employment numbers, which were a disappointment to many, seem to further confirm the urgent need for Congress to immediately pass a ...

Businesses To Bear The Burden Of Another Government Mandate, Part II

Last month we covered the story of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors deciding it was within the scope of their duties to reward pandemic “front-line” workers with other people’s money. As we noted then, Long Beach was considering a similar mandate, which it eventually approved. Yes, some workers ...

Could Earmarks End Congress’ Partisan Gridlock?

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer has told House Democrats that earmarks are coming back in 2021. According to Punchbowl News, which originally broke the scoop on earmarks, Rep. Rosa DeLauro and Sen. Patrick Leahy – Congress’ lead appropriators – are preparing to bring back “member-directed spending” for next fiscal year’s ...
Business & Economics

Dr. Wayne Winegarden Talks Gig Economy on the Andy Caldwell Show

Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI’s senior fellow in business and economics, joins the Andy Caldwell Show to discuss his new study, “The Small Business Gig,” on steps policymakers can take to help gig economy workers. Winegarden talks about the regulations and laws currently being passed by state’s like California that limit ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Discusses Gig Entrepreneurship Study on NTD Business

Watch PRI’s Dr. Wayne Winegarden discuss the last report in the “Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity” series on gig entrepreneurship with host Paul Greaney on “NTD Business.”
Business & Economics

The future is now for gig-based entrepreneurship

With Californian Kamala Harris as vice president, it’s clear the new Biden administration is taking its cues from the once-Golden State on labor policy. In one of its first acts in office, the Biden Administration placed a regulatory freeze on a Department of Labor regulation enacted in the waning days of the ...

Wayne Winegarden Featured in National Interest on Biden Stimulus

Do State and Local Governments Really Need $350 Billion in Aid?: President Biden’s anti-coronavirus stimulus plan has faced some push back. by Rachel Bucchino Democrats and the Biden administration have repeatedly pushed for the passage of the American Rescue Plan, a $1.9 trillion stimulus package that they claim will save ...

Groundhog Day for Minimum Wage

At first, we were relieved to find that Pres. Biden’s proposal to include a $15 minimum wage hike in the COVID-19 relief package was just a bad nightmare.  But when Californians woke up the other day, the idea was back on track.  Unlike Bill Murray, who thanks to the magic ...
Business & Economics

Sacramento Conference: Economic Recovery

Watch as policy insiders and free market economists discuss efforts to help California’s economy recover, including federal stimulus legislation.    

What’s in Senator Klobuchar’s Antitrust Bill?

One of the big policy stories coming out of Congress is Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar’s introduction of the Competition and Antitrust Law Enforcement Reform Act, a broad measure aimed at strengthening antitrust regulation in the United States. What’s noticeably absent, but obviously implied in Sen. Klobuchar’s bill, is the target. ...

President Biden’s Stimulus Will Harm The Economy Long-term With No Short-term Benefits

The argument for an economic stimulus seems persuasive. The economy contracted 3.5 percent in 2020, which is the largest annual decline in the national economy since 1946. The latest employment numbers, which were a disappointment to many, seem to further confirm the urgent need for Congress to immediately pass a ...

Businesses To Bear The Burden Of Another Government Mandate, Part II

Last month we covered the story of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors deciding it was within the scope of their duties to reward pandemic “front-line” workers with other people’s money. As we noted then, Long Beach was considering a similar mandate, which it eventually approved. Yes, some workers ...
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