Business & Economics


Extra Time to File Doesn’t Mask Pain of California’s Huge State Tax Burden

California taxpayers – and all Americans were given a bit of breathing room this year when the IRS announced that this year’s tax deadline would be May 17th, instead of the usual April 15th. The extra month given us to pay and file our 2020 taxes doesn’t mean that Californians ...

Being An Entrepreneur In San Francisco Is A Financially Punishing Experience

Living in San Francisco is a dollar-burning experience. It’s the most expensive housing market in the country, and the cost of living is higher only in Manhattan. But what about building a business in the city that fancies itself as The City? Don’t even ask. Nevertheless, we’re here to tell, ...

Insuring more Americans’ health shouldn’t require big government spending

President Joe Biden announced late last month that he plans to permanently expand health-insurance subsidies as part of his $1.8 trillion “American Families Plan.” This new spending would be a waste of taxpayer dollars. The vast majority of uninsured Americans already has access to discounted health plans. But for a ...

Winners and Losers – May 14

Tim Anaya – Senior Director of Communications and PRI’s Sacramento Office Winner: Vaccinated Americans – Americans who have received both jabs (or the single jab with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine) will no longer have to wear masks outdoors and in most indoor settings, the Centers for Disease Control announced ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Past, Even if Not Perfect, Set Up Its Prosperous Future

DOWNLOAD PDF Even before it was a state, California was the New World’s new world. Everything that the Western Hemisphere promised was condensed and amplified in what became the 31st state. Not only was it arguably the greatest land of opportunity in human history, but rather than having exhausted itself ...
Business & Economics

Robert Poole – Pres. Biden’s “Infrastructure” Plan

This week’s podcast features Robert Poole, director of transportation policy at the Reason Foundation.  Bob Poole, one of the leading transportation policy experts in the nation – discusses Pres. Biden’s so-called infrastructure plan and what’s really in it.  Mr. Poole also discusses California’s poor infrastructure and ideas to improve it, ...
Business & Economics

It’s Time For A Supply-Side Resurgence

The Biden administration’s multi-trillion-dollar stimulus and spending policies are exclusively demand-side measures aimed at supporting the consumer. But this focus is blinding the Biden team from mounting economic crises that are resulting from this anti-growth agenda. Instead, the federal government desperately needs to implement a comprehensive supply-side agenda – low-taxes, ...

Biden’s Destructive Corporate Income Tax Hike

The New York Times has a summary of the Biden Tax Plan claiming to explain “some of the main provisions included in the plan and how they’re intended to work.” While the Times may have accurately explained how the Administration “intends” for the tax hike to work, these intentions are ...
Business & Economics

Replace gas tax with more efficient, fairer mileage fee

California policymakers have spent years debating how to pay for road and highway repairs. President Biden’s current infrastructure plan brings that debate to the national stage. Like its peers, California relies on a gas tax and registration fees to pay for infrastructure. But policymakers should cut registration fees and replace ...

How Basic Income Could Promote Economic Advancement Rather Than Government Dependency

By Wayne Winegarden and Tim Anaya Last month, Right by the Bay reviewed the findings of a new study touted by former Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs reportedly showing the success of the city’s universal basic income scheme. Reviewing the report’s findings, we concluded that there were many serious questions with ...

Extra Time to File Doesn’t Mask Pain of California’s Huge State Tax Burden

California taxpayers – and all Americans were given a bit of breathing room this year when the IRS announced that this year’s tax deadline would be May 17th, instead of the usual April 15th. The extra month given us to pay and file our 2020 taxes doesn’t mean that Californians ...

Being An Entrepreneur In San Francisco Is A Financially Punishing Experience

Living in San Francisco is a dollar-burning experience. It’s the most expensive housing market in the country, and the cost of living is higher only in Manhattan. But what about building a business in the city that fancies itself as The City? Don’t even ask. Nevertheless, we’re here to tell, ...

Insuring more Americans’ health shouldn’t require big government spending

President Joe Biden announced late last month that he plans to permanently expand health-insurance subsidies as part of his $1.8 trillion “American Families Plan.” This new spending would be a waste of taxpayer dollars. The vast majority of uninsured Americans already has access to discounted health plans. But for a ...

Winners and Losers – May 14

Tim Anaya – Senior Director of Communications and PRI’s Sacramento Office Winner: Vaccinated Americans – Americans who have received both jabs (or the single jab with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine) will no longer have to wear masks outdoors and in most indoor settings, the Centers for Disease Control announced ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Past, Even if Not Perfect, Set Up Its Prosperous Future

DOWNLOAD PDF Even before it was a state, California was the New World’s new world. Everything that the Western Hemisphere promised was condensed and amplified in what became the 31st state. Not only was it arguably the greatest land of opportunity in human history, but rather than having exhausted itself ...
Business & Economics

Robert Poole – Pres. Biden’s “Infrastructure” Plan

This week’s podcast features Robert Poole, director of transportation policy at the Reason Foundation.  Bob Poole, one of the leading transportation policy experts in the nation – discusses Pres. Biden’s so-called infrastructure plan and what’s really in it.  Mr. Poole also discusses California’s poor infrastructure and ideas to improve it, ...
Business & Economics

It’s Time For A Supply-Side Resurgence

The Biden administration’s multi-trillion-dollar stimulus and spending policies are exclusively demand-side measures aimed at supporting the consumer. But this focus is blinding the Biden team from mounting economic crises that are resulting from this anti-growth agenda. Instead, the federal government desperately needs to implement a comprehensive supply-side agenda – low-taxes, ...

Biden’s Destructive Corporate Income Tax Hike

The New York Times has a summary of the Biden Tax Plan claiming to explain “some of the main provisions included in the plan and how they’re intended to work.” While the Times may have accurately explained how the Administration “intends” for the tax hike to work, these intentions are ...
Business & Economics

Replace gas tax with more efficient, fairer mileage fee

California policymakers have spent years debating how to pay for road and highway repairs. President Biden’s current infrastructure plan brings that debate to the national stage. Like its peers, California relies on a gas tax and registration fees to pay for infrastructure. But policymakers should cut registration fees and replace ...

How Basic Income Could Promote Economic Advancement Rather Than Government Dependency

By Wayne Winegarden and Tim Anaya Last month, Right by the Bay reviewed the findings of a new study touted by former Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs reportedly showing the success of the city’s universal basic income scheme. Reviewing the report’s findings, we concluded that there were many serious questions with ...
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