Business & Economics
Business & Economics
Bernanke on the Hot Seat
PRI Senior Fellow Lee Hoskins is a guest panelist on “Kudlow & Company” discussing Federal Reserve Board Chairman Bernard Bernanke’s rate cuts as a response to the subprime mortgage crisis.
Pacific Research Institute
April 2, 2008
Business & Economics
Male-Female Facts and Fallacies
“History shows that the career paths of women over the course of the twentieth century bore little resemblance to a scenario in which variations in employer discrimination explain variations in women’s career progress.” The author of that statement, Thomas Sowell, Hoover Institution scholar, believes that there is indeed discrimination against ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 1, 2008
Business & Economics
Tort report: Va. a ‘sucker,’ Md. a ‘sinner’
Voters in the Potomac region recently cast their ballots, but the presidential primary is not the only contest worthy of note. The race to create the most efficient state legal system reveals a few winners and many losers. A comparison of Virginia and Maryland makes that distinction clear, and the ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 31, 2008
Business & Economics
Impact – March 2008
PRI Ideas in Action – March 2008 Policy Update and Monthly Impact Report PRI continues to impact public policy in California, the nation, and abroad. Click below to view PRI’s recent contributions.
Pacific Research Institute
March 31, 2008
Business & Economics
Alaska’s Tort Gold Rush Stalls: Eli Lilly Shakedown Stumbles
Back in 2006, Alaska’s Attorney-General (like many others) decided he could mine some gold from a successful drug company: in this case, Eli Lilly & Co. Zyprexa, a successful psychiatric drug from Lilly, has also been associated with the side effect of obesity. Alaska alleged that Lilly was slow to ...
John R. Graham
March 28, 2008
Business & Economics
CNBC TV – Discussing the Fed
CNBC Kudlow and Company, March 28, 2008 Lee Hoskins, former Federal Reserve Bank president and PRI senior fellow participated in this panel discussion with CNBC’s Larry Kudlow.
Pacific Research Institute
March 28, 2008
Business & Economics
We aren’t the world
BLUE IN THE FACE we have preached ourselves over the years arguing that punitive damages are a multifaceted disgrace. Lo, now comes an ally: the world. Or at least most of it. Many European courts simply refuse to uphold punitive-damage judgments returned by U.S. juries against their nationals and companies, ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 27, 2008
Business & Economics
What ‘net neutrality’ really means to consumers
WASHINGTON- In the past, when government has attempted to regulate networks, the result has been less choice, less innovation and more corruption. In the telecommunications industry, such regulations were so damaging that a second wave of regulations was devised to undo the damage caused by the first. Despite this historical ...
Daniel R. Ballon
March 26, 2008
Business & Economics
Pacific Research Institute Releases Study on Wireless “Net Neutrality”
San Francisco (March 26) – Today, the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, released its report Wireless with Strings Attached: Net Neutrality and the Grounding of Wireless Innovation. The report shows how “net neutrality” legislation harms the consumer, stifles innovation, and risks destroying a competitive ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 26, 2008
Business & Economics
Researcher Rebukes Wireless ‘Net Neutrality’ Advocates
The attempt to force network neutrality on wireless carriers will result in disaster and is based on faulty assumptions, including one that there ever was neutrality on the Internet, according to a newly released analysis from the Pacific Research Institute (PRI). In what is essentially an upbraiding of emerging FCC ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 26, 2008
Bernanke on the Hot Seat
PRI Senior Fellow Lee Hoskins is a guest panelist on “Kudlow & Company” discussing Federal Reserve Board Chairman Bernard Bernanke’s rate cuts as a response to the subprime mortgage crisis.
Male-Female Facts and Fallacies
“History shows that the career paths of women over the course of the twentieth century bore little resemblance to a scenario in which variations in employer discrimination explain variations in women’s career progress.” The author of that statement, Thomas Sowell, Hoover Institution scholar, believes that there is indeed discrimination against ...
Tort report: Va. a ‘sucker,’ Md. a ‘sinner’
Voters in the Potomac region recently cast their ballots, but the presidential primary is not the only contest worthy of note. The race to create the most efficient state legal system reveals a few winners and many losers. A comparison of Virginia and Maryland makes that distinction clear, and the ...
Impact – March 2008
PRI Ideas in Action – March 2008 Policy Update and Monthly Impact Report PRI continues to impact public policy in California, the nation, and abroad. Click below to view PRI’s recent contributions.
Alaska’s Tort Gold Rush Stalls: Eli Lilly Shakedown Stumbles
Back in 2006, Alaska’s Attorney-General (like many others) decided he could mine some gold from a successful drug company: in this case, Eli Lilly & Co. Zyprexa, a successful psychiatric drug from Lilly, has also been associated with the side effect of obesity. Alaska alleged that Lilly was slow to ...
CNBC TV – Discussing the Fed
CNBC Kudlow and Company, March 28, 2008 Lee Hoskins, former Federal Reserve Bank president and PRI senior fellow participated in this panel discussion with CNBC’s Larry Kudlow.
We aren’t the world
BLUE IN THE FACE we have preached ourselves over the years arguing that punitive damages are a multifaceted disgrace. Lo, now comes an ally: the world. Or at least most of it. Many European courts simply refuse to uphold punitive-damage judgments returned by U.S. juries against their nationals and companies, ...
What ‘net neutrality’ really means to consumers
WASHINGTON- In the past, when government has attempted to regulate networks, the result has been less choice, less innovation and more corruption. In the telecommunications industry, such regulations were so damaging that a second wave of regulations was devised to undo the damage caused by the first. Despite this historical ...
Pacific Research Institute Releases Study on Wireless “Net Neutrality”
San Francisco (March 26) – Today, the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, released its report Wireless with Strings Attached: Net Neutrality and the Grounding of Wireless Innovation. The report shows how “net neutrality” legislation harms the consumer, stifles innovation, and risks destroying a competitive ...
Researcher Rebukes Wireless ‘Net Neutrality’ Advocates
The attempt to force network neutrality on wireless carriers will result in disaster and is based on faulty assumptions, including one that there ever was neutrality on the Internet, according to a newly released analysis from the Pacific Research Institute (PRI). In what is essentially an upbraiding of emerging FCC ...