Business & Economics

Business & Economics

Grassroots effort help stops ‘Lawyers Get Work Act’

Living in Illinois, it is hard to fathom how anyone could seriously think there are not enough lawsuits filed in our state. Just in the last few months, three nationwide studies have been released, and the results clearly confirm Illinois’ reputation as the “Lawsuit Capital of the Midwest.” One report ...
Business & Economics

Housing Bill Amendment Requires Reporting of Consumer Purchases to the Federal Government

Housing Bill Amendment Requires Reporting of Consumer Purchases to the Federal Government San Francisco, June 27, 2008 – In an open letter to Senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, Pacific Research Institute technology policy fellow Daniel R. Ballon, Ph.D., called to their attention an amendment to the housing bill that ...
Business & Economics

Letter to Senators Feinstein and Boxer regarding (S. Amdt. 4983) amendment to H.R. 3221

The Honorable Diane Feinstein United States Senate 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Barbara Boxer United States Senate 112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senators Feinstein and Boxer: As the Senate prepares to vote on the current housing legislation, I would like to ...
Business & Economics

Genomics Meets Sacramento

Personalized medicine is touted as the wave of the future, but recent government action points to problems for Americans looking to join the health revolution. Last week, California’s Department of Public Health issued cease-and-desist letters to 13 genetic testing startups, threatening to deny service to consumers curious about their DNA. ...
Business & Economics

Tennessee ranked best for business in tort liability study

Tennessee is the most business-friendly state when it comes to litigation, according to a new study. In its annual boardroom guide to state litigation climates, the American Justice Partnership Foundation listed Tennessee as the state with the lowest risks of lawsuits against business. The foundation, a group that advocates litigation ...
Business & Economics

Network Neutrality – Michael Dresser Show

PRI’s Technology Studies Policy Fellow, Daniel Ballon, PhD., discussed the issue of net neutrality and why it is so important to avoid excessive regulation of the internet. Service providers need to be free to implement new technology and that is what net neutrality regulations would take away from them. The ...
Business & Economics

Group Says Illinois Has Worst Litigation Climate

Among the 50 states, Illinois has the worst litigation climate for business and the highest risk for lawsuits, according to a non-profit business coalition. The rankings for best and worst states were produced by the American Justice Partnership Foundation (AJP), in collaboration with the Directorship publication. According to the group’s ...
Business & Economics

Rising Demand, Weak Dollar Cause Pain at the Pump

The price of oil just soared above $130 per barrel. Consumers want to know why oil prices are so high and what they can do about it. Politicians claim that greedy oil companies are hiking prices to fatten profits. But weren’t oil companies greedy in 2002, when the price was ...
Business & Economics

Tort reform would spark lagging local economy

The Dow Jones industrial average has fallen more than 1,500 points since last year. Bear Stearns has gone belly up. Every week talking heads point to a different blue-chip company supposedly teetering on the brink of financial ruin. It seems as if things couldn’t get worse for Wall Street and ...
Business & Economics

Directorship’s Annual Boardroom Guide to State Litigation Climates

BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Illinois and West Virginia are about the last states in which you would want your company to do business. Following close behind are California and Pennsylvania as among the states with the worst litigation climates for business and the highest risk for lawsuits. These are just some of the ...
Business & Economics

Grassroots effort help stops ‘Lawyers Get Work Act’

Living in Illinois, it is hard to fathom how anyone could seriously think there are not enough lawsuits filed in our state. Just in the last few months, three nationwide studies have been released, and the results clearly confirm Illinois’ reputation as the “Lawsuit Capital of the Midwest.” One report ...
Business & Economics

Housing Bill Amendment Requires Reporting of Consumer Purchases to the Federal Government

Housing Bill Amendment Requires Reporting of Consumer Purchases to the Federal Government San Francisco, June 27, 2008 – In an open letter to Senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, Pacific Research Institute technology policy fellow Daniel R. Ballon, Ph.D., called to their attention an amendment to the housing bill that ...
Business & Economics

Letter to Senators Feinstein and Boxer regarding (S. Amdt. 4983) amendment to H.R. 3221

The Honorable Diane Feinstein United States Senate 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Barbara Boxer United States Senate 112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senators Feinstein and Boxer: As the Senate prepares to vote on the current housing legislation, I would like to ...
Business & Economics

Genomics Meets Sacramento

Personalized medicine is touted as the wave of the future, but recent government action points to problems for Americans looking to join the health revolution. Last week, California’s Department of Public Health issued cease-and-desist letters to 13 genetic testing startups, threatening to deny service to consumers curious about their DNA. ...
Business & Economics

Tennessee ranked best for business in tort liability study

Tennessee is the most business-friendly state when it comes to litigation, according to a new study. In its annual boardroom guide to state litigation climates, the American Justice Partnership Foundation listed Tennessee as the state with the lowest risks of lawsuits against business. The foundation, a group that advocates litigation ...
Business & Economics

Network Neutrality – Michael Dresser Show

PRI’s Technology Studies Policy Fellow, Daniel Ballon, PhD., discussed the issue of net neutrality and why it is so important to avoid excessive regulation of the internet. Service providers need to be free to implement new technology and that is what net neutrality regulations would take away from them. The ...
Business & Economics

Group Says Illinois Has Worst Litigation Climate

Among the 50 states, Illinois has the worst litigation climate for business and the highest risk for lawsuits, according to a non-profit business coalition. The rankings for best and worst states were produced by the American Justice Partnership Foundation (AJP), in collaboration with the Directorship publication. According to the group’s ...
Business & Economics

Rising Demand, Weak Dollar Cause Pain at the Pump

The price of oil just soared above $130 per barrel. Consumers want to know why oil prices are so high and what they can do about it. Politicians claim that greedy oil companies are hiking prices to fatten profits. But weren’t oil companies greedy in 2002, when the price was ...
Business & Economics

Tort reform would spark lagging local economy

The Dow Jones industrial average has fallen more than 1,500 points since last year. Bear Stearns has gone belly up. Every week talking heads point to a different blue-chip company supposedly teetering on the brink of financial ruin. It seems as if things couldn’t get worse for Wall Street and ...
Business & Economics

Directorship’s Annual Boardroom Guide to State Litigation Climates

BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Illinois and West Virginia are about the last states in which you would want your company to do business. Following close behind are California and Pennsylvania as among the states with the worst litigation climates for business and the highest risk for lawsuits. These are just some of the ...
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