Business & Economics
Business & Economics
Crist’s court appointments can end ‘lawsuit lottery’
As the media fixate on Sen. John McCain’s short list of potential running mates, the eye of America is focused on Gov. Charlie Crist. But as Crist’s attention is increasingly lured toward the presidential campaign, he must not fail to recognize his responsibility to the people of Florida. Florida is ...
Carlos Muhletaler
August 14, 2008
Business & Economics
State’s tort reform laws among nation’s best
State Sen. John Carey was right to praise the Ohio General Assembly for its efforts to improve Ohio’s business climate through initiatives like tort reform (“Excessive regulations stifles state’s growth,” Aug. 6). In fact, Ohio is setting an example that other states would be wise to follow. As Sen. Carey ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
August 13, 2008
Business & Economics
Neo-Prohibitionism, Alcohol Taxes, and Central Planning in California
The last time I had a critical look at the neo-prohibitionists, it was via a pamphlet opposing a tobacco tax hike in California. Now, the Marin Institute has completed a “landmark” study suggesting that we need to hike alcohol taxes in the Golden State. And landmark it certainly is: the ...
John R. Graham
August 12, 2008
Government Spending
Ranking Health Care in the States: The Most Important Input is the Patient
State-Based Health Reforms Demand State-Based Performance Measurements This month, PRI publishes the second edition of the U.S. Index of Health Ownership (IHOP), the only project that ranks states’ health care according to principles of individual choice. This is very different from other rankings of health care in the states, because ...
John R. Graham
August 12, 2008
Business & Economics
Verizon, Alltel Merger Brings Questions About Worker Health
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers wants the Federal Communications Commission to require Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) and Alltel Corp. (AT) to adopt a nationwide safety program protecting people from harmful radio frequencies as a condition of their proposed merger. At issue is the health of electricians, ...
Fawn Johnson
August 11, 2008
Business & Economics
Sing a Song of Freedom
The Singing Revolution. Mountain View Productions, unrated. Running time 96 minutes. The small nation of Estonia, strategically placed at the east end of the Baltic, had been prey for conquerors for centuries. It acquired a serious existential problem in 1939, when Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin divvied up Europe ...
K. Lloyd Billingsley
August 11, 2008
Business & Economics
Lessons for Sacramento from San Francisco’s high-tech heist
For nine days last month, San Francisco’s state-of-the-art new computer network was held hostage by a convicted felon. Even a team of Silicon Valley’s best and brightest engineers working around the clock could not crack his code. Finally, in a secret midnight meeting at the Hall of Justice, the mayor ...
Daniel R. Ballon
August 10, 2008
Business & Economics
Political Gain and Net Neutrality
Last week, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) came under fire for making a ruling that many consider outside its authority. Without levying a fine, it charged that Comcast (Nasdaq: CMCSK) violated federal policy when it interfered with a file-sharing application used by consumers. This new plot twist in the Net ...
Sonia Arrison
August 8, 2008
Business & Economics
New Chinese Antitrust Law Threatens America’s High-Tech Leadership
As athletes from around the world gather in Beijing for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, the Chinese government has its eyes on the gold. The gold that China wins on the field of play, however, will pale in comparison to the riches it plunders from America’s most successful innovators. Armed ...
Daniel R. Ballon
August 8, 2008
Business & Economics
‘Facts’ cited in Steve Cohen’s attack on judicial system not credible
STEVE COHEN is no friend of West Virginia. If he were, he would stop trashing our state every time a West Virginia newspaper is willing to publish one of his slanted rants against our judicial system. His recent Gazette op-ed, which had already appeared in the U.S. Chamber-funded West Virginia ...
Allan N. Karlin
August 8, 2008
Crist’s court appointments can end ‘lawsuit lottery’
As the media fixate on Sen. John McCain’s short list of potential running mates, the eye of America is focused on Gov. Charlie Crist. But as Crist’s attention is increasingly lured toward the presidential campaign, he must not fail to recognize his responsibility to the people of Florida. Florida is ...
State’s tort reform laws among nation’s best
State Sen. John Carey was right to praise the Ohio General Assembly for its efforts to improve Ohio’s business climate through initiatives like tort reform (“Excessive regulations stifles state’s growth,” Aug. 6). In fact, Ohio is setting an example that other states would be wise to follow. As Sen. Carey ...
Neo-Prohibitionism, Alcohol Taxes, and Central Planning in California
The last time I had a critical look at the neo-prohibitionists, it was via a pamphlet opposing a tobacco tax hike in California. Now, the Marin Institute has completed a “landmark” study suggesting that we need to hike alcohol taxes in the Golden State. And landmark it certainly is: the ...
Ranking Health Care in the States: The Most Important Input is the Patient
State-Based Health Reforms Demand State-Based Performance Measurements This month, PRI publishes the second edition of the U.S. Index of Health Ownership (IHOP), the only project that ranks states’ health care according to principles of individual choice. This is very different from other rankings of health care in the states, because ...
Verizon, Alltel Merger Brings Questions About Worker Health
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers wants the Federal Communications Commission to require Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) and Alltel Corp. (AT) to adopt a nationwide safety program protecting people from harmful radio frequencies as a condition of their proposed merger. At issue is the health of electricians, ...
Sing a Song of Freedom
The Singing Revolution. Mountain View Productions, unrated. Running time 96 minutes. The small nation of Estonia, strategically placed at the east end of the Baltic, had been prey for conquerors for centuries. It acquired a serious existential problem in 1939, when Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin divvied up Europe ...
Lessons for Sacramento from San Francisco’s high-tech heist
For nine days last month, San Francisco’s state-of-the-art new computer network was held hostage by a convicted felon. Even a team of Silicon Valley’s best and brightest engineers working around the clock could not crack his code. Finally, in a secret midnight meeting at the Hall of Justice, the mayor ...
Political Gain and Net Neutrality
Last week, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) came under fire for making a ruling that many consider outside its authority. Without levying a fine, it charged that Comcast (Nasdaq: CMCSK) violated federal policy when it interfered with a file-sharing application used by consumers. This new plot twist in the Net ...
New Chinese Antitrust Law Threatens America’s High-Tech Leadership
As athletes from around the world gather in Beijing for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, the Chinese government has its eyes on the gold. The gold that China wins on the field of play, however, will pale in comparison to the riches it plunders from America’s most successful innovators. Armed ...
‘Facts’ cited in Steve Cohen’s attack on judicial system not credible
STEVE COHEN is no friend of West Virginia. If he were, he would stop trashing our state every time a West Virginia newspaper is willing to publish one of his slanted rants against our judicial system. His recent Gazette op-ed, which had already appeared in the U.S. Chamber-funded West Virginia ...