Business & Economics

Business & Economics

Northeast policies oppress enterprise

THE RESULTS ARE IN, and for residents of America’s Northeast, the news is not good. With the notable exception of New Hampshire, the nine states of the Northeast continue to be the worst places for economic freedom. According to the 2008 U.S. Economic Freedom Index from the Pacific Research Institute, ...
Business & Economics

Sacramento Sell-Out: Even the Laws Have a Price

Only two weeks after lawmakers in Sacramento passed a budget, the state is already in the red. As Governor Schwarzenegger and the legislature debate more spending cuts and accounting tricks, another solution may be right in front of them: more laws. In California, government owns the laws and forces people ...
Business & Economics

Riding the Revenue Rollercoaster

After a record impasse, the sages of Sacramento have finally agreed on a budget for California, a $144-billion bonanza with unprecedented general fund spending but without structural reform in the state’s finances. The boom-bust revenue rollercoaster is still in place, and Californians can expect a bigger budget crisis in a ...
Business & Economics

Federal Reserve Employs Tools to Ease Credit Fears

JIM LEHRER: This day in the financial crisis began with the Federal Reserve. It took the unprecedented move to buy short-term debt to thaw out frozen credit markets. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke laid out just how bad those conditions are during a speech today. BEN BERNANKE, Federal Reserve Chairman: Even ...
Business & Economics

Whether McCain or Obama, Tech Policy Is Bound to Change

Technology policy is not center stage in this year’s presidential campaign, much as the competitive community might wish otherwise. Each candidate – Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Barack Obama, D-Ill. — is consumed with weightier subjects, namely the economy and Iraq, analysts and industry insiders say. That’s not to say ...
Business & Economics

A Strike Against Labor

If one were looking to make a statement about fiscal prudence in the $3.3 billion budget for the University of California system, wiping out a single $5.4 million research program probably wouldn’t be how you’d do it. Which suggests that, despite his remarks to the contrary, there was probably another ...
Business & Economics

A Lesson both Modern and Ancient for the Tax Commission

Now that the legislative session is over and Speaker Karen Bass is contemplating her commission on taxation, I want to recommend a piece in the September 25th Sacramento Bee by Jason Clemens of the Pacific Research Institute. Clemens, a Canadian, tells the tale of how Canada’s left leaning political party ...
Business & Economics

Glenn Beck: Problem solved! Not

GLENN: We fixed the banking problem. STU: Friday banking crisis solved, right? GLENN: Yes. STU: So California, today California problem. Tomorrow, California bailout. GLENN: Solved. STU: Wednesday, California solved. Why don’t we just pass bailouts for everything, then everything would be solved. GLENN: I love this idea. May I tell ...
Business & Economics

Let Entrepreneurs Fix the Problem Government Made

As the financial crisis intensifies, we hear ever more claims that emergency times justify government measures unthinkable a mere 14 months ago. Even some libertarians, who would cry foul if a third world dictator nationalized an industry, are calling for the government to take equity positions in major financial institutions. ...

Network Theory Can Explain US Credit Crunch

The financial crisis currently consuming the U.S. has led tech industry leaders, such as Microsoft’s (Nasdaq: MSFT) Steve Ballmer, to speak out in favor of quick Congressional action. Tech stocks, as well as general stocks, have plummeted, and there is confusion over why this crisis is happening and spreading so ...
Business & Economics

Northeast policies oppress enterprise

THE RESULTS ARE IN, and for residents of America’s Northeast, the news is not good. With the notable exception of New Hampshire, the nine states of the Northeast continue to be the worst places for economic freedom. According to the 2008 U.S. Economic Freedom Index from the Pacific Research Institute, ...
Business & Economics

Sacramento Sell-Out: Even the Laws Have a Price

Only two weeks after lawmakers in Sacramento passed a budget, the state is already in the red. As Governor Schwarzenegger and the legislature debate more spending cuts and accounting tricks, another solution may be right in front of them: more laws. In California, government owns the laws and forces people ...
Business & Economics

Riding the Revenue Rollercoaster

After a record impasse, the sages of Sacramento have finally agreed on a budget for California, a $144-billion bonanza with unprecedented general fund spending but without structural reform in the state’s finances. The boom-bust revenue rollercoaster is still in place, and Californians can expect a bigger budget crisis in a ...
Business & Economics

Federal Reserve Employs Tools to Ease Credit Fears

JIM LEHRER: This day in the financial crisis began with the Federal Reserve. It took the unprecedented move to buy short-term debt to thaw out frozen credit markets. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke laid out just how bad those conditions are during a speech today. BEN BERNANKE, Federal Reserve Chairman: Even ...
Business & Economics

Whether McCain or Obama, Tech Policy Is Bound to Change

Technology policy is not center stage in this year’s presidential campaign, much as the competitive community might wish otherwise. Each candidate – Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Barack Obama, D-Ill. — is consumed with weightier subjects, namely the economy and Iraq, analysts and industry insiders say. That’s not to say ...
Business & Economics

A Strike Against Labor

If one were looking to make a statement about fiscal prudence in the $3.3 billion budget for the University of California system, wiping out a single $5.4 million research program probably wouldn’t be how you’d do it. Which suggests that, despite his remarks to the contrary, there was probably another ...
Business & Economics

A Lesson both Modern and Ancient for the Tax Commission

Now that the legislative session is over and Speaker Karen Bass is contemplating her commission on taxation, I want to recommend a piece in the September 25th Sacramento Bee by Jason Clemens of the Pacific Research Institute. Clemens, a Canadian, tells the tale of how Canada’s left leaning political party ...
Business & Economics

Glenn Beck: Problem solved! Not

GLENN: We fixed the banking problem. STU: Friday banking crisis solved, right? GLENN: Yes. STU: So California, today California problem. Tomorrow, California bailout. GLENN: Solved. STU: Wednesday, California solved. Why don’t we just pass bailouts for everything, then everything would be solved. GLENN: I love this idea. May I tell ...
Business & Economics

Let Entrepreneurs Fix the Problem Government Made

As the financial crisis intensifies, we hear ever more claims that emergency times justify government measures unthinkable a mere 14 months ago. Even some libertarians, who would cry foul if a third world dictator nationalized an industry, are calling for the government to take equity positions in major financial institutions. ...

Network Theory Can Explain US Credit Crunch

The financial crisis currently consuming the U.S. has led tech industry leaders, such as Microsoft’s (Nasdaq: MSFT) Steve Ballmer, to speak out in favor of quick Congressional action. Tech stocks, as well as general stocks, have plummeted, and there is confusion over why this crisis is happening and spreading so ...
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