Business & Economics

Business & Economics

Porky omnibus bill slides past Obama

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — Over the weekend President Barack Obama’s staff made it clear he is going to sign the omnibus spending bill. In doing so, Obama is going back on his campaign promise to cut earmarks. Even before the House passed the omnibus spending bill, Americans had been hearing ...
Business & Economics

Nothing Paradoxical About Thrift

To address our current economic woes, classically-minded economists argue that the government should get out of the way and let the market heal itself. They warn that massive government “stimulus” packages only divert resources away from the private sector, thus delaying recovery.1 Keynesian economists say the opposite. They argue that ...
Business & Economics

Colorado ranks no. 2 in index of free states

DENVER • Do you read stories about our state government and wonder, “Why don’t they just stop messing around and leave me alone?” According to a study, Colorado does a better job of leaving you alone than almost every other state. Only New Hampshire, and only by a whisker, scores ...
Business & Economics

The stimulus bill and American health care

Orange County Register, March 1, 2009 Tom Daschle’s nomination to be secretary of Health and Human Services misfired, but that has not stopped President Barack Obama from loading billions of dollars onto the wagon of government-run health care. And he wants to shovel them in as fast as possible. On ...
Business & Economics

Florida Legislature Rejects Proposed Cigarette Tax Increase

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), March 1, 2009 Health Care News (Heartland Institute), March 1, 2009 The Florida House of Representatives has rejected a proposal to increase the state tax on cigarettes by $1 per pack in an effort to sustain the state’s Medicaid program and finance other proposed health ...
Business & Economics

Will the Employee Free Choice Act aid or undo labor’s gains?

President Obama is committed to pragmatism and reforms that “work” for the improvement of the economy. The president’s commitment faces a tough test in one congressional proposal now on the horizon. The bill, known as the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) represents one of the most fundamental and sweeping changes ...
Business & Economics

The Taxman Clicketh

State lawmakers last week passed the largest tax increase in California history, and will soon consider taking their expanding quest for revenue online. A proposal by Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) would force many Internet retailers to collect sales tax on all orders placed by California consumers. Based on a similar ...
Business & Economics

The Scandalous Proposal of New York’s Anti-Tech Governor

In an effort to tackle New York’s nearly US$15 billion budget deficit, Governor David Paterson has proposed taxing downloads of software, music and other content, including pornography. This proposal comes at a time when the economy is in freefall and the so-called “stimulus” package is going to cost taxpayers much ...
Business & Economics

How ‘Green’ Are You?

President Obama, who wants to emphasize science, has chosen Carol Browner for his “Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change,” a new post being dubbed the “Climate Czar.” Browner’s recent career will be of interest to Americans struggling with a weak economy and cold weather. Browner is not ...
Business & Economics

Card check – U.S. moving in wrong direction

The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), a likely hot button for the Obama administration, would fundamentally alter the balance of power in the U.S. labor market and impose enormous costs on workers. Ironically, as America moves to fundamentally change the way unions are certified, other countries, like Canada, are moving ...
Business & Economics

Porky omnibus bill slides past Obama

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — Over the weekend President Barack Obama’s staff made it clear he is going to sign the omnibus spending bill. In doing so, Obama is going back on his campaign promise to cut earmarks. Even before the House passed the omnibus spending bill, Americans had been hearing ...
Business & Economics

Nothing Paradoxical About Thrift

To address our current economic woes, classically-minded economists argue that the government should get out of the way and let the market heal itself. They warn that massive government “stimulus” packages only divert resources away from the private sector, thus delaying recovery.1 Keynesian economists say the opposite. They argue that ...
Business & Economics

Colorado ranks no. 2 in index of free states

DENVER • Do you read stories about our state government and wonder, “Why don’t they just stop messing around and leave me alone?” According to a study, Colorado does a better job of leaving you alone than almost every other state. Only New Hampshire, and only by a whisker, scores ...
Business & Economics

The stimulus bill and American health care

Orange County Register, March 1, 2009 Tom Daschle’s nomination to be secretary of Health and Human Services misfired, but that has not stopped President Barack Obama from loading billions of dollars onto the wagon of government-run health care. And he wants to shovel them in as fast as possible. On ...
Business & Economics

Florida Legislature Rejects Proposed Cigarette Tax Increase

Health Care News (Heartland Institute), March 1, 2009 Health Care News (Heartland Institute), March 1, 2009 The Florida House of Representatives has rejected a proposal to increase the state tax on cigarettes by $1 per pack in an effort to sustain the state’s Medicaid program and finance other proposed health ...
Business & Economics

Will the Employee Free Choice Act aid or undo labor’s gains?

President Obama is committed to pragmatism and reforms that “work” for the improvement of the economy. The president’s commitment faces a tough test in one congressional proposal now on the horizon. The bill, known as the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) represents one of the most fundamental and sweeping changes ...
Business & Economics

The Taxman Clicketh

State lawmakers last week passed the largest tax increase in California history, and will soon consider taking their expanding quest for revenue online. A proposal by Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) would force many Internet retailers to collect sales tax on all orders placed by California consumers. Based on a similar ...
Business & Economics

The Scandalous Proposal of New York’s Anti-Tech Governor

In an effort to tackle New York’s nearly US$15 billion budget deficit, Governor David Paterson has proposed taxing downloads of software, music and other content, including pornography. This proposal comes at a time when the economy is in freefall and the so-called “stimulus” package is going to cost taxpayers much ...
Business & Economics

How ‘Green’ Are You?

President Obama, who wants to emphasize science, has chosen Carol Browner for his “Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change,” a new post being dubbed the “Climate Czar.” Browner’s recent career will be of interest to Americans struggling with a weak economy and cold weather. Browner is not ...
Business & Economics

Card check – U.S. moving in wrong direction

The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), a likely hot button for the Obama administration, would fundamentally alter the balance of power in the U.S. labor market and impose enormous costs on workers. Ironically, as America moves to fundamentally change the way unions are certified, other countries, like Canada, are moving ...
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