Business & Economics

Business & Economics

Some Governments Fail to Learn from Muni Wi-fi Failures

Municipal wi-fi programs have failed across the country during the past two years, leaving San Francisco-based Meraki as one of few companies still willing to give it a go. As a result, tech experts are cautioning cities against getting wooed into providing “free” wi-fi again. “Muni wi-fi isn’t working because ...

Health-care budget realities

Before President-elect Barack Obama attempts to overhaul America’s health-care system and put us on the road toward “universal” coverage, he should have a chat with his new budget director, Peter Orszag. As former head of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the agency responsible for estimating the cost of federal legislation, ...
Business & Economics

Governor’s Entrepreneurship Conference offers recommendations

To find out which state policies California’s small-business owners would like to change, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger recently convened a two-day conference in Los Angeles. Greater government dependency and intervention will reduce innovation, economic growth and job creation. Or, as Albert Einstein said, “Bureaucracy is the death of all sound work.” ...
Business & Economics

Don’t let trial lawyers overdose on drug suits

President Barack Obama shattered some old paradigms for how to finance a campaign. But he and his Democratic colleagues stuck to the script when it comes to leaning on trial lawyers for campaign cash. During this last election season, federal Democratic candidates collected more than $136 million from lawyers, the ...
Business & Economics

Some Stimulating Reading

Some Stimulating Reading With the bloated, ramshackle, pork-laden, grotesque corruption of a “stimulus bill” now headed to the U.S. Senate, here’s a handy list of arguments and sources as we debate America’s new lurch towards European-style social democracy: The Pacific Research Institute’s Robert Murphy explains the economic-policy mistake that underlies ...
Business & Economics

CNBC News – Central Bank’s Next Move

What to expect from the Fed, with Michelle Girard, RBS Greenwich Capital and Lee Hoskins former Cleveland Federal Reserve president, senior fellow at Pacific Research Institute.
Business & Economics

Mixed-bag of recommendations

Which state policies would California’s small-business owners like to change? To find out, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger recently convened a two-day conference in Los Angeles. The first-ever “Governor’s Conference on Small Business and Entrepreneurship” included small-business owners, community-college administrators, state employment and development officials, trade-group representatives, and policy researchers, including me. ...
Business & Economics

Economic Freedom Is The Best Cure For Recession

As Americans buckle down for what could be a severe recession, many state governments are scrambling to find ways to keep their economies afloat. Unfortunately, when it comes to economic freedom—a major component of a state’s business climate—New Jersey is falling far behind. According to the U.S. Economic Freedom Index, ...
Business & Economics

Antioch business workshops try to keep small employers afloat

Contra Costa Times (CA), January 24, 2009 Parwin Fazli is determined to keep her company afloat even as every week seems to bring word of another business caving to the weak economy. “We have to make it,” said Fazli, co-owner of the Antioch limousine service All Vital Transportation. “We have ...
Business & Economics

Obama Set to Change Science and Tech

When Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States this week, he promised that his administration would “restore science to its rightful place.” Whether reality will fit the rhetoric remains to be seen, and there are reasons to be both optimistic and a little wary. ...
Business & Economics

Some Governments Fail to Learn from Muni Wi-fi Failures

Municipal wi-fi programs have failed across the country during the past two years, leaving San Francisco-based Meraki as one of few companies still willing to give it a go. As a result, tech experts are cautioning cities against getting wooed into providing “free” wi-fi again. “Muni wi-fi isn’t working because ...

Health-care budget realities

Before President-elect Barack Obama attempts to overhaul America’s health-care system and put us on the road toward “universal” coverage, he should have a chat with his new budget director, Peter Orszag. As former head of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the agency responsible for estimating the cost of federal legislation, ...
Business & Economics

Governor’s Entrepreneurship Conference offers recommendations

To find out which state policies California’s small-business owners would like to change, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger recently convened a two-day conference in Los Angeles. Greater government dependency and intervention will reduce innovation, economic growth and job creation. Or, as Albert Einstein said, “Bureaucracy is the death of all sound work.” ...
Business & Economics

Don’t let trial lawyers overdose on drug suits

President Barack Obama shattered some old paradigms for how to finance a campaign. But he and his Democratic colleagues stuck to the script when it comes to leaning on trial lawyers for campaign cash. During this last election season, federal Democratic candidates collected more than $136 million from lawyers, the ...
Business & Economics

Some Stimulating Reading

Some Stimulating Reading With the bloated, ramshackle, pork-laden, grotesque corruption of a “stimulus bill” now headed to the U.S. Senate, here’s a handy list of arguments and sources as we debate America’s new lurch towards European-style social democracy: The Pacific Research Institute’s Robert Murphy explains the economic-policy mistake that underlies ...
Business & Economics

CNBC News – Central Bank’s Next Move

What to expect from the Fed, with Michelle Girard, RBS Greenwich Capital and Lee Hoskins former Cleveland Federal Reserve president, senior fellow at Pacific Research Institute.
Business & Economics

Mixed-bag of recommendations

Which state policies would California’s small-business owners like to change? To find out, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger recently convened a two-day conference in Los Angeles. The first-ever “Governor’s Conference on Small Business and Entrepreneurship” included small-business owners, community-college administrators, state employment and development officials, trade-group representatives, and policy researchers, including me. ...
Business & Economics

Economic Freedom Is The Best Cure For Recession

As Americans buckle down for what could be a severe recession, many state governments are scrambling to find ways to keep their economies afloat. Unfortunately, when it comes to economic freedom—a major component of a state’s business climate—New Jersey is falling far behind. According to the U.S. Economic Freedom Index, ...
Business & Economics

Antioch business workshops try to keep small employers afloat

Contra Costa Times (CA), January 24, 2009 Parwin Fazli is determined to keep her company afloat even as every week seems to bring word of another business caving to the weak economy. “We have to make it,” said Fazli, co-owner of the Antioch limousine service All Vital Transportation. “We have ...
Business & Economics

Obama Set to Change Science and Tech

When Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States this week, he promised that his administration would “restore science to its rightful place.” Whether reality will fit the rhetoric remains to be seen, and there are reasons to be both optimistic and a little wary. ...
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