Business & Economics

Business & Economics

Why It’s OK for Newspapers to Die

The transition that’s taking place in the news publishing industry — from print to online — is a healthy step in technology-driven evolution, though there will undoubtedly be some short-term pain. The loss of print newspapers is akin to the loss of the horse and buggy. The Internet offers the ...
Business & Economics

CNBC News: Fed Backs U.S. Economy

Insight on the Federal Reserve’s ‘build-up the balance sheet’ program, with Art Laffer, Laffer Investments; Lee Hoskins, Pacific Research Institute; and CNBC’s Rick Santelli, Steve Liesman & Larry Kudlow.
Business & Economics

Union Bosses, Corporate Lobbyists, and Maybe Even A Secretary of Health

Within three weeks of his inauguration, President Obama made a “down payment” on health reform that would put any used-car buyer to shame. Last month, we noted that President Obama had increased the fragmentation, bureaucracy, and cost of health care in at least three ways. Mr. Obama’s kids’ health program ...
Business & Economics

FED FOCUS-Internal dissent over Fed action won’t halt policy

WASHINGTON, March 13 (Reuters) – Some Federal Reserve insiders are breaking ranks in alarm over action by the U.S. central bank to tackle the credit crisis, but this unusually blunt display of dissent will not force a reversal in policy. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has made plain that he will ...
Business & Economics

U. S. moving in wrong direction with card check

The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), a likely hot button for the Obama administration, would fundamentally alter the balance of power in the U. S. labor market and impose enormous costs on workers. Ironically, as America moves to fundamentally change the way unions are certified, other countries, like Canada, are ...
Business & Economics

Canada’s big chance

Financial Post (Ontario, Canada), March 10, 2009 President Obama’s radical response to the recession could give Canada a massive economic advantage Yesterday, Prime Minister Harper highlighted his government’s plans for dealing with the economic slowdown and presented the crisis as an opportunity for Canada: “Ultimately, it is an opportunity to ...
Business & Economics

Some states are more free than others

Valley Morning Star (Harlington, TX), March 9, 2009 If you expect state and local government to provide a life for you and your family, you live in the wrong place. If you think government should create a job for you, you’re in the wrong place. You should leave Colorado and ...
Business & Economics

Class-Action Lawsuits Gone Wild

By itself, this isn’t such a big deal: A non-profit hospital system in upstate New York settles a class-action lawsuit brought by a couple of nurses for $1.25 million. Plaintiffs alleged that the hospitals conspired to artificially lower nurses’ wages. The Wall Street Journal reports that the settlement will be ...

Obama administration policies not American

Renew America (Washington, D.C.), March 9, 2009 Part 2–socialized medicine: The end of America as we know it? (See Part 1 — 2/9/09) The just-concluded health care “summit” at the White House was so much window dressing, giving the appearance of hearing from “all sides” before Barack Obama, this nation’s ...
Business & Economics

U.S. can’t afford Obama’s plans or the taxes that go with them

The pork-laden “stimulus” bill that President Obama recently signed contained more than $100 billion in new government health-care spending. If the president and his congressional allies have their way, though, that’s just the beginning of a vast expansion of government funded health care. Two recent studies from the nonpartisan Congressional ...
Business & Economics

Why It’s OK for Newspapers to Die

The transition that’s taking place in the news publishing industry — from print to online — is a healthy step in technology-driven evolution, though there will undoubtedly be some short-term pain. The loss of print newspapers is akin to the loss of the horse and buggy. The Internet offers the ...
Business & Economics

CNBC News: Fed Backs U.S. Economy

Insight on the Federal Reserve’s ‘build-up the balance sheet’ program, with Art Laffer, Laffer Investments; Lee Hoskins, Pacific Research Institute; and CNBC’s Rick Santelli, Steve Liesman & Larry Kudlow.
Business & Economics

Union Bosses, Corporate Lobbyists, and Maybe Even A Secretary of Health

Within three weeks of his inauguration, President Obama made a “down payment” on health reform that would put any used-car buyer to shame. Last month, we noted that President Obama had increased the fragmentation, bureaucracy, and cost of health care in at least three ways. Mr. Obama’s kids’ health program ...
Business & Economics

FED FOCUS-Internal dissent over Fed action won’t halt policy

WASHINGTON, March 13 (Reuters) – Some Federal Reserve insiders are breaking ranks in alarm over action by the U.S. central bank to tackle the credit crisis, but this unusually blunt display of dissent will not force a reversal in policy. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has made plain that he will ...
Business & Economics

U. S. moving in wrong direction with card check

The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), a likely hot button for the Obama administration, would fundamentally alter the balance of power in the U. S. labor market and impose enormous costs on workers. Ironically, as America moves to fundamentally change the way unions are certified, other countries, like Canada, are ...
Business & Economics

Canada’s big chance

Financial Post (Ontario, Canada), March 10, 2009 President Obama’s radical response to the recession could give Canada a massive economic advantage Yesterday, Prime Minister Harper highlighted his government’s plans for dealing with the economic slowdown and presented the crisis as an opportunity for Canada: “Ultimately, it is an opportunity to ...
Business & Economics

Some states are more free than others

Valley Morning Star (Harlington, TX), March 9, 2009 If you expect state and local government to provide a life for you and your family, you live in the wrong place. If you think government should create a job for you, you’re in the wrong place. You should leave Colorado and ...
Business & Economics

Class-Action Lawsuits Gone Wild

By itself, this isn’t such a big deal: A non-profit hospital system in upstate New York settles a class-action lawsuit brought by a couple of nurses for $1.25 million. Plaintiffs alleged that the hospitals conspired to artificially lower nurses’ wages. The Wall Street Journal reports that the settlement will be ...

Obama administration policies not American

Renew America (Washington, D.C.), March 9, 2009 Part 2–socialized medicine: The end of America as we know it? (See Part 1 — 2/9/09) The just-concluded health care “summit” at the White House was so much window dressing, giving the appearance of hearing from “all sides” before Barack Obama, this nation’s ...
Business & Economics

U.S. can’t afford Obama’s plans or the taxes that go with them

The pork-laden “stimulus” bill that President Obama recently signed contained more than $100 billion in new government health-care spending. If the president and his congressional allies have their way, though, that’s just the beginning of a vast expansion of government funded health care. Two recent studies from the nonpartisan Congressional ...
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