Business & Economics


Attention Greens and Geeks: Time for an Energy Revolution

Earth Day is fast approaching, yet despite the awareness this day brings, most people are powering their computers with electricity from coal-burning power plants, delivered by “dumb” networks. Change is long overdue, and it’s not a difficult matter. The electricity grid’s basic structure hasn’t changed much since Thomas Edison came ...
Business & Economics

Patent system exploited

A federal agency on Friday barred the second-largest supplier of high-definition televisions in North America from selling its products in the United States. This action reveals a patent system badly in need of reform. The U.S. International Trade Commission punished Irvine’s Vizio for infringing on a competitor’s patent, even though ...
Business & Economics

The Left’s pension dilemma

You know the pension tsunami is getting close to shore when the mainstream media are filled with hard-hitting stories about the coming crisis, such as the front-page article April 11 in the Sacramento Bee and Fresno Bee, documenting the manner in which huge pension costs for retired public employees “threaten ...
Business & Economics

The Sizzle of Economic Freedom and the Fizzle of Minnesota

Most Minnesotans don’t realize what restrictions on their economic freedom are costing them. If they realized the benefits that would flow to them with more economic freedom, they would be beating down the doors of the legislature demanding not just a stop to proposed government curtailment of their right to ...
Business & Economics

California’s ‘Spending Limit’ Is A Sham

The outlook for the California economy is dreadful, driven by a deeply perverse tax and regulatory environment, combined with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s highly successful five-year effort to avoid hard choices. And so the state budget, the utter profligacy of which for years has been papered over with accounting tricks and ...
Business & Economics

Must Read: WSJ’s Steve Moore On Proposition 1A “Not So Golden”

A “must read” by Steve Moore, the lead economics writer for the Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Page… Not So Golden SAN DIEGO, Calif. — A key component of the budget deal that California’s Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger struck with the Democrats earlier this year was a ballot initiative to limit ...
Business & Economics

Obama’s radical economic remake promises gloomy future

President Barack Obama’s budget plan illustrates the degree to which he wants to reconstruct the U.S. economy. So radical are the changes of Obamanomics, and so at odds with historical experience, that the next few months may very well decide the economic future of the United States for a generation. ...
Business & Economics

Will ObamaNomics work? A debate between a liberal and a Libertarian

Robert P. Murphy, Senior Fellow in Business and Economic Studies, debates Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, DC., in this NPR radio show “Work with Marty Nemko” hosted by Marty Nemko. The topic: Will ObamaNomics work?
Business & Economics

Obama Misreads His Mandate

Reagan didn’t assume his landslide was a license for whatever he wanted. President Barack Obama’s honeymoon period seems to have ended quickly. That’s because Mr. Obama doesn’t grasp the essentials of presidential leadership. Rather than making a compelling case for his economic policies, he has resorted to curt rebuffs, such ...
Business & Economics

California commission considers tax changes

It seemed appropriate that a panel examining ways to overhaul the state’s tax structure met Thursday in the academic confines of UC Davis rather than the politically charged Capitol. The discussion focused on the theoretical, from examining the merits of a flat income tax to considering a “split-roll” property tax ...

Attention Greens and Geeks: Time for an Energy Revolution

Earth Day is fast approaching, yet despite the awareness this day brings, most people are powering their computers with electricity from coal-burning power plants, delivered by “dumb” networks. Change is long overdue, and it’s not a difficult matter. The electricity grid’s basic structure hasn’t changed much since Thomas Edison came ...
Business & Economics

Patent system exploited

A federal agency on Friday barred the second-largest supplier of high-definition televisions in North America from selling its products in the United States. This action reveals a patent system badly in need of reform. The U.S. International Trade Commission punished Irvine’s Vizio for infringing on a competitor’s patent, even though ...
Business & Economics

The Left’s pension dilemma

You know the pension tsunami is getting close to shore when the mainstream media are filled with hard-hitting stories about the coming crisis, such as the front-page article April 11 in the Sacramento Bee and Fresno Bee, documenting the manner in which huge pension costs for retired public employees “threaten ...
Business & Economics

The Sizzle of Economic Freedom and the Fizzle of Minnesota

Most Minnesotans don’t realize what restrictions on their economic freedom are costing them. If they realized the benefits that would flow to them with more economic freedom, they would be beating down the doors of the legislature demanding not just a stop to proposed government curtailment of their right to ...
Business & Economics

California’s ‘Spending Limit’ Is A Sham

The outlook for the California economy is dreadful, driven by a deeply perverse tax and regulatory environment, combined with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s highly successful five-year effort to avoid hard choices. And so the state budget, the utter profligacy of which for years has been papered over with accounting tricks and ...
Business & Economics

Must Read: WSJ’s Steve Moore On Proposition 1A “Not So Golden”

A “must read” by Steve Moore, the lead economics writer for the Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Page… Not So Golden SAN DIEGO, Calif. — A key component of the budget deal that California’s Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger struck with the Democrats earlier this year was a ballot initiative to limit ...
Business & Economics

Obama’s radical economic remake promises gloomy future

President Barack Obama’s budget plan illustrates the degree to which he wants to reconstruct the U.S. economy. So radical are the changes of Obamanomics, and so at odds with historical experience, that the next few months may very well decide the economic future of the United States for a generation. ...
Business & Economics

Will ObamaNomics work? A debate between a liberal and a Libertarian

Robert P. Murphy, Senior Fellow in Business and Economic Studies, debates Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, DC., in this NPR radio show “Work with Marty Nemko” hosted by Marty Nemko. The topic: Will ObamaNomics work?
Business & Economics

Obama Misreads His Mandate

Reagan didn’t assume his landslide was a license for whatever he wanted. President Barack Obama’s honeymoon period seems to have ended quickly. That’s because Mr. Obama doesn’t grasp the essentials of presidential leadership. Rather than making a compelling case for his economic policies, he has resorted to curt rebuffs, such ...
Business & Economics

California commission considers tax changes

It seemed appropriate that a panel examining ways to overhaul the state’s tax structure met Thursday in the academic confines of UC Davis rather than the politically charged Capitol. The discussion focused on the theoretical, from examining the merits of a flat income tax to considering a “split-roll” property tax ...
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