Business & Economics


Our Obama opportunity

In his first 100 days in office, President Barack Obama favoured us with a visit, said very gracious things about us, made supporting our Afghan mission politically respectable again, offered to help out our economy by buying maple leaf cookies for his daughters and hit approval ratings not seen since ...
Business & Economics

The Legal Problems Facing Florida Demand Attention From Our Legislators

Letter to the Editor: Florida’s legal system is in shamble as indicated by three national rankings. Several months ago the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) ranked South Florida as the No. 2 “judicial hellhole” in the nation. A few months later the Pacific Research Institute ranked Florida’s entire legal system ...
Business & Economics

How curious… GOPers in “target” seats endorse massive tax increases…

I am scratching my head a bit this morning, as I caught up with the news that two GOP Assemblymen from the Central Valley, Tom Berryhill and Danny Gilmore, have endorsed Proposition 1A. Other than the three infamous Republican Assemblymembers (Adams, Niello and Villines) who voted to tie $16 billion ...
Business & Economics

Will New Fed “Tools” Avert Hyperinflation?

04/22/09 Nashville, Tennessee People often accuse me of making “irresponsible” forecasts of massive price inflation. Even though they know that history is replete with examples of central banks ruining their currencies, these critics are sure that “it can’t happen here.” So in the present article I’d like to make the ...
Business & Economics

Has California finally hit the wall?

In a recent interview with Jason Clemens, Economist and Director of Research for the Pacific Research Institute, he explained that California’s budget problems are not really about taxes or the costs of illegal immigration. PRI is near completion of a large detailed study on California’s prosperity, or the lack thereof, ...
Business & Economics

California Has Fourth Latest Tax Freedom Day

The Tax Foundation recently released its annual Tax Freedom Day calculations. The news emanating from the report should be cause for great concern for all Americans, and Californians in particular. Tax Freedom Day represents the day when Americans begin to work for themselves after having paid their federal, state, and ...
Business & Economics

Nationalizing the Banks

Discussing the “backdoor” government takeover of banks, with Robert Albertson, Sandler O’Neill & Partners; Noam Scheiber, The New Republic; Lee Hoskins, Pacific Research Institute; and CNBC’s Larry Kudlow.
Business & Economics

The Real Lessons of the Great Depression

Since late 2007, more and more commentators have drawn parallels between our current financial crisis and the Great Depression. Nobel laureates and presidential advisorsDownload PDF confidently proclaim that it was Herbert Hoover’s laissez-faire penny pinching that exacerbated the Depression, and that the American economy was saved only when FDR boldly ...
Business & Economics

Prop. 1A’s passage would open doors to more taxation

In 1987, Gov. George Deukmejian gave California taxpayers a $1.1 billion rebate. Due to the Gann spending limit enacted in 1979, named after Proposition 13 co-author Paul Gann, the state had a budget surplus, making the rebate mandatory. Subsequent ballot measures, however, rendered the limit meaningless. Now we are being ...
Business & Economics

Robert Murphy to the Rescue

Myths about the Great Depression were once a mere annoyance. Now they have become a source for tyranny. The Bush-Obama response to the meltdown proves that one thing is certain: until we get the history of the 1930s right, liberty will be under threat of those trying to repeat the ...

Our Obama opportunity

In his first 100 days in office, President Barack Obama favoured us with a visit, said very gracious things about us, made supporting our Afghan mission politically respectable again, offered to help out our economy by buying maple leaf cookies for his daughters and hit approval ratings not seen since ...
Business & Economics

The Legal Problems Facing Florida Demand Attention From Our Legislators

Letter to the Editor: Florida’s legal system is in shamble as indicated by three national rankings. Several months ago the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) ranked South Florida as the No. 2 “judicial hellhole” in the nation. A few months later the Pacific Research Institute ranked Florida’s entire legal system ...
Business & Economics

How curious… GOPers in “target” seats endorse massive tax increases…

I am scratching my head a bit this morning, as I caught up with the news that two GOP Assemblymen from the Central Valley, Tom Berryhill and Danny Gilmore, have endorsed Proposition 1A. Other than the three infamous Republican Assemblymembers (Adams, Niello and Villines) who voted to tie $16 billion ...
Business & Economics

Will New Fed “Tools” Avert Hyperinflation?

04/22/09 Nashville, Tennessee People often accuse me of making “irresponsible” forecasts of massive price inflation. Even though they know that history is replete with examples of central banks ruining their currencies, these critics are sure that “it can’t happen here.” So in the present article I’d like to make the ...
Business & Economics

Has California finally hit the wall?

In a recent interview with Jason Clemens, Economist and Director of Research for the Pacific Research Institute, he explained that California’s budget problems are not really about taxes or the costs of illegal immigration. PRI is near completion of a large detailed study on California’s prosperity, or the lack thereof, ...
Business & Economics

California Has Fourth Latest Tax Freedom Day

The Tax Foundation recently released its annual Tax Freedom Day calculations. The news emanating from the report should be cause for great concern for all Americans, and Californians in particular. Tax Freedom Day represents the day when Americans begin to work for themselves after having paid their federal, state, and ...
Business & Economics

Nationalizing the Banks

Discussing the “backdoor” government takeover of banks, with Robert Albertson, Sandler O’Neill & Partners; Noam Scheiber, The New Republic; Lee Hoskins, Pacific Research Institute; and CNBC’s Larry Kudlow.
Business & Economics

The Real Lessons of the Great Depression

Since late 2007, more and more commentators have drawn parallels between our current financial crisis and the Great Depression. Nobel laureates and presidential advisorsDownload PDF confidently proclaim that it was Herbert Hoover’s laissez-faire penny pinching that exacerbated the Depression, and that the American economy was saved only when FDR boldly ...
Business & Economics

Prop. 1A’s passage would open doors to more taxation

In 1987, Gov. George Deukmejian gave California taxpayers a $1.1 billion rebate. Due to the Gann spending limit enacted in 1979, named after Proposition 13 co-author Paul Gann, the state had a budget surplus, making the rebate mandatory. Subsequent ballot measures, however, rendered the limit meaningless. Now we are being ...
Business & Economics

Robert Murphy to the Rescue

Myths about the Great Depression were once a mere annoyance. Now they have become a source for tyranny. The Bush-Obama response to the meltdown proves that one thing is certain: until we get the history of the 1930s right, liberty will be under threat of those trying to repeat the ...
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