Business & Economics

Business & Economics

Is California Too Big To Fail?

California, the state that gave us wheatgrass, the microprocessor and the summer of love, is about to provide us with yet another first: a bailout of a failing state government. Preliminary returns on Tuesday night show that voters soundly rejected ballot measures calling for higher taxes, meaning that the not-so-Golden ...
Business & Economics

Health Care Hold Up: Why Obama Won’t Give California Its Medi-Cal Bailout

Senator Barbara Boxer promised that California would get $11 billion in federal “stimulus” cash, which the embattled Golden State could use for a Medi-Cal bailout. But now President Obama is holding back almost $7 billion at the urging of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). The union was upset at ...
Business & Economics

A Closer Look at Personal Genomic Testing

PRI senior policy fellow in Technology Studies, Daniel Ballon, Ph.D., participated in a panel discussion at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco on Tuesday, May 19, 2009. The discussion examined genomic testing’s technology, its ramifications, government regulation of the industry, and whether individuals should have their genome analyzed. (Video length ...
Business & Economics

Oh Canada! … Role-Reversal in North America?

Stereotypes are often rooted in some current or past reality, but they can also become outdated. While the USA and Japan have for a long time been regarded as small-government countries, among industrial countries, Canada has long been considered more ‘socialistic’ and closer to the big-government model of Western Europe. ...
Business & Economics

Revive state’s start-up culture

Californians perceive the Golden State as a bastion of entrepreneurship and innovation, and in some ways they’re correct. Silicon Valley, after all, is a hub of researchers, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and innovators. But a look at the entire state tells a different story. California’s vaunted start-up culture is under siege. ...
Business & Economics

Great Right North

Reports last week that the recession is draining Social Security and Medicare funds were just one more reminder that the United States needs to fix its finances. For inspiration, why not look to Canada? Long derided by American conservatives as “socialist” and praised by the left for its generous government ...
Business & Economics

Exploding The Myth Of Green Jobs

Say Anything Blog, May 14, 2009 (Bismarck, ND), May 14 2009 12:00AM Great video of Dr. Robert Murphy talking about the myth of so-called “green jobs.” I’ll be interviewing Dr. Murphy on my radio show this Friday, and he’ll be appearing at the North Dakota Policy Council’s Free Market ...
Climate Change

High/Low: Is There Now Reasonable Agreement on the Costs and Benefits of Waxman-Markey?

Supporters of the Waxman-Markey climate bill have not seriously disputed the extreme costs and the negligible benefits estimated by critics of the cap-and-trade proposal. I must confess that I was expecting a real fight, but some very important markers seem to have been laid down in this legislative debate. Waxman-Markey ...
Business & Economics

A swift re-tort: How to fight lawsuit abuse

America’s economy remains in terrible shape and federal lawmakers are trying to kick-start a recovery by spending money. A better strategy would be to reform the country’s inefficient tort system, which is failing to promptly compensate true victims. Instead, meritless lawsuits clog courtrooms while outsized monetary awards cripple businesses and ...
Business & Economics

Time for a Reagan Smackdown

I’ve been trying all the known anger-management techniques to refrain from commenting on the Jeb Bush-inspired “get over Reagan” comments from the other day. This is really rich, coming from the awesomely successful Bush family, given the way President Bush 1 squandered Reagan’s legacy by raising taxes in 1990, and ...
Business & Economics

Is California Too Big To Fail?

California, the state that gave us wheatgrass, the microprocessor and the summer of love, is about to provide us with yet another first: a bailout of a failing state government. Preliminary returns on Tuesday night show that voters soundly rejected ballot measures calling for higher taxes, meaning that the not-so-Golden ...
Business & Economics

Health Care Hold Up: Why Obama Won’t Give California Its Medi-Cal Bailout

Senator Barbara Boxer promised that California would get $11 billion in federal “stimulus” cash, which the embattled Golden State could use for a Medi-Cal bailout. But now President Obama is holding back almost $7 billion at the urging of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). The union was upset at ...
Business & Economics

A Closer Look at Personal Genomic Testing

PRI senior policy fellow in Technology Studies, Daniel Ballon, Ph.D., participated in a panel discussion at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco on Tuesday, May 19, 2009. The discussion examined genomic testing’s technology, its ramifications, government regulation of the industry, and whether individuals should have their genome analyzed. (Video length ...
Business & Economics

Oh Canada! … Role-Reversal in North America?

Stereotypes are often rooted in some current or past reality, but they can also become outdated. While the USA and Japan have for a long time been regarded as small-government countries, among industrial countries, Canada has long been considered more ‘socialistic’ and closer to the big-government model of Western Europe. ...
Business & Economics

Revive state’s start-up culture

Californians perceive the Golden State as a bastion of entrepreneurship and innovation, and in some ways they’re correct. Silicon Valley, after all, is a hub of researchers, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and innovators. But a look at the entire state tells a different story. California’s vaunted start-up culture is under siege. ...
Business & Economics

Great Right North

Reports last week that the recession is draining Social Security and Medicare funds were just one more reminder that the United States needs to fix its finances. For inspiration, why not look to Canada? Long derided by American conservatives as “socialist” and praised by the left for its generous government ...
Business & Economics

Exploding The Myth Of Green Jobs

Say Anything Blog, May 14, 2009 (Bismarck, ND), May 14 2009 12:00AM Great video of Dr. Robert Murphy talking about the myth of so-called “green jobs.” I’ll be interviewing Dr. Murphy on my radio show this Friday, and he’ll be appearing at the North Dakota Policy Council’s Free Market ...
Climate Change

High/Low: Is There Now Reasonable Agreement on the Costs and Benefits of Waxman-Markey?

Supporters of the Waxman-Markey climate bill have not seriously disputed the extreme costs and the negligible benefits estimated by critics of the cap-and-trade proposal. I must confess that I was expecting a real fight, but some very important markers seem to have been laid down in this legislative debate. Waxman-Markey ...
Business & Economics

A swift re-tort: How to fight lawsuit abuse

America’s economy remains in terrible shape and federal lawmakers are trying to kick-start a recovery by spending money. A better strategy would be to reform the country’s inefficient tort system, which is failing to promptly compensate true victims. Instead, meritless lawsuits clog courtrooms while outsized monetary awards cripple businesses and ...
Business & Economics

Time for a Reagan Smackdown

I’ve been trying all the known anger-management techniques to refrain from commenting on the Jeb Bush-inspired “get over Reagan” comments from the other day. This is really rich, coming from the awesomely successful Bush family, given the way President Bush 1 squandered Reagan’s legacy by raising taxes in 1990, and ...
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