Business & Economics

Business & Economics

The Economics of Climate Change

During the last ten years, one of the biggest drivers of public opinion and policy has been concern over global warming or climate change. The economics of climate change uses economic theory and computer models to study the interactions among government policies, the climate system, and the economy. In this ...
Business & Economics

California Could Add Nearly 180,000 New Jobs at No Cost to Taxpayers

San Francisco, July 6, 2009 – California could add some 180,000 new jobs at no cost to taxpayers if the federal estate tax were repealed, according to research by the former director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, Douglas Holtz-Eakin. The research was conducted for the nonprofit American Family Business ...
Business & Economics

Christina Romer’s Faulty Depression History

Romer on the “Mistakes of 1937” Romer worries that President Obama will cave in to political pressures, and cut stimulus efforts before the economy has sufficiently healed. She alleges that this was the same mistake Roosevelt made after his initial (apparent) success in battling the Depression: [T]he recovery in the ...
Business & Economics

Digital Dialogues

Sonia Arrison covers such topics as new technologies, innovation, longevity science, and politics on here website “Digital Dialogues.” Sonia hopes that you enjoy the discussion and encourages you to join her mailing list in order to keep up with the latest articles and news. Click here for more.
Business & Economics

Rendell keeps digging deeper hole for Pa.

The new fiscal year for Pennsylvania began July 1. Just one little problem. The state opened the new budget year without a budget. Don’t fret too much. It’s not like we haven’t been down this road before. Ed Rendell has missed the budget deadline every year since taking over as ...

Sweden, Universal School Choice Vouchers, and the Case for Participation by For-Profit Firms

SWEDEN, UNIVERSAL SCHOOL-CHOICE VOUCHERS, AND THE CASE FOR PARTICIPATION BY FOR-PROFIT FIRMS Speech at the Almedalan Week Seminar Sponsored by Almega Tjansteforetagen and Friskolornas Riksforbund At Visby, Sweden On July 2, 2009 By Lance T. Izumi, J.D. Koret Senior Fellow and Senior Director in Education Studies Pacific Research Institute Preface: ...
Business & Economics

California’s Blueberry Hill: Quest for Spending Continues as Golden State Runs Out of Money

California’s wallet is empty, as Governor Schwarzenegger says, and the Golden State is staring down the barrel of a $26.3 billion deficit. That has not stopped legislative efforts to expand government, spending, and regulation. Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, a San Francisco Democrat, wants California to have a Blueberry Commission, with an ...
Business & Economics

California: The National Petri Dish

Supposedly, trends start in California and then spread to the rest of the country, a notion that seems to be confirmed by the latest economic news. In May, California’s unemployment rate hit 11.5 percent—the highest it has been since 1941. This morning we learn that unemployment for the entire country ...
Business & Economics

Chicago May Use Red Light Cameras to Catch Uninsured Drivers

Infotech & Telecom News (The Heartland Institute), July 1, 2009 Opposing Views (Los Angeles,CA), June 2, 2009 The city of Chicago is considering a new use for red light cameras: nabbing uninsured drivers. Technology experts and civil liberties advocates call the idea a violation of privacy and a misuse of ...
Business & Economics

Time to Sunset California’s “Relic” Stem Cell Institute

SACRAMENTO – The governance of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), the state stem cell institute, is inadequate to protect the interests of taxpayers and CIRM’s own goals, according to Stem Cell Research: Strengthening Governance to Further the Voters’ Mandate, a June 25 report from the Little Hoover Commission, ...
Business & Economics

The Economics of Climate Change

During the last ten years, one of the biggest drivers of public opinion and policy has been concern over global warming or climate change. The economics of climate change uses economic theory and computer models to study the interactions among government policies, the climate system, and the economy. In this ...
Business & Economics

California Could Add Nearly 180,000 New Jobs at No Cost to Taxpayers

San Francisco, July 6, 2009 – California could add some 180,000 new jobs at no cost to taxpayers if the federal estate tax were repealed, according to research by the former director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, Douglas Holtz-Eakin. The research was conducted for the nonprofit American Family Business ...
Business & Economics

Christina Romer’s Faulty Depression History

Romer on the “Mistakes of 1937” Romer worries that President Obama will cave in to political pressures, and cut stimulus efforts before the economy has sufficiently healed. She alleges that this was the same mistake Roosevelt made after his initial (apparent) success in battling the Depression: [T]he recovery in the ...
Business & Economics

Digital Dialogues

Sonia Arrison covers such topics as new technologies, innovation, longevity science, and politics on here website “Digital Dialogues.” Sonia hopes that you enjoy the discussion and encourages you to join her mailing list in order to keep up with the latest articles and news. Click here for more.
Business & Economics

Rendell keeps digging deeper hole for Pa.

The new fiscal year for Pennsylvania began July 1. Just one little problem. The state opened the new budget year without a budget. Don’t fret too much. It’s not like we haven’t been down this road before. Ed Rendell has missed the budget deadline every year since taking over as ...

Sweden, Universal School Choice Vouchers, and the Case for Participation by For-Profit Firms

SWEDEN, UNIVERSAL SCHOOL-CHOICE VOUCHERS, AND THE CASE FOR PARTICIPATION BY FOR-PROFIT FIRMS Speech at the Almedalan Week Seminar Sponsored by Almega Tjansteforetagen and Friskolornas Riksforbund At Visby, Sweden On July 2, 2009 By Lance T. Izumi, J.D. Koret Senior Fellow and Senior Director in Education Studies Pacific Research Institute Preface: ...
Business & Economics

California’s Blueberry Hill: Quest for Spending Continues as Golden State Runs Out of Money

California’s wallet is empty, as Governor Schwarzenegger says, and the Golden State is staring down the barrel of a $26.3 billion deficit. That has not stopped legislative efforts to expand government, spending, and regulation. Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, a San Francisco Democrat, wants California to have a Blueberry Commission, with an ...
Business & Economics

California: The National Petri Dish

Supposedly, trends start in California and then spread to the rest of the country, a notion that seems to be confirmed by the latest economic news. In May, California’s unemployment rate hit 11.5 percent—the highest it has been since 1941. This morning we learn that unemployment for the entire country ...
Business & Economics

Chicago May Use Red Light Cameras to Catch Uninsured Drivers

Infotech & Telecom News (The Heartland Institute), July 1, 2009 Opposing Views (Los Angeles,CA), June 2, 2009 The city of Chicago is considering a new use for red light cameras: nabbing uninsured drivers. Technology experts and civil liberties advocates call the idea a violation of privacy and a misuse of ...
Business & Economics

Time to Sunset California’s “Relic” Stem Cell Institute

SACRAMENTO – The governance of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), the state stem cell institute, is inadequate to protect the interests of taxpayers and CIRM’s own goals, according to Stem Cell Research: Strengthening Governance to Further the Voters’ Mandate, a June 25 report from the Little Hoover Commission, ...
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