Business & Economics

Business & Economics

The California Prosperity Project – Assessing California’s economic performance

From Senator George Runner From the start, California has enjoyed unique natural economic advantages over other states, from its regional location and deep sea ports to its temperate weather and year-round fertile agricultural land. Our world class university system, cutting edge research and development centers, and an ample, willing and ...
Business & Economics

What Has President Obama Done for Silicon Valley?

President Obama’s appointments of Silicon Valley outsiders were only the first indications that his administration would be less than friendly to the high-tech industry, despite campaign promises. Since then, it has shown an inclination toward tight regulatory practices and away from transparency. President Obama’s inability to fill even half of ...
Business & Economics

Conservative Leaders on Costly Lawsuits and Health Care Reform

MEMO FOR THE MOVEMENT RE: Costly lawsuit abuses drive up medical expenses and add billions of dollars to the cost of healthcare, but provide only marginal assistance to injured patients. Yet Congress refuses to address this problem or to make it part of meaningful healthcare reform. Concerned citizens need to ...
Business & Economics

What we need

In an interview with the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the Pacific Research Institute last week, Tom McClintock — one-time candidate for governor in California, one-time member of the state’s Assembly and Senate, and now a member of the House of Representatives — offered an opinion about why this state is ...
Business & Economics

Even When Krugman’s Right, He’s Wrong

In other words, Krugman’s enemies–Eugene Fama and John Cochrane–use invalid arguments but reach a true conclusion, namely that big government deficits don’t help an economy in recession. So here’s Krugman’s opening paragraph: Brad DeLong is upset about the stuff coming out of Chicago these days — and understandably so. First ...
Business & Economics

Why the Silver State Mines the Golden State for Business

Nevada is running a rather edgy advertising campaign to lure businesses from the Golden State to the Silver State. This could serve as a wakeup call for California, but the response so far is not encouraging. The $1 million campaign from the Nevada Development Authority puts a porcine spin on ...
Business & Economics

The Reagan Revolution and Its Discontents

His presidency was better than expected, but worse than desired. Some years ago I had occasion to hear Sir Martin Gilbert, then in the midst of producing the official biography of Winston Churchill, discuss how he became interested in writing history. His answer was simple — curiosity. As a small ...
Business & Economics

California is getting left in the dust

EVEN during an economic meltdown of the proportions being suffered now, base politicking doesn’t stop in California. When asked why Golden State finances have been doing so badly, officials are quick to point to the national recession, claiming it has slowed down local industry and decreased the amount of revenue ...

California as a Warning for America

Your current President is following the exact same path that has been followed by the State of California! If you don’t know, California is the 7th largest economy on the planet…and notice where they have landed…virtual bankruptcy. It is a long and educational read…but give it a try. Pretend you ...
Business & Economics

Huyen de California por crisis

En los últimos cinco años el estado ha perdido un millón de personas, según estudio de expertos. Incluso si usted no es una de las 550 personas que, en promedio, abandona cada día California en busca de un destino más prometedor, es muy posible que haya dudado últimamente sobre las ...
Business & Economics

The California Prosperity Project – Assessing California’s economic performance

From Senator George Runner From the start, California has enjoyed unique natural economic advantages over other states, from its regional location and deep sea ports to its temperate weather and year-round fertile agricultural land. Our world class university system, cutting edge research and development centers, and an ample, willing and ...
Business & Economics

What Has President Obama Done for Silicon Valley?

President Obama’s appointments of Silicon Valley outsiders were only the first indications that his administration would be less than friendly to the high-tech industry, despite campaign promises. Since then, it has shown an inclination toward tight regulatory practices and away from transparency. President Obama’s inability to fill even half of ...
Business & Economics

Conservative Leaders on Costly Lawsuits and Health Care Reform

MEMO FOR THE MOVEMENT RE: Costly lawsuit abuses drive up medical expenses and add billions of dollars to the cost of healthcare, but provide only marginal assistance to injured patients. Yet Congress refuses to address this problem or to make it part of meaningful healthcare reform. Concerned citizens need to ...
Business & Economics

What we need

In an interview with the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the Pacific Research Institute last week, Tom McClintock — one-time candidate for governor in California, one-time member of the state’s Assembly and Senate, and now a member of the House of Representatives — offered an opinion about why this state is ...
Business & Economics

Even When Krugman’s Right, He’s Wrong

In other words, Krugman’s enemies–Eugene Fama and John Cochrane–use invalid arguments but reach a true conclusion, namely that big government deficits don’t help an economy in recession. So here’s Krugman’s opening paragraph: Brad DeLong is upset about the stuff coming out of Chicago these days — and understandably so. First ...
Business & Economics

Why the Silver State Mines the Golden State for Business

Nevada is running a rather edgy advertising campaign to lure businesses from the Golden State to the Silver State. This could serve as a wakeup call for California, but the response so far is not encouraging. The $1 million campaign from the Nevada Development Authority puts a porcine spin on ...
Business & Economics

The Reagan Revolution and Its Discontents

His presidency was better than expected, but worse than desired. Some years ago I had occasion to hear Sir Martin Gilbert, then in the midst of producing the official biography of Winston Churchill, discuss how he became interested in writing history. His answer was simple — curiosity. As a small ...
Business & Economics

California is getting left in the dust

EVEN during an economic meltdown of the proportions being suffered now, base politicking doesn’t stop in California. When asked why Golden State finances have been doing so badly, officials are quick to point to the national recession, claiming it has slowed down local industry and decreased the amount of revenue ...

California as a Warning for America

Your current President is following the exact same path that has been followed by the State of California! If you don’t know, California is the 7th largest economy on the planet…and notice where they have landed…virtual bankruptcy. It is a long and educational read…but give it a try. Pretend you ...
Business & Economics

Huyen de California por crisis

En los últimos cinco años el estado ha perdido un millón de personas, según estudio de expertos. Incluso si usted no es una de las 550 personas que, en promedio, abandona cada día California en busca de un destino más prometedor, es muy posible que haya dudado últimamente sobre las ...
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