Business & Economics
Business & Economics
Letter: House bill will penalize drug makers
During the past 10 years, Michigan has had a declining population, a shrinking job market, and the worst personal income growth of any state. Its unemployment rate is an incredible 15.4 percent, but now Michigan stands to lose even more jobs in one of the state’s remaining robust sectors. The ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
September 3, 2009
Business & Economics
The Triumph Of Optimism
You call this a crisis? Think back nearly 30 years ago. When Ronald Reagan took office the country’s economy was in a shambles—inflation was running into the double digits, growth had stagnated and the top marginal tax rate was 70%. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union, bristling with imperial designs and nuclear ...
John Fund
September 3, 2009
Business & Economics
Think tank pans Connecticut
An enviable performance during the recession notwithstanding, a new study puts Connecticut among the bottom feeders nationally for its economic performance leading up to this year. The data do not include information from 2009 during the worst of the recession, and that fact is reflected in the top-ranked state being ...
Alexander Soule
September 3, 2009
Business & Economics
Is San Francisco’s “Open Season” on Data a Model for State Government?
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom last month launched, a new web site designed to improve transparency by disclosing information about city government. Giving residents unfettered access to data such as crime statistics, restaurant inspection records, and public works projects demonstrates a strong commitment to open government, but will it ...
Daniel R. Ballon
September 2, 2009
Business & Economics
How unions took $4 million from cash-strapped UC
Kevin Dayton of the Associated Builders and Contractors of California hunted down the e-mails chronicling the pressure put on University of California President Mark Yudof to provide taxpayer funds for a bogus labor “think tank” after Arnold line-item-vetoed the funding. Here’s part of his account: As the state’s budget crisis ...
Chris Reed
September 1, 2009
Business & Economics
Bean Counting Comes to Broadway
The theatre of the absurd enjoyed a run on Broadway this summer as the theatrical world reacted to the publication of a new study on gender bias. Opening the Curtain on Playwright Gender, by Princeton economics student Emily Glassberg Sands, features a three-part inquiry into the scarcity of female playwrights ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 1, 2009
Business & Economics
Policy Alerts
Policy Alert This publication, sent via email or fax, highlights PRI’s latest releases, media coverage, and impact on public policy in California and across the nation. Learn how PRI is affecting California and the Nation. > Sign Up> Unsubscribe May 5, 2010 April 29, 2010 April 22, 2010 April 15, ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 1, 2009
Business & Economics
Where Does White House Health Overhaul Policy Go Now?
By Clark S. Judge, managing director, White House Writers Group and former Special Assistant and Speechwriter to President Reagan On Sunday the Rasmussen organization reported that 42 percent of likely voters had told them they strong disapprove of the president’s job performance. At this rate it is not out of ...
Clark Judge
August 31, 2009
Business & Economics
UC system shouldn’t have to fund labor institute
Under duress from California labor unions and union-backed politicians, the University of California system is funding a labor institute at the Berkeley and Los Angeles campuses that trains union organizers and produces biased studies to support the union political agenda. The story of why UC is funding this program at ...
Kevin Dayton
August 30, 2009
Business & Economics
Tort Tally 2009
The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, today released Tort Law Tally, a new report identifying which state tort reforms reduce tort losses and tort insurance premiums the most. The analysis identifies 18 reforms to state civil-justice systems that significantly reduce tort losses and/or tort ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
August 29, 2009
Letter: House bill will penalize drug makers
During the past 10 years, Michigan has had a declining population, a shrinking job market, and the worst personal income growth of any state. Its unemployment rate is an incredible 15.4 percent, but now Michigan stands to lose even more jobs in one of the state’s remaining robust sectors. The ...
The Triumph Of Optimism
You call this a crisis? Think back nearly 30 years ago. When Ronald Reagan took office the country’s economy was in a shambles—inflation was running into the double digits, growth had stagnated and the top marginal tax rate was 70%. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union, bristling with imperial designs and nuclear ...
Think tank pans Connecticut
An enviable performance during the recession notwithstanding, a new study puts Connecticut among the bottom feeders nationally for its economic performance leading up to this year. The data do not include information from 2009 during the worst of the recession, and that fact is reflected in the top-ranked state being ...
Is San Francisco’s “Open Season” on Data a Model for State Government?
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom last month launched, a new web site designed to improve transparency by disclosing information about city government. Giving residents unfettered access to data such as crime statistics, restaurant inspection records, and public works projects demonstrates a strong commitment to open government, but will it ...
How unions took $4 million from cash-strapped UC
Kevin Dayton of the Associated Builders and Contractors of California hunted down the e-mails chronicling the pressure put on University of California President Mark Yudof to provide taxpayer funds for a bogus labor “think tank” after Arnold line-item-vetoed the funding. Here’s part of his account: As the state’s budget crisis ...
Bean Counting Comes to Broadway
The theatre of the absurd enjoyed a run on Broadway this summer as the theatrical world reacted to the publication of a new study on gender bias. Opening the Curtain on Playwright Gender, by Princeton economics student Emily Glassberg Sands, features a three-part inquiry into the scarcity of female playwrights ...
Policy Alerts
Policy Alert This publication, sent via email or fax, highlights PRI’s latest releases, media coverage, and impact on public policy in California and across the nation. Learn how PRI is affecting California and the Nation. > Sign Up> Unsubscribe May 5, 2010 April 29, 2010 April 22, 2010 April 15, ...
Where Does White House Health Overhaul Policy Go Now?
By Clark S. Judge, managing director, White House Writers Group and former Special Assistant and Speechwriter to President Reagan On Sunday the Rasmussen organization reported that 42 percent of likely voters had told them they strong disapprove of the president’s job performance. At this rate it is not out of ...
UC system shouldn’t have to fund labor institute
Under duress from California labor unions and union-backed politicians, the University of California system is funding a labor institute at the Berkeley and Los Angeles campuses that trains union organizers and produces biased studies to support the union political agenda. The story of why UC is funding this program at ...
Tort Tally 2009
The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, today released Tort Law Tally, a new report identifying which state tort reforms reduce tort losses and tort insurance premiums the most. The analysis identifies 18 reforms to state civil-justice systems that significantly reduce tort losses and/or tort ...