Business & Economics

Business & Economics

Greenhut leaving the O.C. Register

I know what every government worker in Orange County is doing right now, this evening of Sunday, Sept. 20, 2009: Getting plastered on expensive booze, paid by their massive tax-funded salaries. They’ll be so hung over tomorrow don’t even try to do work with them. They’re celebrating because the scourge ...
Business & Economics

I’m heading to Sacramento, but don’t celebrate yet.

The Orange County Register, September 19, 2009 Many readers, especially those who receive large public pensions, will no doubt be thrilled to hear the news. This is the penultimate column I’m writing for the Register as a staff member. I’m heading to the belly of the beast, Sacramento, to start ...

The Weak Spots in the Baucus Bill

The Baucus bill is vulnerable in several immediately apparent ways: It would reduce Americans’ liberty by requiring them to buy health insurance and fining them if they don’t. It would ruin private insurance by requiring insurers to cover all comers at the same premium. In doing so, it would thereby ...
Business & Economics

Tort Reform in the States: Protecting Consumers and Enhancing Economic Growth

Heritage Foundation (Washington, D.C.), September 18, 2009 Time: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Speaker(s): Panel Discussion (11:00 a.m.) The Honorable Bill Batchelder Minority Leader, Ohio House of Representatives Dr. Lawrence J. McQuillan Director, Business & Economic Studies, Pacific Research Institute Keynote Address (12:00 p.m.) The Honorable Haley Barbour Governor, State ...
Business & Economics

Haley Barbour on the Mississippi tort bar’s excesses

Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi spoke at the Heritage Foundation today on the state’s successes with tort reform, an event hosted by former Attorney General Ed Meese. During the Q&A period, Meese asked the governor about the effects of the 2004 tort reforms on the state’s trial bar. In response, ...

Doctors Seven Times More Satisfied with Payments from Private Insurance as Medicare

Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson (RWJ) Foundation, the survey’s results were promoted with a different headline than you see above. “Poll finds most doctors support public option,” said National Public Radio (NPR); “73% of doctors favor public option,” said Salon’s Steve Klingman. These headlines were encouraged by the RWJ ...

Jesse Jackson on Health Reform!

According to Mr. Jackson, Medicare, the U.S. government’s single-payer system for seniors is the most popular health plan in the U.S. Well, if I was able to get taxpayers to pay 53% of my medical claims, I suppose I’d be satisfied too. Even so, 90% of Medicare beneficiaries have some ...
Business & Economics

Poizner says he’ll increase state revenue by cutting California’s tax rates

Despite projections that the next governor will inherit multibillion-dollar deficits, Republican gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner on Tuesday promised to slash taxes on personal income, corporations and sales. Poizner said that as part of his “Jobs Plan,” he would reduce those rates by one-tenth, as well as cut capital gains taxes ...
Business & Economics

Experts weigh in on Obama economic speech

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — On the anniversary of a financial meltdown that brought Wall Street to its knees, President Barack Obama unveiled a plan he says will keep it from happening again. President Obama began by praising his economic team and his $787 billion stimulus package. “While full recovery of ...

Cochrane Threatens Austrians More Than Krugman Ever Did

This is a very short-sighted view. Just because someone gets in a fight with someone who we can’t stand–and I’ve criticized Krugman enough to have credibility on that score–doesn’t mean we should endorse any old arguments. There was quite a bit in Cochrane’s response that should alarm an Austrian economist, ...
Business & Economics

Greenhut leaving the O.C. Register

I know what every government worker in Orange County is doing right now, this evening of Sunday, Sept. 20, 2009: Getting plastered on expensive booze, paid by their massive tax-funded salaries. They’ll be so hung over tomorrow don’t even try to do work with them. They’re celebrating because the scourge ...
Business & Economics

I’m heading to Sacramento, but don’t celebrate yet.

The Orange County Register, September 19, 2009 Many readers, especially those who receive large public pensions, will no doubt be thrilled to hear the news. This is the penultimate column I’m writing for the Register as a staff member. I’m heading to the belly of the beast, Sacramento, to start ...

The Weak Spots in the Baucus Bill

The Baucus bill is vulnerable in several immediately apparent ways: It would reduce Americans’ liberty by requiring them to buy health insurance and fining them if they don’t. It would ruin private insurance by requiring insurers to cover all comers at the same premium. In doing so, it would thereby ...
Business & Economics

Tort Reform in the States: Protecting Consumers and Enhancing Economic Growth

Heritage Foundation (Washington, D.C.), September 18, 2009 Time: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Speaker(s): Panel Discussion (11:00 a.m.) The Honorable Bill Batchelder Minority Leader, Ohio House of Representatives Dr. Lawrence J. McQuillan Director, Business & Economic Studies, Pacific Research Institute Keynote Address (12:00 p.m.) The Honorable Haley Barbour Governor, State ...
Business & Economics

Haley Barbour on the Mississippi tort bar’s excesses

Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi spoke at the Heritage Foundation today on the state’s successes with tort reform, an event hosted by former Attorney General Ed Meese. During the Q&A period, Meese asked the governor about the effects of the 2004 tort reforms on the state’s trial bar. In response, ...

Doctors Seven Times More Satisfied with Payments from Private Insurance as Medicare

Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson (RWJ) Foundation, the survey’s results were promoted with a different headline than you see above. “Poll finds most doctors support public option,” said National Public Radio (NPR); “73% of doctors favor public option,” said Salon’s Steve Klingman. These headlines were encouraged by the RWJ ...

Jesse Jackson on Health Reform!

According to Mr. Jackson, Medicare, the U.S. government’s single-payer system for seniors is the most popular health plan in the U.S. Well, if I was able to get taxpayers to pay 53% of my medical claims, I suppose I’d be satisfied too. Even so, 90% of Medicare beneficiaries have some ...
Business & Economics

Poizner says he’ll increase state revenue by cutting California’s tax rates

Despite projections that the next governor will inherit multibillion-dollar deficits, Republican gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner on Tuesday promised to slash taxes on personal income, corporations and sales. Poizner said that as part of his “Jobs Plan,” he would reduce those rates by one-tenth, as well as cut capital gains taxes ...
Business & Economics

Experts weigh in on Obama economic speech

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — On the anniversary of a financial meltdown that brought Wall Street to its knees, President Barack Obama unveiled a plan he says will keep it from happening again. President Obama began by praising his economic team and his $787 billion stimulus package. “While full recovery of ...

Cochrane Threatens Austrians More Than Krugman Ever Did

This is a very short-sighted view. Just because someone gets in a fight with someone who we can’t stand–and I’ve criticized Krugman enough to have credibility on that score–doesn’t mean we should endorse any old arguments. There was quite a bit in Cochrane’s response that should alarm an Austrian economist, ...
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