Business & Economics

Business & Economics

State Commission Recommends Tax Reforms for a New Century

The Commission on the 21st Century Economy, tasked by the governor to modernize the state’s tax system and stabilize revenues, finally delivered its report this week. The main recommendations are to eliminate the state sales tax and corporate income tax and replace them with a new “net receipts tax” on ...
Business & Economics

FCC’s Genachowski Not Neutral on New Net Rules

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Julius Genachowski stirred up the Net neutrality pot last week with his speech at the Brookings Institution where he pledged to create new rules for governing the Internet. While the chairman’s comments were delivered eloquently, they were problematic for a number of reasons. The FCC ...
Business & Economics

Michigan can’t afford ‘FDA defense’ repeal

During the past 10 years, Michigan has had a declining population, a shrinking job market and the worst personal income growth of any state. Its unemployment rate is an incredible 15.4 percent, but now Michigan stands to lose even more jobs in one of the state’s remaining robust sectors. The ...
Business & Economics

Torts, taxes hinder Pennsylvania’s prosperity

Editor’s note: This is the fifth in a series of occasional commentaries on how Pennsylvania can turn around its economic fortunes. Wrongheaded economic development policies and one of the nation’s worst labor climates are serious impediments to Pennsylvania’s prosperity. As if those obstacles were not enough, the commonwealth also has ...
Business & Economics

Global Unease About Obama Administration Heard at Two Conferences

As luck would have it, just as the Obama Administration was upending America’s global relationships for the last ten days, I was in Europe and attended two conferences on international politics. Together these conferences gave a good cross section of opinion about Mr. Obama and the U.S. in policy centers ...
Business & Economics

The Best States For Business

The recession hit everywhere, but Virginia is booming compared with the rest of America. The carnage of the economic downturn is everywhere with bankruptcies, foreclosures and unemployment soaring nationwide. None of the 50 states are immune. Only two, Alaska and North Dakota, are expected to see employment gains this year. ...
Business & Economics

Ending estate tax will create and save jobs

Like many other small-business owners, my first office was the kitchen table. When we started the family business in 1979, we had a modest goal: to earn enough money to pay the bills and put our kids through college. Little did we know that RFI Enterprises, a security systems company, ...
Business & Economics

UC Giveaway Disrespects Students, Taxpayers

Last week University of California students protested a proposed 32 percent hike in fees, which follows a 9.3 percent increase approved in May. The hikes should call attention to a recent UC giveaway of $4 million, under pressure from Sacramento politicians, to a propaganda mill that should not be on ...
Business & Economics

What Is a Tax?

What is relevant in the broader context is that this president has revealed himself to be quite comfortable denying that which our lying eyes can see clearly. And so the implicit-but-heavy energy taxes to be imposed by a carbon-regulation regime would not be “taxes.” Nor would banking regulations ostensibly aimed ...
Business & Economics

Federal Medical Malpractice Law Would Hinder Reform

The nation’s doctors are rightly concerned about the need for medical malpractice reform, but their clamor this week for passage of a federal reform law raises troubling legal questions and likely would do little to stem malpractice case filings. There is no question malpractice reform is needed. The Pacific Research ...
Business & Economics

State Commission Recommends Tax Reforms for a New Century

The Commission on the 21st Century Economy, tasked by the governor to modernize the state’s tax system and stabilize revenues, finally delivered its report this week. The main recommendations are to eliminate the state sales tax and corporate income tax and replace them with a new “net receipts tax” on ...
Business & Economics

FCC’s Genachowski Not Neutral on New Net Rules

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Julius Genachowski stirred up the Net neutrality pot last week with his speech at the Brookings Institution where he pledged to create new rules for governing the Internet. While the chairman’s comments were delivered eloquently, they were problematic for a number of reasons. The FCC ...
Business & Economics

Michigan can’t afford ‘FDA defense’ repeal

During the past 10 years, Michigan has had a declining population, a shrinking job market and the worst personal income growth of any state. Its unemployment rate is an incredible 15.4 percent, but now Michigan stands to lose even more jobs in one of the state’s remaining robust sectors. The ...
Business & Economics

Torts, taxes hinder Pennsylvania’s prosperity

Editor’s note: This is the fifth in a series of occasional commentaries on how Pennsylvania can turn around its economic fortunes. Wrongheaded economic development policies and one of the nation’s worst labor climates are serious impediments to Pennsylvania’s prosperity. As if those obstacles were not enough, the commonwealth also has ...
Business & Economics

Global Unease About Obama Administration Heard at Two Conferences

As luck would have it, just as the Obama Administration was upending America’s global relationships for the last ten days, I was in Europe and attended two conferences on international politics. Together these conferences gave a good cross section of opinion about Mr. Obama and the U.S. in policy centers ...
Business & Economics

The Best States For Business

The recession hit everywhere, but Virginia is booming compared with the rest of America. The carnage of the economic downturn is everywhere with bankruptcies, foreclosures and unemployment soaring nationwide. None of the 50 states are immune. Only two, Alaska and North Dakota, are expected to see employment gains this year. ...
Business & Economics

Ending estate tax will create and save jobs

Like many other small-business owners, my first office was the kitchen table. When we started the family business in 1979, we had a modest goal: to earn enough money to pay the bills and put our kids through college. Little did we know that RFI Enterprises, a security systems company, ...
Business & Economics

UC Giveaway Disrespects Students, Taxpayers

Last week University of California students protested a proposed 32 percent hike in fees, which follows a 9.3 percent increase approved in May. The hikes should call attention to a recent UC giveaway of $4 million, under pressure from Sacramento politicians, to a propaganda mill that should not be on ...
Business & Economics

What Is a Tax?

What is relevant in the broader context is that this president has revealed himself to be quite comfortable denying that which our lying eyes can see clearly. And so the implicit-but-heavy energy taxes to be imposed by a carbon-regulation regime would not be “taxes.” Nor would banking regulations ostensibly aimed ...
Business & Economics

Federal Medical Malpractice Law Would Hinder Reform

The nation’s doctors are rightly concerned about the need for medical malpractice reform, but their clamor this week for passage of a federal reform law raises troubling legal questions and likely would do little to stem malpractice case filings. There is no question malpractice reform is needed. The Pacific Research ...
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