Business & Economics


Bending the Cost-Curve and the Truth

In July, the Washington Post wrote, “From the start, President Obama has been firm. . . . He told us flatly that he won’t accept a bill that doesn’t ‘bend the curve’ on rising health-care costs.” Furthermore, “Any reform, he has said, must be ‘deficit-neutral.’” Just over three months later, ...
Business & Economics

Sheriff Joe no role model

Former Orange County Sheriff’s Lt. Bill Hunt should know a thing or two about the dangers of an abusive law enforcement culture. He was a victim of now-disgraced Sheriff Mike Carona, who demoted him to deputy after Hunt ran for sheriff against Carona in 2006. Hunt even made First Amendment ...
Business & Economics

The Pillage People Ride Again

On November 1 California began withholding 10 percent more from workers’ paychecks than the government already takes. This money grab, bad enough on its own terms, is a sign that the state has missed an opportunity to modernize the tax system and provide more stable revenue. Those were the tasks ...

Pork, water policy don’t mix

SACRAMENTO – Advocates for government “solutions” for everything from health care to education argue that some aspects of life are just so darn complicated that only a centralized authority with taxing and spending power can handle such matters. Yet whenever we look at those areas of life dominated by the ...
Business & Economics

Health Reform Would Bury Small Business

Investor’s Business Daily, November 6, 2009 President Obama recently delivered a special address aimed at quelling small-business owners’ concerns about Democratic plans for health care reform. The legislation, he assured, would “benefit millions of small businesses” and was “being written with the interests of Americans like you and your employees ...
Business & Economics

Government interference in health care not needed

While the U.S. health care system needs reform, it can be done without government involvement, a 5th district U.S. Congressional candidate and doctor told an audience Tuesday in the Oklahoma Memorial Union. Dr. Johnny Roy, chief of urology at the Edmond Medical Center, spoke during a public health care forum ...
Business & Economics

Why Feminists Make No Allowance for Women’s Choices

A recent story in the British Daily Telegraph confirms that feminists think they have found a new wage gap in children’s allowances. Echoing several recent studies in the United States and Australia, the UK’s Co-operative Investments Child Trust Fund finds that parents give their sons 10 percent more spending money ...
Business & Economics

Tort Reform Is Key To Health Reform

Though common-sense Americans repeatedly raised the issue of tort reform while discussing health care legislation with members of Congress during town hall meetings this past summer, too many lawmakers and analysts still stubbornly insist that medical liability lawsuits do not contribute significantly to rising health care costs. These lawmakers and ...
Business & Economics

Sneaky way to murder Prop. 13

Easier tax increases and budget approvals seems to be the primary goals of a proposed state constitutional convention. SACRAMENTO — There ain’t no such thing as bipartisan, nondivisive reform. Any real change to California’s dysfunctional political structure and culture must gore somebody’s ox, stir up contentious battles and draw vicious ...
Business & Economics

Exploring reasons for the rising cost of care in the state

It seems that everyone has an opinion regarding what should be done to reform our health care system. Most people believe that changes to our current system need to be made, but not quickly and not by politicians. The costs must come down, but not by rationing, government price controls ...

Bending the Cost-Curve and the Truth

In July, the Washington Post wrote, “From the start, President Obama has been firm. . . . He told us flatly that he won’t accept a bill that doesn’t ‘bend the curve’ on rising health-care costs.” Furthermore, “Any reform, he has said, must be ‘deficit-neutral.’” Just over three months later, ...
Business & Economics

Sheriff Joe no role model

Former Orange County Sheriff’s Lt. Bill Hunt should know a thing or two about the dangers of an abusive law enforcement culture. He was a victim of now-disgraced Sheriff Mike Carona, who demoted him to deputy after Hunt ran for sheriff against Carona in 2006. Hunt even made First Amendment ...
Business & Economics

The Pillage People Ride Again

On November 1 California began withholding 10 percent more from workers’ paychecks than the government already takes. This money grab, bad enough on its own terms, is a sign that the state has missed an opportunity to modernize the tax system and provide more stable revenue. Those were the tasks ...

Pork, water policy don’t mix

SACRAMENTO – Advocates for government “solutions” for everything from health care to education argue that some aspects of life are just so darn complicated that only a centralized authority with taxing and spending power can handle such matters. Yet whenever we look at those areas of life dominated by the ...
Business & Economics

Health Reform Would Bury Small Business

Investor’s Business Daily, November 6, 2009 President Obama recently delivered a special address aimed at quelling small-business owners’ concerns about Democratic plans for health care reform. The legislation, he assured, would “benefit millions of small businesses” and was “being written with the interests of Americans like you and your employees ...
Business & Economics

Government interference in health care not needed

While the U.S. health care system needs reform, it can be done without government involvement, a 5th district U.S. Congressional candidate and doctor told an audience Tuesday in the Oklahoma Memorial Union. Dr. Johnny Roy, chief of urology at the Edmond Medical Center, spoke during a public health care forum ...
Business & Economics

Why Feminists Make No Allowance for Women’s Choices

A recent story in the British Daily Telegraph confirms that feminists think they have found a new wage gap in children’s allowances. Echoing several recent studies in the United States and Australia, the UK’s Co-operative Investments Child Trust Fund finds that parents give their sons 10 percent more spending money ...
Business & Economics

Tort Reform Is Key To Health Reform

Though common-sense Americans repeatedly raised the issue of tort reform while discussing health care legislation with members of Congress during town hall meetings this past summer, too many lawmakers and analysts still stubbornly insist that medical liability lawsuits do not contribute significantly to rising health care costs. These lawmakers and ...
Business & Economics

Sneaky way to murder Prop. 13

Easier tax increases and budget approvals seems to be the primary goals of a proposed state constitutional convention. SACRAMENTO — There ain’t no such thing as bipartisan, nondivisive reform. Any real change to California’s dysfunctional political structure and culture must gore somebody’s ox, stir up contentious battles and draw vicious ...
Business & Economics

Exploring reasons for the rising cost of care in the state

It seems that everyone has an opinion regarding what should be done to reform our health care system. Most people believe that changes to our current system need to be made, but not quickly and not by politicians. The costs must come down, but not by rationing, government price controls ...
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