Business & Economics

Business & Economics

PRI’s CalWatchdog Seeks to Expose Waste, Fraud and Abuse in the State

Sixteen years ago, as a building and remodeling editor for Better Homes and Gardens magazine in Des Moines, I desperately wanted to get my opinions heard – not the ones about the latest kitchen remodeling or home addition, but about the hot political debates of the day. I had little ...
Business & Economics

Califailure: Steven Greenhut on the governor

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s final State of the State Address, delivered Wednesday in the Capitol, was a microcosm of his entire failed administration. It was a reminder that those who govern the nation’s most populous state have no clue how to solve the fiscal mess they have created, are drunk on ...
Business & Economics

Calif. Gov. Calls For More Federal Aid As States Bleed Red

Calif. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger should have said “I’ll be back” when the state got billions of dollars from the federal government last year. Because on Wednesday, he demanded another handout. In his state of the state speech, Schwarzenegger acknowledged California faces deep budget woes and called for federal assistance. He ...
Business & Economics

State’s taxes putting us all on the ropes

Los Angeles Daily News, January 5, 2010 MANNY Pacquiao is the premier boxer in the world, and his upcoming match with Floyd Merriweather could be the richest in history. Promoters are pushing for Staples Center in Los Angeles, but Pacquiao does not want to hold the bout in California. The ...
Business & Economics

A Woman’s Nation?

The year 2010 has arrived at last, but before proceeding we must clear up some unfinished business. In late 2009, the Center for American Progress published the Shriver Report, named after Maria Shriver, a celebrity and California’s First Lady. The subtitle, A Woman’s Nation Changes Everything, begs some very important ...
Business & Economics

Tort system deficiencies raise health costs for all

Wayne Willoughby argued that tort reform amounts to “stripping away the rights of injured patients” (“‘Tort reform’ won’t fix health care,” Commentary, Dec. 18). But America’s current tort system is hardly adept at protecting patients’ interests. Very little of each tort-cost dollar goes to compensate the injured. Not only do ...
Business & Economics

Guest view: Consider value-added tax, tort reform

Editor’s note: Several weeks ago, we asked readers to share their thoughts on what our state and region can do in the year ahead to help the economy — specifically, how to grow the good-paying jobs we so desperately need. We also asked business leaders to tell us what they’ve ...
Business & Economics

Deflation delusion

Commentary: We’re in the midst of moderate stagflation NASHVILLE, Tenn. (MarketWatch) — The federal government recently reported that consumer prices had risen in November for the fourth straight month, thanks largely to big jumps in the price of gasoline and oil. Nevertheless, the Federal Reserve and many commentators have dismissed ...
Business & Economics

Steven Greenhut Speaks to the Lincoln Club

Steven Greenhut, author of “Plunder!” speaks to the Lincoln Club of Orange County about his book on 12/10/2009. For the full version of his presentation, please e-mail us at [email protected] to request a DVD copy.
Business & Economics

Pension tapeworm gnaws at budgets

A Register investigation reported Sunday that lucrative public employee pension benefits approved during the past decade have been “a toxin spreading through the budget books of cities and counties across California.” These escalating costs ultimately threaten many local governments’ solvency. Though many states experience similar fiscal threats, “California is the ...
Business & Economics

PRI’s CalWatchdog Seeks to Expose Waste, Fraud and Abuse in the State

Sixteen years ago, as a building and remodeling editor for Better Homes and Gardens magazine in Des Moines, I desperately wanted to get my opinions heard – not the ones about the latest kitchen remodeling or home addition, but about the hot political debates of the day. I had little ...
Business & Economics

Califailure: Steven Greenhut on the governor

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s final State of the State Address, delivered Wednesday in the Capitol, was a microcosm of his entire failed administration. It was a reminder that those who govern the nation’s most populous state have no clue how to solve the fiscal mess they have created, are drunk on ...
Business & Economics

Calif. Gov. Calls For More Federal Aid As States Bleed Red

Calif. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger should have said “I’ll be back” when the state got billions of dollars from the federal government last year. Because on Wednesday, he demanded another handout. In his state of the state speech, Schwarzenegger acknowledged California faces deep budget woes and called for federal assistance. He ...
Business & Economics

State’s taxes putting us all on the ropes

Los Angeles Daily News, January 5, 2010 MANNY Pacquiao is the premier boxer in the world, and his upcoming match with Floyd Merriweather could be the richest in history. Promoters are pushing for Staples Center in Los Angeles, but Pacquiao does not want to hold the bout in California. The ...
Business & Economics

A Woman’s Nation?

The year 2010 has arrived at last, but before proceeding we must clear up some unfinished business. In late 2009, the Center for American Progress published the Shriver Report, named after Maria Shriver, a celebrity and California’s First Lady. The subtitle, A Woman’s Nation Changes Everything, begs some very important ...
Business & Economics

Tort system deficiencies raise health costs for all

Wayne Willoughby argued that tort reform amounts to “stripping away the rights of injured patients” (“‘Tort reform’ won’t fix health care,” Commentary, Dec. 18). But America’s current tort system is hardly adept at protecting patients’ interests. Very little of each tort-cost dollar goes to compensate the injured. Not only do ...
Business & Economics

Guest view: Consider value-added tax, tort reform

Editor’s note: Several weeks ago, we asked readers to share their thoughts on what our state and region can do in the year ahead to help the economy — specifically, how to grow the good-paying jobs we so desperately need. We also asked business leaders to tell us what they’ve ...
Business & Economics

Deflation delusion

Commentary: We’re in the midst of moderate stagflation NASHVILLE, Tenn. (MarketWatch) — The federal government recently reported that consumer prices had risen in November for the fourth straight month, thanks largely to big jumps in the price of gasoline and oil. Nevertheless, the Federal Reserve and many commentators have dismissed ...
Business & Economics

Steven Greenhut Speaks to the Lincoln Club

Steven Greenhut, author of “Plunder!” speaks to the Lincoln Club of Orange County about his book on 12/10/2009. For the full version of his presentation, please e-mail us at [email protected] to request a DVD copy.
Business & Economics

Pension tapeworm gnaws at budgets

A Register investigation reported Sunday that lucrative public employee pension benefits approved during the past decade have been “a toxin spreading through the budget books of cities and counties across California.” These escalating costs ultimately threaten many local governments’ solvency. Though many states experience similar fiscal threats, “California is the ...
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