Business & Economics

Business & Economics

Repair California’s Fiscal Problems Ourselves – or the Capital Markets Will

Events in Washington, D.C. have overshadowed the ongoing fiscal calamity in Sacramento, where earlier this month state legislators basically rejected the governor’s reforms almost as soon as they were released. Despite the uncertainty shrouding the capital, the budget crisis will be solved – one way or another. This certainty is ...
Business & Economics

2010 Tort Liability Index Ranks States’ Tort Climate

2010 Tort Liability Index Ranks States’ Tort Climate —Alaska ranks best, New York and New Jersey worst— San Francisco—The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, and the Manufacturers Alliance/MAPI, a public policy and economic research organization based in Arlington, VA, announced today the release ...
Business & Economics

Why the Market and Old-fashioned Meritocracy are Better for Women than Big Government

By some counts women are now more than half of the workforce in America and other affluent countries. As we observed last month, the militant sages assembled from the liberal Center for American Progress for the Shriver Report, believe this calls for stepped-up deployment by Big Brother and the Nanny ...
Business & Economics

We asked, they answered

Washington should try being honest and sensible about health care legislation Will Barclay of Pulaski represents the 124th district in the New York State Assembly to which he was elected on the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties’ lines. By WILL BARCLAY Just four days after Bill Owens defeated Doug Hoffman ...
Business & Economics

Steven Greenhut: Guards union adds insult to injury

The California Correctional Peace Officers Association – the state prison guards’ union – is complaining about, and pursuing legal action against, the California government because of the supposed unfairness of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s furlough policy, which the union says forces some of its members to work on furlough days without ...
Business & Economics

California’s Corporate Exodus

In his final state of the state address, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger maintained his vision of California’s bright economic future. Shortly before the governor’s speech, however, another company joined California’s ongoing corporate exodus. The Northrop Grumman Corporation, a major military contractor, is moving its headquarters from southern California to the Washington ...
Business & Economics

Jon Coupal: Prop. 13 blameless for state crisis

When California voters approved Proposition 13 by a landslide in 1978, they launched a nationwide revolt for lower taxes. Critics now blame that revolt for our current fiscal crisis. That charge needs to be considered in the light of actual data about property taxes in California. Prop. 13 limits property ...
Business & Economics

Opinion: The Crisis That Went to Waste

(Jan. 26) – “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” That’s what White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said in November 2008 to justify the incoming administration’s bold policy proposals including, especially, health care reform. In one sense, Emanuel was right. Generally speaking, in times of ...
Business & Economics

The Entrepreneur’s Insurance

The Pacific Research Institute has a new report that sketches out what the U.S. would be were people free to buy what it calls “entrepreneurs’ coverage” for health insurance, otherwise disparagingly known as “bare bones coverage.” Such policies don’t have the requirements (payments for chiropractors, marriage counselors, pregnancy benefits for ...
Business & Economics

ANOTHER VIEW: Gilbert Arenas, guns and government

North County Times, January 24, 2010 The National Basketball Association is in the spotlight for an incident involving guns and taking heat from some observers. The way the NBA has dealt with the incident, however, forms a stark contrast to the way government deals with cases of misconduct, even those ...
Business & Economics

Repair California’s Fiscal Problems Ourselves – or the Capital Markets Will

Events in Washington, D.C. have overshadowed the ongoing fiscal calamity in Sacramento, where earlier this month state legislators basically rejected the governor’s reforms almost as soon as they were released. Despite the uncertainty shrouding the capital, the budget crisis will be solved – one way or another. This certainty is ...
Business & Economics

2010 Tort Liability Index Ranks States’ Tort Climate

2010 Tort Liability Index Ranks States’ Tort Climate —Alaska ranks best, New York and New Jersey worst— San Francisco—The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, and the Manufacturers Alliance/MAPI, a public policy and economic research organization based in Arlington, VA, announced today the release ...
Business & Economics

Why the Market and Old-fashioned Meritocracy are Better for Women than Big Government

By some counts women are now more than half of the workforce in America and other affluent countries. As we observed last month, the militant sages assembled from the liberal Center for American Progress for the Shriver Report, believe this calls for stepped-up deployment by Big Brother and the Nanny ...
Business & Economics

We asked, they answered

Washington should try being honest and sensible about health care legislation Will Barclay of Pulaski represents the 124th district in the New York State Assembly to which he was elected on the Republican, Conservative and Independence parties’ lines. By WILL BARCLAY Just four days after Bill Owens defeated Doug Hoffman ...
Business & Economics

Steven Greenhut: Guards union adds insult to injury

The California Correctional Peace Officers Association – the state prison guards’ union – is complaining about, and pursuing legal action against, the California government because of the supposed unfairness of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s furlough policy, which the union says forces some of its members to work on furlough days without ...
Business & Economics

California’s Corporate Exodus

In his final state of the state address, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger maintained his vision of California’s bright economic future. Shortly before the governor’s speech, however, another company joined California’s ongoing corporate exodus. The Northrop Grumman Corporation, a major military contractor, is moving its headquarters from southern California to the Washington ...
Business & Economics

Jon Coupal: Prop. 13 blameless for state crisis

When California voters approved Proposition 13 by a landslide in 1978, they launched a nationwide revolt for lower taxes. Critics now blame that revolt for our current fiscal crisis. That charge needs to be considered in the light of actual data about property taxes in California. Prop. 13 limits property ...
Business & Economics

Opinion: The Crisis That Went to Waste

(Jan. 26) – “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” That’s what White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said in November 2008 to justify the incoming administration’s bold policy proposals including, especially, health care reform. In one sense, Emanuel was right. Generally speaking, in times of ...
Business & Economics

The Entrepreneur’s Insurance

The Pacific Research Institute has a new report that sketches out what the U.S. would be were people free to buy what it calls “entrepreneurs’ coverage” for health insurance, otherwise disparagingly known as “bare bones coverage.” Such policies don’t have the requirements (payments for chiropractors, marriage counselors, pregnancy benefits for ...
Business & Economics

ANOTHER VIEW: Gilbert Arenas, guns and government

North County Times, January 24, 2010 The National Basketball Association is in the spotlight for an incident involving guns and taking heat from some observers. The way the NBA has dealt with the incident, however, forms a stark contrast to the way government deals with cases of misconduct, even those ...
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