Business & Economics

Business & Economics

Uncertainty about government to blame for sluggish job growth

Dear Editor: The U.S. economy shed another 85,000 jobs in December, when most analysts had expected no change or even slight job creation. Meanwhile, the Obama administration continues to push for healthcare reform and other measures that will require higher taxes. Ironically, it is the federal government’s policy activism itself ...
Business & Economics

State not exactly the well-oiled machine

SACRAMENTO A new report from the California State Auditor should throw cold water on those who believe that the best way to solve the state’s problems is by expanding government power, increasing government funding and creating new regulatory powers and agencies. The auditor has released its annual report analyzing how ...
Business & Economics

Setting the stage for stagflation

Prices rose 2.7 percent during 2009, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ recent update of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This is a worrisome fact because last year’s unemployment rate averaged more than 9 percent. This trend may signal a return of “stagflation,” a merger of stagnation and inflation. ...
Business & Economics

The War Against Free Parking

From San Diego to Susanville, Californians know that a free parking space is hard to find. Such spaces may be even harder to find under SB 518, proposed by state senator Alan Lowenthal. Like much of what emerges from Sacramento, the measure is at least instructive. Free parking only encourages ...
Business & Economics

Uncertainty about government creates sluggishness

The economy shed 85,000 jobs in December, to the surprise of most analysts. Meanwhile, the Obama administration continues to push for health care reform and other measures that will require higher taxes. But such activism is largely to blame for the prolonged economic slump. Some politicians speak of “creating jobs” ...
Business & Economics

Obama Takes Deficits To New Frontier

In his State of the Union address, President Barack Obama said that “families across the country are tightening their belts and making tough decisions,” so the “federal government should do the same.” The following week, the president presented his new budget, which contains $1.267 trillion in new deficit spending. So ...
Business & Economics

Cut taxes to boost employment

California’s unemployment rate, according to the most recent figures, is 12.4 percent, fifth highest in the nation behind only such economic basket cases as Michigan and South Carolina. California’s second-largest city, San Diego, is known as America’s Finest City but hasn’t been immune to unemployment problems. San Diego’s unemployment rate ...
Business & Economics

Declining unions, increasing stranglehold

The new figures on union membership are out from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. They reveal a decidedly non-union American workforce, and a union movement in continuous decline. That has been known for some time, but the figures reveal a new milestone in unions’ clout with government. Only 7.2% ...
Business & Economics

Insurance czar’s cheap political ploy

One of the best ways to evaluate the merits of any politicians’ proposed new rule or power grab is to first consider whether it’s something you would support if your political foes were in power. Unfortunately, Republican Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner apparently hasn’t employed that (or any other) common-sense test ...
Business & Economics

Rep. Issa: Was Obama ‘Just Lying to Congress’ on Tort Reform Pledge?

Health care spending consumes 17 percent of the economy, or about $2.5 trillion, and is projected to reach $4.7 trillion by 2019. The committee report contends that putting some restraints on medical malpractice lawsuits will reign in medical costs. “It is estimated that these additional liability-based medical care costs adds ...
Business & Economics

Uncertainty about government to blame for sluggish job growth

Dear Editor: The U.S. economy shed another 85,000 jobs in December, when most analysts had expected no change or even slight job creation. Meanwhile, the Obama administration continues to push for healthcare reform and other measures that will require higher taxes. Ironically, it is the federal government’s policy activism itself ...
Business & Economics

State not exactly the well-oiled machine

SACRAMENTO A new report from the California State Auditor should throw cold water on those who believe that the best way to solve the state’s problems is by expanding government power, increasing government funding and creating new regulatory powers and agencies. The auditor has released its annual report analyzing how ...
Business & Economics

Setting the stage for stagflation

Prices rose 2.7 percent during 2009, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ recent update of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This is a worrisome fact because last year’s unemployment rate averaged more than 9 percent. This trend may signal a return of “stagflation,” a merger of stagnation and inflation. ...
Business & Economics

The War Against Free Parking

From San Diego to Susanville, Californians know that a free parking space is hard to find. Such spaces may be even harder to find under SB 518, proposed by state senator Alan Lowenthal. Like much of what emerges from Sacramento, the measure is at least instructive. Free parking only encourages ...
Business & Economics

Uncertainty about government creates sluggishness

The economy shed 85,000 jobs in December, to the surprise of most analysts. Meanwhile, the Obama administration continues to push for health care reform and other measures that will require higher taxes. But such activism is largely to blame for the prolonged economic slump. Some politicians speak of “creating jobs” ...
Business & Economics

Obama Takes Deficits To New Frontier

In his State of the Union address, President Barack Obama said that “families across the country are tightening their belts and making tough decisions,” so the “federal government should do the same.” The following week, the president presented his new budget, which contains $1.267 trillion in new deficit spending. So ...
Business & Economics

Cut taxes to boost employment

California’s unemployment rate, according to the most recent figures, is 12.4 percent, fifth highest in the nation behind only such economic basket cases as Michigan and South Carolina. California’s second-largest city, San Diego, is known as America’s Finest City but hasn’t been immune to unemployment problems. San Diego’s unemployment rate ...
Business & Economics

Declining unions, increasing stranglehold

The new figures on union membership are out from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. They reveal a decidedly non-union American workforce, and a union movement in continuous decline. That has been known for some time, but the figures reveal a new milestone in unions’ clout with government. Only 7.2% ...
Business & Economics

Insurance czar’s cheap political ploy

One of the best ways to evaluate the merits of any politicians’ proposed new rule or power grab is to first consider whether it’s something you would support if your political foes were in power. Unfortunately, Republican Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner apparently hasn’t employed that (or any other) common-sense test ...
Business & Economics

Rep. Issa: Was Obama ‘Just Lying to Congress’ on Tort Reform Pledge?

Health care spending consumes 17 percent of the economy, or about $2.5 trillion, and is projected to reach $4.7 trillion by 2019. The committee report contends that putting some restraints on medical malpractice lawsuits will reign in medical costs. “It is estimated that these additional liability-based medical care costs adds ...
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