Business & Economics
Business & Economics
Congress will show economic leadership by extending tax cuts
In 2001 and 2003, under the administration of George W. Bush, Congress passed significant tax reductions. These will expire on December 31, if Congress does nothing. Instead, Congress should seize the opportunity to show economic leadership, by extending the cuts and cutting federal spending. The current debate in Washington centers ...
Robert P. Murphy
August 4, 2010
Business & Economics
Gender Absurdity Lowers the Bar
Vol. 14 No. 08: August 3, 2010 Gender Absurdity Lowers the Bar By Sally C. Pipes, President and CEO, Pacific Research Institute Last month, we noted some good news for women, who now outpace men in higher education and are faring better economically during the recession. Women who go out ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 3, 2010
Business & Economics
Here’s One Way States Can Create Jobs
(Aug 2) — Politicians have spent billions on so-called stimulus and bailouts, yet today’s unemployment rate is two times greater than in January 2008. If states are looking for a way to boost employment, a good place to start would be reining in lawsuit abuse — commonly called tort reform. ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
August 2, 2010
Business & Economics
Drop the starfish, you criminal
SACRAMENTO – Advocates for big government can always be expected to stoke our fears to justify higher taxes, more regulations and the hiring of additional government workers. One of the most sensational examples of this phenomenon was provided last week as the Sacramento Bee published a front-page investigation warning about ...
Steven Greenhut
August 1, 2010
Business & Economics
Dodgy days for business
The national unemployment rate remains stubbornly high – 9.5 percent in June – and the private sector simply isn’t willing yet to make a genuine effort to create jobs. Some contend that to stimulate the economy, the government should spend and borrow more. This argument ignores a central reason for ...
Jason Clemens
July 29, 2010
Business & Economics
Is it “bigotry” to shrink state government?
Vol. 16 No. 28 July 21, 2010 Is it “bigotry” to shrink state government? By K. Lloyd Billingsley, editorial director SACRAMENTO—Those who believe California state government is too large, and that we ought to make it smaller, are guilty of “conventional bigotry aimed at state employees.” So writes state employee ...
K. Lloyd Billingsley
July 21, 2010
Business & Economics
Steven Greenhut on Public Employee Paychecks, Perks, and Plunder
Steven Greenhut, Editor in Chief of and author of the new book, Plunder! How Public Employee Unions are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling Our Lives and Bankrupting the Nation sat down with’s Ted Balaker to discuss the widening gap between public and private sector employment.
Pacific Research Institute
July 21, 2010
Government Spending
Medicare needs systemic remedies
President Barack Obama signed a bill to “fix” payments to doctors by Medicare — until November. Although costing taxpayers $6.5 billion, this short-term patch will just have to be “fixed” again right after the next election. Throwing more money at a broken Medicare reimbursement schedule is what passes for bipartisan ...
John R. Graham
July 20, 2010
Business & Economics
Double dip looks doubly certain
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (MarketWatch) — Economists and financial analysts are currently arguing whether the economy will experience a “double dip,” a recession followed by a short recovery, followed by another recession. Some think the worst is behind us, and that output and employment will slowly but steadily increase during the next ...
Robert P. Murphy
July 20, 2010
Business & Economics
LA TIMES: There’s no defense for the estate tax
In his July 6 Op-Ed, law professor Ray D. Madoff made a case for the estate tax, claiming that it promoted tax fairness and economic growth. Madoff is wrong on both counts. The estate tax violates common principles of justice and stifles economic growth. Congress should permanently lock in this ...
Robert P. Murphy
July 14, 2010
Congress will show economic leadership by extending tax cuts
In 2001 and 2003, under the administration of George W. Bush, Congress passed significant tax reductions. These will expire on December 31, if Congress does nothing. Instead, Congress should seize the opportunity to show economic leadership, by extending the cuts and cutting federal spending. The current debate in Washington centers ...
Gender Absurdity Lowers the Bar
Vol. 14 No. 08: August 3, 2010 Gender Absurdity Lowers the Bar By Sally C. Pipes, President and CEO, Pacific Research Institute Last month, we noted some good news for women, who now outpace men in higher education and are faring better economically during the recession. Women who go out ...
Here’s One Way States Can Create Jobs
(Aug 2) — Politicians have spent billions on so-called stimulus and bailouts, yet today’s unemployment rate is two times greater than in January 2008. If states are looking for a way to boost employment, a good place to start would be reining in lawsuit abuse — commonly called tort reform. ...
Drop the starfish, you criminal
SACRAMENTO – Advocates for big government can always be expected to stoke our fears to justify higher taxes, more regulations and the hiring of additional government workers. One of the most sensational examples of this phenomenon was provided last week as the Sacramento Bee published a front-page investigation warning about ...
Dodgy days for business
The national unemployment rate remains stubbornly high – 9.5 percent in June – and the private sector simply isn’t willing yet to make a genuine effort to create jobs. Some contend that to stimulate the economy, the government should spend and borrow more. This argument ignores a central reason for ...
Is it “bigotry” to shrink state government?
Vol. 16 No. 28 July 21, 2010 Is it “bigotry” to shrink state government? By K. Lloyd Billingsley, editorial director SACRAMENTO—Those who believe California state government is too large, and that we ought to make it smaller, are guilty of “conventional bigotry aimed at state employees.” So writes state employee ...
Steven Greenhut on Public Employee Paychecks, Perks, and Plunder
Steven Greenhut, Editor in Chief of and author of the new book, Plunder! How Public Employee Unions are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling Our Lives and Bankrupting the Nation sat down with’s Ted Balaker to discuss the widening gap between public and private sector employment.
Medicare needs systemic remedies
President Barack Obama signed a bill to “fix” payments to doctors by Medicare — until November. Although costing taxpayers $6.5 billion, this short-term patch will just have to be “fixed” again right after the next election. Throwing more money at a broken Medicare reimbursement schedule is what passes for bipartisan ...
Double dip looks doubly certain
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (MarketWatch) — Economists and financial analysts are currently arguing whether the economy will experience a “double dip,” a recession followed by a short recovery, followed by another recession. Some think the worst is behind us, and that output and employment will slowly but steadily increase during the next ...
LA TIMES: There’s no defense for the estate tax
In his July 6 Op-Ed, law professor Ray D. Madoff made a case for the estate tax, claiming that it promoted tax fairness and economic growth. Madoff is wrong on both counts. The estate tax violates common principles of justice and stifles economic growth. Congress should permanently lock in this ...