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Business & Economics

Scrutiny for lobbyists

Recent scandals, runaway spending and ongoing fiscal crises have all boosted interest in lobbying. Washington, D.C., draws much of the new interest, but states, including Maryland, also deserve scrutiny. According to “State-Level Lobbying and Taxpayers: How Much Do We Really Know?” — our recent report for the Pacific Research Institute ...
Business & Economics

Prop. 22 protects corporate welfare

SACRAMENTO – It’s always entertaining watching various tax consumers fight with one another over a shrinking revenue pie, which makes the Proposition 22 campaign a spectacle. Despite the chatter from supporters about “saving local services” and stopping Sacramento from “raiding” local treasuries, this November initiative simply pits different government groups ...
Business & Economics

20 years later: Self esteem movement was utopian hucksterism

Twenty years ago, a California state document was flying off the shelves. “Toward a State of Esteem” was the final report of the California Task Force to Promote Self-Esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility. That body shut down in 1990, but Californians have good reason to look back. Then-Assemblyman John ...
Business & Economics

Corruption in America

ANNONCER: Welcome to a special edition of “Money Rocks: Corruption in America, the Bolling Files with Eric Bolling.” Jerry Brown’s investigating the corrupt town of Bell, California, but a law firm connected with that city’s attorney forked over thousands to Brown’s election campaign. This bell is cracked. When are the ...
Business & Economics

Democrats picking on oil companies

SACRAMENTO – Legislators are more than six weeks past the constitutional deadline for passing a state budget, yet the state’s majority Democrats last week weren’t even holding budget hearings. Why bother? The state is $19 billion in the red, but the two sides aren’t even close to coming to terms. ...
Business & Economics

Tort reform would bring much-needed jobs to state

Montana may be called the Treasure State, but its economy continues to struggle, with an unemployment rate of 7.1 percent. If lawmakers want to put people back to work, without costing taxpayers another penny for “stimulus,” they can enact desperately needed lawsuit reforms. In the newly released U.S.TortLiabilityIndex:2010Report, Montana ranks ...
Business & Economics

Canada, Land of Smaller Government

When Americans look to Canada, they generally think of an ally, though one dominated by socialist economic policies. But the Canada of the 1970s and early 1980s—the era of left-wing Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau—no longer exists. America’s northern neighbor has transformed itself economically over the last 20 years. The Canadian ...
Business & Economics

More regulators is the wrong fix

The BP oil spill has prompted calls for more federal regulatory power. Yet the behavior of the federal bureaucrats who were supposed to prevent this type of disaster provides no reason to expect better outcomes with more bureaucracy. The Minerals Management Service was the Interior Department agency responsible for regulation ...
Business & Economics

How Lawsuit Reform Could Help California Recover

SACRAMENTO—California is staring down the barrel of a $19 billion budget deficit, huge debt, and an unemployment rate in excess of 12 percent. Legislators can help the state recover by enacting the lawsuit reforms California desperately needs. The quality of California’s civil-justice tort climate ranks a dismal 41st out of ...
Business & Economics

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Pacific Research Institute Promote Your Page Too Pacific Research Institute Promote Your Page Too
Business & Economics

Scrutiny for lobbyists

Recent scandals, runaway spending and ongoing fiscal crises have all boosted interest in lobbying. Washington, D.C., draws much of the new interest, but states, including Maryland, also deserve scrutiny. According to “State-Level Lobbying and Taxpayers: How Much Do We Really Know?” — our recent report for the Pacific Research Institute ...
Business & Economics

Prop. 22 protects corporate welfare

SACRAMENTO – It’s always entertaining watching various tax consumers fight with one another over a shrinking revenue pie, which makes the Proposition 22 campaign a spectacle. Despite the chatter from supporters about “saving local services” and stopping Sacramento from “raiding” local treasuries, this November initiative simply pits different government groups ...
Business & Economics

20 years later: Self esteem movement was utopian hucksterism

Twenty years ago, a California state document was flying off the shelves. “Toward a State of Esteem” was the final report of the California Task Force to Promote Self-Esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility. That body shut down in 1990, but Californians have good reason to look back. Then-Assemblyman John ...
Business & Economics

Corruption in America

ANNONCER: Welcome to a special edition of “Money Rocks: Corruption in America, the Bolling Files with Eric Bolling.” Jerry Brown’s investigating the corrupt town of Bell, California, but a law firm connected with that city’s attorney forked over thousands to Brown’s election campaign. This bell is cracked. When are the ...
Business & Economics

Democrats picking on oil companies

SACRAMENTO – Legislators are more than six weeks past the constitutional deadline for passing a state budget, yet the state’s majority Democrats last week weren’t even holding budget hearings. Why bother? The state is $19 billion in the red, but the two sides aren’t even close to coming to terms. ...
Business & Economics

Tort reform would bring much-needed jobs to state

Montana may be called the Treasure State, but its economy continues to struggle, with an unemployment rate of 7.1 percent. If lawmakers want to put people back to work, without costing taxpayers another penny for “stimulus,” they can enact desperately needed lawsuit reforms. In the newly released U.S.TortLiabilityIndex:2010Report, Montana ranks ...
Business & Economics

Canada, Land of Smaller Government

When Americans look to Canada, they generally think of an ally, though one dominated by socialist economic policies. But the Canada of the 1970s and early 1980s—the era of left-wing Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau—no longer exists. America’s northern neighbor has transformed itself economically over the last 20 years. The Canadian ...
Business & Economics

More regulators is the wrong fix

The BP oil spill has prompted calls for more federal regulatory power. Yet the behavior of the federal bureaucrats who were supposed to prevent this type of disaster provides no reason to expect better outcomes with more bureaucracy. The Minerals Management Service was the Interior Department agency responsible for regulation ...
Business & Economics

How Lawsuit Reform Could Help California Recover

SACRAMENTO—California is staring down the barrel of a $19 billion budget deficit, huge debt, and an unemployment rate in excess of 12 percent. Legislators can help the state recover by enacting the lawsuit reforms California desperately needs. The quality of California’s civil-justice tort climate ranks a dismal 41st out of ...
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