Business & Economics

Business & Economics

No Bang for the Taxpayer’s Buck: Why California Must Reform Spending and Trim Government

California Government Spending The estimate for California’s total state spending in 2009–10 is $125.1 billion, of which General Fund spending constitutes 69.1 percent. Total state spending (nominal) has increased from $75.3 billion in 1998–99 to $125.1 billion in 2009–10 (an increase of 66.2 percent). The increases over this period outpaced ...
Business & Economics

The Best States For Business And Careers

Utah lowered its corporate tax rate from 7% to 5% in 2008, to the delight of businesses. The rate is now one of the lowest in the country. The regulatory climate is also pro-business, with the Pacific Research Institute rating Utah second-best in the regulatory component of its U.S. Economic ...
Business & Economics

PRI Study: Californians Deserve Better Value for Tax Dollars

San Francisco— California government can do more with fewer taxpayer dollars, according to a new study released today by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco. No Bang for the Taxpayer’s Buck: Why California Must Reform Spending and Trim Government finds that California is ...
Business & Economics

Conservative think tank says California spending too much

When Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger pared nearly a billion dollars from the state budget, Democratic politicians and liberal groups cried foul and said they’d attempt to undo the cuts in health and social services when the Legislature returns to Sacramento in December. Whether the cuts will be restored, however, depends largely ...
Business & Economics

Amending an end to out-of-control spending

If there’s anything that the vast majority of Americans can agree upon politically, it’s that federal spending is out of control. The federal budget is $1 trillion higher than in 2007. It has doubled since President Reagan’s second term, even after adjusting for inflation. Our national debt is now $13 ...
Business & Economics

Can We Fix the California Crackup?

Last month, Joe Mathews and Mark Paul of the New America Foundation came to Sacramento to promote their new book, California Crackup: How Reform Broke the Golden State and How We Can Fix It. Few if any in the audience at the University of California Sacramento Center took issue with ...
Business & Economics

Brown tips his hand on taxes

SACRAMENTO At Jerry Brown’s briefing Wednesday to discuss the dismal condition of the state budget, now plagued by a $25 billion deficit, the incoming governor said, “Everything should be on the table, and everyone should be at the table to talk about it.” Whenever a California Democrat tells you that ...
Business & Economics

Calif. can’t compete with Texas, study says

When it comes to taxes, regulations and government spending, California is losing ground to Texas, according to a new study by the Texas Public Policy Foundation. The Competitive States 2010: Texas vs. California report is a follow-up to a similar one in 2008, which also showed the Golden State lagging ...
Business & Economics

California Continues to Lag in Economic Rivalry With Texas

Laffer: “In several key areas, California’s economy has become even less competitive than before” AUSTIN, Texas, Oct. 11 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Not only does California’s economic climate continue to lag behind that of Texas, “in several key areas, California’s economy has become even less competitive than before,” according to research released ...
Business & Economics

California can’t compete with Texas, study says

When it comes to taxes, regulations and government spending, California is losing ground to Texas, according to a new study by the Texas Public Policy Foundation. The Competitive States 2010: Texas vs. California report is a follow up to a similar one in 2008, which also showed the Golden State ...
Business & Economics

No Bang for the Taxpayer’s Buck: Why California Must Reform Spending and Trim Government

California Government Spending The estimate for California’s total state spending in 2009–10 is $125.1 billion, of which General Fund spending constitutes 69.1 percent. Total state spending (nominal) has increased from $75.3 billion in 1998–99 to $125.1 billion in 2009–10 (an increase of 66.2 percent). The increases over this period outpaced ...
Business & Economics

The Best States For Business And Careers

Utah lowered its corporate tax rate from 7% to 5% in 2008, to the delight of businesses. The rate is now one of the lowest in the country. The regulatory climate is also pro-business, with the Pacific Research Institute rating Utah second-best in the regulatory component of its U.S. Economic ...
Business & Economics

PRI Study: Californians Deserve Better Value for Tax Dollars

San Francisco— California government can do more with fewer taxpayer dollars, according to a new study released today by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco. No Bang for the Taxpayer’s Buck: Why California Must Reform Spending and Trim Government finds that California is ...
Business & Economics

Conservative think tank says California spending too much

When Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger pared nearly a billion dollars from the state budget, Democratic politicians and liberal groups cried foul and said they’d attempt to undo the cuts in health and social services when the Legislature returns to Sacramento in December. Whether the cuts will be restored, however, depends largely ...
Business & Economics

Amending an end to out-of-control spending

If there’s anything that the vast majority of Americans can agree upon politically, it’s that federal spending is out of control. The federal budget is $1 trillion higher than in 2007. It has doubled since President Reagan’s second term, even after adjusting for inflation. Our national debt is now $13 ...
Business & Economics

Can We Fix the California Crackup?

Last month, Joe Mathews and Mark Paul of the New America Foundation came to Sacramento to promote their new book, California Crackup: How Reform Broke the Golden State and How We Can Fix It. Few if any in the audience at the University of California Sacramento Center took issue with ...
Business & Economics

Brown tips his hand on taxes

SACRAMENTO At Jerry Brown’s briefing Wednesday to discuss the dismal condition of the state budget, now plagued by a $25 billion deficit, the incoming governor said, “Everything should be on the table, and everyone should be at the table to talk about it.” Whenever a California Democrat tells you that ...
Business & Economics

Calif. can’t compete with Texas, study says

When it comes to taxes, regulations and government spending, California is losing ground to Texas, according to a new study by the Texas Public Policy Foundation. The Competitive States 2010: Texas vs. California report is a follow-up to a similar one in 2008, which also showed the Golden State lagging ...
Business & Economics

California Continues to Lag in Economic Rivalry With Texas

Laffer: “In several key areas, California’s economy has become even less competitive than before” AUSTIN, Texas, Oct. 11 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Not only does California’s economic climate continue to lag behind that of Texas, “in several key areas, California’s economy has become even less competitive than before,” according to research released ...
Business & Economics

California can’t compete with Texas, study says

When it comes to taxes, regulations and government spending, California is losing ground to Texas, according to a new study by the Texas Public Policy Foundation. The Competitive States 2010: Texas vs. California report is a follow up to a similar one in 2008, which also showed the Golden State ...
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