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  • Business & Economics

    Business & Economics

    Arthur B. Laffer: Right to work, wrong to tax in California

    Gov. Jerry Brown just enacted a $91.3 billion budget measure to close California’s $16 billion deficit. After pleading with legislators to approve billions of dollars in spending cuts, he’s asking voters to approve major tax increases in November. If they don’t, some $6 billion in cuts would take effect in ...
    Business & Economics

    Bankruptcy may be only way out for cities, states

    The problem in the public sector is that government never is allowed to fail. There never is a day of reckoning no matter how poorly government provides its so-called services I recently documented how the state’s pro-union attorney general, Kamala Harris, crafted an unfair and dishonest title and summary for ...
    Business & Economics

    Bond Holders Seek Governmental Transparency

    Once upon a time buying a municipal bond was considered a safe bet. A decent rate of return with little risk ­– just the thing for junior’s college fund and grandma’s retirement account. But that was before Standard & Poor’s downgraded the U.S. government’s credit-worthiness, sending shock waves through the ...
    Business & Economics

    Obama Defends Bailouts, Handouts and Cop-Outs

    State of the Union addresses provide insight into the vision of America embraced by the president, and in that regard Tuesday’s address by President Barack Obama didn’t disappoint. He envisions a country where the federal government protects and creates union jobs and where the public sector is leading the charge ...
    Business & Economics

    Stop Rewarding Irresponsiblity

    During the State of the Union, President Obama called for a new era of responsibility, and declared that there will be “no bailouts,” yet he offered a supposed solution for the ongoing mortgage crisis that rewards irresponsibility by promising even more bailouts for “underwater” homeowners. The president blamed the nation’s ...
    Business & Economics

    T2AR: The Second American Revolution

    The American people are in a restive state resembling the mood of their ancestors two 60 new Representatives in the largest election wave since 1948. In a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released on October 13, 2011, 74% of Americans believe the nation was “off on the wrong track.” If ...
    Business & Economics

    Getting Serious About Ron Paul

    I can’t forgive myself for voting for Arnold Schwarzenegger for governor during the 2003 recall. I selected a “winnable” loser rather than Tom McClintock, a principled conservative who knew what policies to pursue to right California’s sinking fiscal ship. If everyone who voted for Schwarzenegger under the belief that McClintock ...
    Business & Economics

    The Best States For Jobs

    The Texas jobs miracle has received a lot of attention since Rick Perry announced his candidacy for president in August. The numbers are impressive. Texas added 1.2 million net jobs since Perry took office as Texas Governor in December 2000, while the U.S. as a whole lost 1.1 million jobs ...
    Business & Economics

    A Pfizer Break Up? That Would Be Something

    What I intend to contribute at The Apothecary is somewhat different than what you’ll read in my other media, because I’ll be bringing financial analysis to bear on the healthcare space (although not ignoring what the politicians and bureaucrats are doing, of course. Any healthcare enterprise’s success will depend largely ...
    Business & Economics

    Honesty, No More Subsidies

    President Obama’s plan to change federal lending rules so people who are under water in their mortgages can refinance will make a political point about Republican intransigence on his jobs package but won’t sway many voters. The truth: the housing market will not rebound until the banks get their backlog ...
    Business & Economics

    Arthur B. Laffer: Right to work, wrong to tax in California

    Gov. Jerry Brown just enacted a $91.3 billion budget measure to close California’s $16 billion deficit. After pleading with legislators to approve billions of dollars in spending cuts, he’s asking voters to approve major tax increases in November. If they don’t, some $6 billion in cuts would take effect in ...
    Business & Economics

    Bankruptcy may be only way out for cities, states

    The problem in the public sector is that government never is allowed to fail. There never is a day of reckoning no matter how poorly government provides its so-called services I recently documented how the state’s pro-union attorney general, Kamala Harris, crafted an unfair and dishonest title and summary for ...
    Business & Economics

    Bond Holders Seek Governmental Transparency

    Once upon a time buying a municipal bond was considered a safe bet. A decent rate of return with little risk ­– just the thing for junior’s college fund and grandma’s retirement account. But that was before Standard & Poor’s downgraded the U.S. government’s credit-worthiness, sending shock waves through the ...
    Business & Economics

    Obama Defends Bailouts, Handouts and Cop-Outs

    State of the Union addresses provide insight into the vision of America embraced by the president, and in that regard Tuesday’s address by President Barack Obama didn’t disappoint. He envisions a country where the federal government protects and creates union jobs and where the public sector is leading the charge ...
    Business & Economics

    Stop Rewarding Irresponsiblity

    During the State of the Union, President Obama called for a new era of responsibility, and declared that there will be “no bailouts,” yet he offered a supposed solution for the ongoing mortgage crisis that rewards irresponsibility by promising even more bailouts for “underwater” homeowners. The president blamed the nation’s ...
    Business & Economics

    T2AR: The Second American Revolution

    The American people are in a restive state resembling the mood of their ancestors two 60 new Representatives in the largest election wave since 1948. In a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released on October 13, 2011, 74% of Americans believe the nation was “off on the wrong track.” If ...
    Business & Economics

    Getting Serious About Ron Paul

    I can’t forgive myself for voting for Arnold Schwarzenegger for governor during the 2003 recall. I selected a “winnable” loser rather than Tom McClintock, a principled conservative who knew what policies to pursue to right California’s sinking fiscal ship. If everyone who voted for Schwarzenegger under the belief that McClintock ...
    Business & Economics

    The Best States For Jobs

    The Texas jobs miracle has received a lot of attention since Rick Perry announced his candidacy for president in August. The numbers are impressive. Texas added 1.2 million net jobs since Perry took office as Texas Governor in December 2000, while the U.S. as a whole lost 1.1 million jobs ...
    Business & Economics

    A Pfizer Break Up? That Would Be Something

    What I intend to contribute at The Apothecary is somewhat different than what you’ll read in my other media, because I’ll be bringing financial analysis to bear on the healthcare space (although not ignoring what the politicians and bureaucrats are doing, of course. Any healthcare enterprise’s success will depend largely ...
    Business & Economics

    Honesty, No More Subsidies

    President Obama’s plan to change federal lending rules so people who are under water in their mortgages can refinance will make a political point about Republican intransigence on his jobs package but won’t sway many voters. The truth: the housing market will not rebound until the banks get their backlog ...
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