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  • Business & Economics

    Business & Economics

    New Report on Controlling Rising Government Compensation Costs

    New Report on Controlling Rising Government Compensation Costs The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, today released a new report providing policy reforms to help control the rising compensation costs of state government employees. The report “Policy Reforms to Control Rising Government Compensation Costs” ...
    Business & Economics

    To cut state prison budget, start with perks for guards

    California’s voters will soon consider two ballot initiatives that aim to reduce the state’s unsustainable spending on prisons. The cost of jail is punishing – and not just for the prisoners. Incarcerating an inmate runs an average of $47,000 a year. That figure certainly is not chump change, but the ...
    Business & Economics

    California’s politicians failing taxpayers

    California’s state and local politicians are failing their fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers. As the taxpayers’ agents, California’s politicians should be establishing compensation policies that are generous enough to attract and retain the right people, but not so generous that government workers earn a substantial premium compared to their private ...
    Business & Economics

    Economists argue about sequestration’s effect on jobs

    As a prominent analyst of the local economy, Stephen S. Fuller of George Mason University’s Center for Regional Analysis attracted plenty of attention when he estimated that the mandatory budget cuts coming in January could cost more than 2 million jobs nationwide, including nearly 450,000 in the District, Maryland and ...
    Business & Economics

    More taxes won’t fix state debt

    The Golden State continues to lead the nation in accumulating public debt, a race where being in first place isn’t the same thing as winning. “California again trumped other states with a $617 billion debt,” reported State Budget Solutions, a nonpartisan organization advocating “fundamental reforms” for state budgets. For the ...
    Business & Economics

    Weekly Standard: The Obamacare Bowl

    Have you ever watched a football game in which a team runs the ball seemingly at will and wins in a rout? And then, in a rematch, that same team for no good reason throws the ball repeatedly, with little success? Meet Team Republican. In 2010, it ran Obama­care down ...
    Business & Economics

    Economist Finds Dental Service Organizations (DSOs) More Cost-Effective Than Average Independent Dentists

    Laffer Study of TX Medicaid Claims Shows DSOs Treat Patients More Conservatively, Contrary to Claims by Detractors of the Dental Business Model Nashville, Tenn. — An in-depth study of state reimbursement claims data conducted by economist Arthur Laffer shows that Dental Service Organizations (DSO) in Texas are providing more cost-efficient ...
    Business & Economics


    Facebook’s stock price is currently hovering just above its all-time low. Shares have lost nearly half their value since they hit the market in May. The social network’s executives, employees and investors aren’t the only ones disappointed by the stock’s underperformance. The state of California was hoping for roughly $2 ...
    Business & Economics

    The Policy Value Gap, Part 1: A Fiscal Perspective

    In the spirit of Jimmy Carter, “an economic malaise plagues the country”. Rather than being the product of a fundamental flaw in our economic system, though, the current stagnation is mainly the result of the nation’s misguided economic policies. The federal government’s response to the financial crisis of 2008 was ...
    Business & Economics

    Brown should go back to idea of a flat tax to help economy

    Gov. Jerry Brown just signed bills finalizing California’s budget and closing the Golden State’s $16 billion budget deficit. But the governor’s budget is contingent on voters approving a proposed $8.5 billion tax hike at the ballot box this November. If they don’t, some $6 billion in spending cuts will go ...
    Business & Economics

    New Report on Controlling Rising Government Compensation Costs

    New Report on Controlling Rising Government Compensation Costs The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, today released a new report providing policy reforms to help control the rising compensation costs of state government employees. The report “Policy Reforms to Control Rising Government Compensation Costs” ...
    Business & Economics

    To cut state prison budget, start with perks for guards

    California’s voters will soon consider two ballot initiatives that aim to reduce the state’s unsustainable spending on prisons. The cost of jail is punishing – and not just for the prisoners. Incarcerating an inmate runs an average of $47,000 a year. That figure certainly is not chump change, but the ...
    Business & Economics

    California’s politicians failing taxpayers

    California’s state and local politicians are failing their fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers. As the taxpayers’ agents, California’s politicians should be establishing compensation policies that are generous enough to attract and retain the right people, but not so generous that government workers earn a substantial premium compared to their private ...
    Business & Economics

    Economists argue about sequestration’s effect on jobs

    As a prominent analyst of the local economy, Stephen S. Fuller of George Mason University’s Center for Regional Analysis attracted plenty of attention when he estimated that the mandatory budget cuts coming in January could cost more than 2 million jobs nationwide, including nearly 450,000 in the District, Maryland and ...
    Business & Economics

    More taxes won’t fix state debt

    The Golden State continues to lead the nation in accumulating public debt, a race where being in first place isn’t the same thing as winning. “California again trumped other states with a $617 billion debt,” reported State Budget Solutions, a nonpartisan organization advocating “fundamental reforms” for state budgets. For the ...
    Business & Economics

    Weekly Standard: The Obamacare Bowl

    Have you ever watched a football game in which a team runs the ball seemingly at will and wins in a rout? And then, in a rematch, that same team for no good reason throws the ball repeatedly, with little success? Meet Team Republican. In 2010, it ran Obama­care down ...
    Business & Economics

    Economist Finds Dental Service Organizations (DSOs) More Cost-Effective Than Average Independent Dentists

    Laffer Study of TX Medicaid Claims Shows DSOs Treat Patients More Conservatively, Contrary to Claims by Detractors of the Dental Business Model Nashville, Tenn. — An in-depth study of state reimbursement claims data conducted by economist Arthur Laffer shows that Dental Service Organizations (DSO) in Texas are providing more cost-efficient ...
    Business & Economics


    Facebook’s stock price is currently hovering just above its all-time low. Shares have lost nearly half their value since they hit the market in May. The social network’s executives, employees and investors aren’t the only ones disappointed by the stock’s underperformance. The state of California was hoping for roughly $2 ...
    Business & Economics

    The Policy Value Gap, Part 1: A Fiscal Perspective

    In the spirit of Jimmy Carter, “an economic malaise plagues the country”. Rather than being the product of a fundamental flaw in our economic system, though, the current stagnation is mainly the result of the nation’s misguided economic policies. The federal government’s response to the financial crisis of 2008 was ...
    Business & Economics

    Brown should go back to idea of a flat tax to help economy

    Gov. Jerry Brown just signed bills finalizing California’s budget and closing the Golden State’s $16 billion budget deficit. But the governor’s budget is contingent on voters approving a proposed $8.5 billion tax hike at the ballot box this November. If they don’t, some $6 billion in spending cuts will go ...
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