Business & Economics

Business & Economics

Energy regulations drilling Wisconsinites’ wallets

If forecasts predicting another brutally cold winter are correct, Americans’ furnaces will soon be working overtime. Last year’s frigid temperatures significantly increased heating bills across the country. For instance, the cost to heat a home with propane increased by more than 50 percent. The weather is a given every year, ...
Business & Economics

The Regressive Impact on Ohio’s Families from EPA’s Proposed Regulations

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed new rules on carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) for existing power plants will significantly increase electricity prices, especially in states such as Ohio that rely on coal-powered electricity. The higher electricity costs will fall most heavily on lower-income families and the weight of the adverse ...
Business & Economics

Devaluation in a Free Trade World

A prosperous economy is created via good economic policy and then getting out of the way to let America’s amazing companies and citizens work, produce and invest. The perfect pro-growth agenda includes: a low rate flat tax, spending restraint, sound money, minimal regulation, and free trade. While bipartisan movement on ...
Business & Economics

A Better Solution For Municipalities On The Brink Of Bankruptcy

Unfunded government pensions are driving municipalities across the country into bankruptcy – from Detroit, Michigan (the largest municipal bankruptcy ever) to Vallejo, California. Despite the need for states and municipalities to have contributed large annual payments to their pension funds over many years, as a group they failed to do ...
Business & Economics

The Seven Lean Years: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences from California’s Prop. 30

The Pacific Research Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit think tank, today released a study on the effects of Prop. 30 on the state’s economy. “The Seven Lean Years: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences from California’s Proposition 30” was authored by Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D, a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute. ...
Business & Economics

The seven lean years

California’s Proposition 30, officially titled “Temporary Taxes to Fund Education,” is celebrating its second anniversary this November. The greatest anniversary gift would be to repeal it. California needs sustainable and robust economic growth. Strong economic growth creates jobs, raises families’ incomes and improves our standard of living. And, while economic ...
Business & Economics

Plan Bay Area: The Mayor’s Transportation Task Force Report

Pacific Research Institute Brief Reveals Flaws with San Francisco’s Transportation Task Force Report Today PRI released a brief reviewing San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee’s Transportation Task Force Report: 2030. The brief is a supplement to PRI’s earlier study “Plan Bay Area Evaluation” (June 2013), which critiqued the plan developed by ...
Business & Economics

The impacts of raising San Francisco’s minimum wage to $15

On Nov. 4 San Francisco voters are being asked to approve Proposition J, a measure which increases the minimum wage in San Francisco to $15 per hour by 2018 from the current city rate of $10.74. San Franciscans should think carefully before approving this measure. When a business hires an ...
Business & Economics

Competitive standards strengthens Oregon’s forests

A new study commissioned by Governor John Kitzhaber underscores the need for competitive, rather than restrictive, markets for wood and timber products harvested in Oregon. Existing building policies for sustainable wood products stifle, rather than foster competition. Specifically, the market for “certified” timber has been disrupted by unnecessary policies that ...
Business & Economics

The Empire State’s ugly war on energy

New Yorkers are paying far too much for the essentials of modern life. For evidence, look no further than the gas pump: State taxes add about 50 cents to each gallon of gas and diesel, the second-highest gas tax in the country. And New York’s electricity prices are the fourth-highest ...
Business & Economics

Energy regulations drilling Wisconsinites’ wallets

If forecasts predicting another brutally cold winter are correct, Americans’ furnaces will soon be working overtime. Last year’s frigid temperatures significantly increased heating bills across the country. For instance, the cost to heat a home with propane increased by more than 50 percent. The weather is a given every year, ...
Business & Economics

The Regressive Impact on Ohio’s Families from EPA’s Proposed Regulations

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed new rules on carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) for existing power plants will significantly increase electricity prices, especially in states such as Ohio that rely on coal-powered electricity. The higher electricity costs will fall most heavily on lower-income families and the weight of the adverse ...
Business & Economics

Devaluation in a Free Trade World

A prosperous economy is created via good economic policy and then getting out of the way to let America’s amazing companies and citizens work, produce and invest. The perfect pro-growth agenda includes: a low rate flat tax, spending restraint, sound money, minimal regulation, and free trade. While bipartisan movement on ...
Business & Economics

A Better Solution For Municipalities On The Brink Of Bankruptcy

Unfunded government pensions are driving municipalities across the country into bankruptcy – from Detroit, Michigan (the largest municipal bankruptcy ever) to Vallejo, California. Despite the need for states and municipalities to have contributed large annual payments to their pension funds over many years, as a group they failed to do ...
Business & Economics

The Seven Lean Years: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences from California’s Prop. 30

The Pacific Research Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit think tank, today released a study on the effects of Prop. 30 on the state’s economy. “The Seven Lean Years: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences from California’s Proposition 30” was authored by Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D, a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute. ...
Business & Economics

The seven lean years

California’s Proposition 30, officially titled “Temporary Taxes to Fund Education,” is celebrating its second anniversary this November. The greatest anniversary gift would be to repeal it. California needs sustainable and robust economic growth. Strong economic growth creates jobs, raises families’ incomes and improves our standard of living. And, while economic ...
Business & Economics

Plan Bay Area: The Mayor’s Transportation Task Force Report

Pacific Research Institute Brief Reveals Flaws with San Francisco’s Transportation Task Force Report Today PRI released a brief reviewing San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee’s Transportation Task Force Report: 2030. The brief is a supplement to PRI’s earlier study “Plan Bay Area Evaluation” (June 2013), which critiqued the plan developed by ...
Business & Economics

The impacts of raising San Francisco’s minimum wage to $15

On Nov. 4 San Francisco voters are being asked to approve Proposition J, a measure which increases the minimum wage in San Francisco to $15 per hour by 2018 from the current city rate of $10.74. San Franciscans should think carefully before approving this measure. When a business hires an ...
Business & Economics

Competitive standards strengthens Oregon’s forests

A new study commissioned by Governor John Kitzhaber underscores the need for competitive, rather than restrictive, markets for wood and timber products harvested in Oregon. Existing building policies for sustainable wood products stifle, rather than foster competition. Specifically, the market for “certified” timber has been disrupted by unnecessary policies that ...
Business & Economics

The Empire State’s ugly war on energy

New Yorkers are paying far too much for the essentials of modern life. For evidence, look no further than the gas pump: State taxes add about 50 cents to each gallon of gas and diesel, the second-highest gas tax in the country. And New York’s electricity prices are the fourth-highest ...
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