Business & Economics

Business & Economics

Tax Reform Kabuki Theater Ready to Take Center Stage

Last month, the Legislature sent 600 bills to Governor Jerry Brown for his signature (or veto). Senator Bob Hertzberg’s SB 8 was not among them. Hertzberg created a buzz when he introduced his proposal in late 2014. Los Angeles Times columnist George Skelton wrote Hertzberg’s proposal “points the way to ...
Business & Economics

Tax cuts will revitalize growth: Opposing view

Governor Jeb Bush’s proposed pro-growth tax reform, mimicked by Donald Trump, is an important step forward. The U.S. economy has been plagued with unacceptably slow growth since the 2007-09 recession — so slow that six years into our supposed recovery, policymakers still talk about the need for economic stimulus. It ...
Business & Economics

Tax Reform Research Brief

A tax reform plan by PRI authors Art Laffer and Wayne Winegarden is the subject of a new research brief by Forward Observer, a prominent research and strategy firm with offices in California and Washington, DC. The research brief compares the tax reform proposal, including a flat tax, outlined in ...
Business & Economics

Why Are All These California Companies Moving To Texas? Here Are A Bunch Of Reasons

A new study from the San Francisco-based Pacific Research Institute has ranked the regulatory climate for small businesses in California the worst out of all 50 states — and the Bay Area is a prime example of why. The reasons? Costly regulations on short-term disability insurance and a minimum wage ...
Business & Economics

California, And Particularly The Bay Area, Has Worst Regulatory Climate For Small Businesses, Study Says

A new study from the San Francisco-based Pacific Research Institute has ranked the regulatory climate for small businesses in California the worst out of all 50 states — and the Bay Area is a prime example of why. The reasons? Costly regulations on short-term disability insurance and a minimum wage ...
Business & Economics

States Where Regulations Harm Small Businesses The Most

The federal and state governments continue to impose ever-more burdensome regulations on businesses across the country. Overall, in 2014 alone, the Obama Administration imposed an estimated $181.5 billion in proposed and final regulatory costs on the U.S. economy according to a study by the American Action Forum. And, the federal ...
Business & Economics

Regulatory Burdens Light

Florida is no Texas when it comes to the amount of regulations its small businesses face. But at least it’s not New Jersey. The Sunshine State placed sixth in the Pacific Research Institute’s 50-State Index of Small Business Regulation, released in July. The San Francisco-based nonprofit, non-partisan think tank based ...
Business & Economics

The 50-State Small Business Regulation Index

Pacific Research Institute Ranks Small Business Regulation in the 50 States Indiana Ranks Best for Small Businesses; California Ranks Worst San Francisco, July 24, 2015 – The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) a non-partisan, non-profit think tank based in San Francisco, today released the “The 50-State Index of Small Business Regulation,” ...
Business & Economics

Study: Wyo. Ranks #20 For Small Business

In a study examining regulatory burden more than tax burden, Wyoming ranked No. 20 for small-business friendliness. This stands in contrast to other studies where Wyoming has been ranked No. 1 and No. 2 for business. The 124-page study, which developed a regulatory index for each state, emerged Thursday from ...
Business & Economics

Congress should pass Trade Promotion Authority

Too frequently politics trumps sound policy. Fast track trade negotiating authority, also known as trade promotion authority (TPA), presents an opportunity for our lawmakers and the executive branch to illustrate that good policy can still prevail. If re-authorized, TPA, which was first passed in the Trade Act of 1974, would ...
Business & Economics

Tax Reform Kabuki Theater Ready to Take Center Stage

Last month, the Legislature sent 600 bills to Governor Jerry Brown for his signature (or veto). Senator Bob Hertzberg’s SB 8 was not among them. Hertzberg created a buzz when he introduced his proposal in late 2014. Los Angeles Times columnist George Skelton wrote Hertzberg’s proposal “points the way to ...
Business & Economics

Tax cuts will revitalize growth: Opposing view

Governor Jeb Bush’s proposed pro-growth tax reform, mimicked by Donald Trump, is an important step forward. The U.S. economy has been plagued with unacceptably slow growth since the 2007-09 recession — so slow that six years into our supposed recovery, policymakers still talk about the need for economic stimulus. It ...
Business & Economics

Tax Reform Research Brief

A tax reform plan by PRI authors Art Laffer and Wayne Winegarden is the subject of a new research brief by Forward Observer, a prominent research and strategy firm with offices in California and Washington, DC. The research brief compares the tax reform proposal, including a flat tax, outlined in ...
Business & Economics

Why Are All These California Companies Moving To Texas? Here Are A Bunch Of Reasons

A new study from the San Francisco-based Pacific Research Institute has ranked the regulatory climate for small businesses in California the worst out of all 50 states — and the Bay Area is a prime example of why. The reasons? Costly regulations on short-term disability insurance and a minimum wage ...
Business & Economics

California, And Particularly The Bay Area, Has Worst Regulatory Climate For Small Businesses, Study Says

A new study from the San Francisco-based Pacific Research Institute has ranked the regulatory climate for small businesses in California the worst out of all 50 states — and the Bay Area is a prime example of why. The reasons? Costly regulations on short-term disability insurance and a minimum wage ...
Business & Economics

States Where Regulations Harm Small Businesses The Most

The federal and state governments continue to impose ever-more burdensome regulations on businesses across the country. Overall, in 2014 alone, the Obama Administration imposed an estimated $181.5 billion in proposed and final regulatory costs on the U.S. economy according to a study by the American Action Forum. And, the federal ...
Business & Economics

Regulatory Burdens Light

Florida is no Texas when it comes to the amount of regulations its small businesses face. But at least it’s not New Jersey. The Sunshine State placed sixth in the Pacific Research Institute’s 50-State Index of Small Business Regulation, released in July. The San Francisco-based nonprofit, non-partisan think tank based ...
Business & Economics

The 50-State Small Business Regulation Index

Pacific Research Institute Ranks Small Business Regulation in the 50 States Indiana Ranks Best for Small Businesses; California Ranks Worst San Francisco, July 24, 2015 – The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) a non-partisan, non-profit think tank based in San Francisco, today released the “The 50-State Index of Small Business Regulation,” ...
Business & Economics

Study: Wyo. Ranks #20 For Small Business

In a study examining regulatory burden more than tax burden, Wyoming ranked No. 20 for small-business friendliness. This stands in contrast to other studies where Wyoming has been ranked No. 1 and No. 2 for business. The 124-page study, which developed a regulatory index for each state, emerged Thursday from ...
Business & Economics

Congress should pass Trade Promotion Authority

Too frequently politics trumps sound policy. Fast track trade negotiating authority, also known as trade promotion authority (TPA), presents an opportunity for our lawmakers and the executive branch to illustrate that good policy can still prevail. If re-authorized, TPA, which was first passed in the Trade Act of 1974, would ...
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