Government Spending


Can Taxpayers Afford a Big Spending Sacramento “Economic Recovery Plan”?

Speaker Pelosi and her allies in Congress received significant pollical pushback for using the COVID-19 crisis to enact their budget wish list in the $2 billion “phase 3” stimulus. Recently, Rowena Itchon wrote on Right by the Bay about tens of millions being spent on priorities for Democrats like propping ...

Beyond the New Normal? Not.

Back in 2017, concerned over the sclerotic growth of the U.S. economy, PRI published a series of studies titled Beyond the New Normal by economist and PRI senior fellow Wayne Winegarden. Up until that point, annual real GDP growth averaged just 1.9 percent since 2001. Many economists, resigned to our ...
Business & Economics

Eliminating barriers to entrepreneurship will help immigrants, poor

The United States is in the midst of the longest economic expansion on record. The U.S. economy has been growing for more than 10 years. The unemployment rate is near its lowest point ever. And yet, poverty continues to be persistent nationwide. Tens of thousands of people are homeless in ...

Taxpayers Exhausted from Newsom’s Marathon Budget Presser

Gov. Newsom’s announcement of his 2020-21 State Budget plan on Friday was another whopper, his speech clocking in at roughly 2 hours and 47 minutes.  Last year, reporters who were used to covering a 30 minute press conference where caught off guard by Newsom’s lengthy presentation.  Los Angeles Times reporter ...

California And Bernie Sanders a Snug Political Fit

A Washington newspaper has reported that U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the socialist from Vermont, has received 300 endorsements from California. That goes a long to explaining why things keep going wrong in the state. “The campaign released endorsements from 40 elected officials, more than 80 community leaders and more than ...

Who Are the Big Winners and Losers of 2019?

We made it to New Year’s Eve 2019 – the last day of the year and the last day of the decade. In between getting ready for a great party and enjoying some champagne, today is a time to look back on the year that was.  2019 was PRI’s 40th ...

Court ruling leaves problem-plagued ObamaCare’s future unknown – More pragmatic plan needed

ObamaCare’s much-hated requirement that every American carry health insurance or pay a penalty was ruled unconstitutional Wednesday in a 2-1 decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. That’s the right decision on a badly flawed law – but it won’t change anything for months or more likely years ...
Business & Economics

Sacramento, not D.C., is responsible for California’s unaffordable tax burden

Last fall, Democratic congressional candidates successfully painted the 2017 federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as a tax increase on hard working Californians to pick-up even more congressional seats. Congress, they charged, raised the tax burden of many Californians by, among other things, capping the State and Local Tax, or ...

Newsom’s Homeless Task Force Shuts Out Private Charities, Non-Profits

California’s homeless crisis continues to wage out of control on the streets of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and communities across the state. State and local politicians have given lots of lip service about “taking action” to solve the problem.  Not surprisingly, their vision for addressing the problem only involves ...

How socialist price controls will harm American patients

The Trump administration is planning to propose one of the biggest changes to Medicare in decades. The draft rule aims to reduce government spending by linking Medicare drug reimbursement rates to the rates in more than a dozen other Western countries that use price controls to hold down pharmaceutical spending. If implemented, ...

Can Taxpayers Afford a Big Spending Sacramento “Economic Recovery Plan”?

Speaker Pelosi and her allies in Congress received significant pollical pushback for using the COVID-19 crisis to enact their budget wish list in the $2 billion “phase 3” stimulus. Recently, Rowena Itchon wrote on Right by the Bay about tens of millions being spent on priorities for Democrats like propping ...

Beyond the New Normal? Not.

Back in 2017, concerned over the sclerotic growth of the U.S. economy, PRI published a series of studies titled Beyond the New Normal by economist and PRI senior fellow Wayne Winegarden. Up until that point, annual real GDP growth averaged just 1.9 percent since 2001. Many economists, resigned to our ...
Business & Economics

Eliminating barriers to entrepreneurship will help immigrants, poor

The United States is in the midst of the longest economic expansion on record. The U.S. economy has been growing for more than 10 years. The unemployment rate is near its lowest point ever. And yet, poverty continues to be persistent nationwide. Tens of thousands of people are homeless in ...

Taxpayers Exhausted from Newsom’s Marathon Budget Presser

Gov. Newsom’s announcement of his 2020-21 State Budget plan on Friday was another whopper, his speech clocking in at roughly 2 hours and 47 minutes.  Last year, reporters who were used to covering a 30 minute press conference where caught off guard by Newsom’s lengthy presentation.  Los Angeles Times reporter ...

California And Bernie Sanders a Snug Political Fit

A Washington newspaper has reported that U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the socialist from Vermont, has received 300 endorsements from California. That goes a long to explaining why things keep going wrong in the state. “The campaign released endorsements from 40 elected officials, more than 80 community leaders and more than ...

Who Are the Big Winners and Losers of 2019?

We made it to New Year’s Eve 2019 – the last day of the year and the last day of the decade. In between getting ready for a great party and enjoying some champagne, today is a time to look back on the year that was.  2019 was PRI’s 40th ...

Court ruling leaves problem-plagued ObamaCare’s future unknown – More pragmatic plan needed

ObamaCare’s much-hated requirement that every American carry health insurance or pay a penalty was ruled unconstitutional Wednesday in a 2-1 decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. That’s the right decision on a badly flawed law – but it won’t change anything for months or more likely years ...
Business & Economics

Sacramento, not D.C., is responsible for California’s unaffordable tax burden

Last fall, Democratic congressional candidates successfully painted the 2017 federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as a tax increase on hard working Californians to pick-up even more congressional seats. Congress, they charged, raised the tax burden of many Californians by, among other things, capping the State and Local Tax, or ...

Newsom’s Homeless Task Force Shuts Out Private Charities, Non-Profits

California’s homeless crisis continues to wage out of control on the streets of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and communities across the state. State and local politicians have given lots of lip service about “taking action” to solve the problem.  Not surprisingly, their vision for addressing the problem only involves ...

How socialist price controls will harm American patients

The Trump administration is planning to propose one of the biggest changes to Medicare in decades. The draft rule aims to reduce government spending by linking Medicare drug reimbursement rates to the rates in more than a dozen other Western countries that use price controls to hold down pharmaceutical spending. If implemented, ...
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