
Business & Economics

Memo to Candidates – Dire Economy Calls for Deep Reforms

California’s unemployment rate is 12.4 percent – third-highest in the country – but that statistic fails to tell the whole story of our economic woes. If marginal workers and those forced to work part-time are added to the base unemployment rate – what the Bureau of Labor Statistics refers to ...
Business & Economics

Lawyers gone wild are killing our economy

Part one of a three-part series. Jackpot Justice – Lawyers Gone Wild from Nicholas Tucker on Vimeo. It’s a dangerous world. At least, that’s what the warning labels on common consumer products would lead us to believe. The kitchen knife package cautions against juggling knives. The superhero costume warns that ...
Business & Economics

How lawsuit reform could jump-start Illinois’ economy

The Illinois economy continues to struggle, with an unemployment rate of 11.5 percent, near the highest in the nation. If lawmakers want to put people back to work, without costing taxpayers another penny for “stimulus,” they can enact desperately needed lawsuit reforms. In the newly released U.S. Tort Liability Index: ...
Business & Economics

Lawsuit reform could boost state economy

Michigan’s economy continues to struggle, with an unemployment rate of 14.1%, highest in the nation. If lawmakers want to put people back to work, without costing taxpayers another penny for “stimulus,” they can enact desperately needed lawsuit reforms. In the newly released U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2010 Report, Michigan ranks ...
Business & Economics

Artificially low interest rates bad for economy

Ultra-low interest rates fueled the housing bubble, thanks to former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan’s direction. And Americans should brace for another crash because that practice has continued. The Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee recently announced it would maintain a target of zero to 0.25 percent for the federal funds rate ...
Business & Economics

To Revive New York’s Economy, Attack Lawsuit Abuse

New York’s unemployment rate is hovering near 9% – the highest in more than a decade. Meanwhile, almost 12% of Empire State homeowners are late on their mortgages or in foreclosure. From 1997 through 2007, the number of jobs in New York increased only 8%, ranking the state 36th. During ...
Business & Economics

Obama’s Big Spending Fallacy Could Ruin the US Economy: A History Lesson

I’m inclined to the view that the Great Depression was a seminal turning point in the history of economic thought. Thanks to that politically-induced tragedy something like 150 years of sound economic reasoning was overturned by two mercantilist fallacies that we now call Keynesianism, the first of which was the ...
Business & Economics

California’s Economy: Boxer And Krugman Get It Wrong

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman argued in a May 25th column that California’s economic problems are rooted in a dysfunctional government that finds it “extremely hard to raise taxes, even in emergencies.” On May 28, California’s junior Senator, Barbara Boxer made a similar argument on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Both ...
Business & Economics

CNBC News: Fed Backs U.S. Economy

Insight on the Federal Reserve’s ‘build-up the balance sheet’ program, with Art Laffer, Laffer Investments; Lee Hoskins, Pacific Research Institute; and CNBC’s Rick Santelli, Steve Liesman & Larry Kudlow.
Business & Economics

Will Electric Cars Jolt California’s Economy?

With the support of Governor Schwarzenegger, the mayors of San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose last week announced a $1-billion joint plan to make the Bay Area “the electric-vehicle capital of the world.” The announcement follows President-elect Obama’s pledge to reinvigorate the nation’s economy with millions of “green collar” jobs. ...
Business & Economics

Memo to Candidates – Dire Economy Calls for Deep Reforms

California’s unemployment rate is 12.4 percent – third-highest in the country – but that statistic fails to tell the whole story of our economic woes. If marginal workers and those forced to work part-time are added to the base unemployment rate – what the Bureau of Labor Statistics refers to ...
Business & Economics

Lawyers gone wild are killing our economy

Part one of a three-part series. Jackpot Justice – Lawyers Gone Wild from Nicholas Tucker on Vimeo. It’s a dangerous world. At least, that’s what the warning labels on common consumer products would lead us to believe. The kitchen knife package cautions against juggling knives. The superhero costume warns that ...
Business & Economics

How lawsuit reform could jump-start Illinois’ economy

The Illinois economy continues to struggle, with an unemployment rate of 11.5 percent, near the highest in the nation. If lawmakers want to put people back to work, without costing taxpayers another penny for “stimulus,” they can enact desperately needed lawsuit reforms. In the newly released U.S. Tort Liability Index: ...
Business & Economics

Lawsuit reform could boost state economy

Michigan’s economy continues to struggle, with an unemployment rate of 14.1%, highest in the nation. If lawmakers want to put people back to work, without costing taxpayers another penny for “stimulus,” they can enact desperately needed lawsuit reforms. In the newly released U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2010 Report, Michigan ranks ...
Business & Economics

Artificially low interest rates bad for economy

Ultra-low interest rates fueled the housing bubble, thanks to former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan’s direction. And Americans should brace for another crash because that practice has continued. The Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee recently announced it would maintain a target of zero to 0.25 percent for the federal funds rate ...
Business & Economics

To Revive New York’s Economy, Attack Lawsuit Abuse

New York’s unemployment rate is hovering near 9% – the highest in more than a decade. Meanwhile, almost 12% of Empire State homeowners are late on their mortgages or in foreclosure. From 1997 through 2007, the number of jobs in New York increased only 8%, ranking the state 36th. During ...
Business & Economics

Obama’s Big Spending Fallacy Could Ruin the US Economy: A History Lesson

I’m inclined to the view that the Great Depression was a seminal turning point in the history of economic thought. Thanks to that politically-induced tragedy something like 150 years of sound economic reasoning was overturned by two mercantilist fallacies that we now call Keynesianism, the first of which was the ...
Business & Economics

California’s Economy: Boxer And Krugman Get It Wrong

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman argued in a May 25th column that California’s economic problems are rooted in a dysfunctional government that finds it “extremely hard to raise taxes, even in emergencies.” On May 28, California’s junior Senator, Barbara Boxer made a similar argument on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Both ...
Business & Economics

CNBC News: Fed Backs U.S. Economy

Insight on the Federal Reserve’s ‘build-up the balance sheet’ program, with Art Laffer, Laffer Investments; Lee Hoskins, Pacific Research Institute; and CNBC’s Rick Santelli, Steve Liesman & Larry Kudlow.
Business & Economics

Will Electric Cars Jolt California’s Economy?

With the support of Governor Schwarzenegger, the mayors of San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose last week announced a $1-billion joint plan to make the Bay Area “the electric-vehicle capital of the world.” The announcement follows President-elect Obama’s pledge to reinvigorate the nation’s economy with millions of “green collar” jobs. ...
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