Business & Economics
To Grow California’s Economy, Legislature Must Act to Stop Junk Lawsuits
California’s business climate is more predictable than its weather. It’s always one storm after the other. Companies relocate to states where they are welcomed rather than vilified and preyed upon. Capital is moved to more jobs-friendly states. Productive workers just get out, or are left behind with few good opportunities ...
Kerry Jackson
March 22, 2017
Business & Economics
How To Create A High-Growth Economy
Click here to read part 1 of “Beyond the New Normal” by Wayne Winegarden and Niles Chura For more than a decade federal policy has re-shaped the economy through a variety of activist policies. Taxes have risen, spending has increased, and the regulatory state has been empowered. The Federal Reserve, ...
Wayne Winegarden
January 26, 2017
Business & Economics
Beyond the New Normal – New Study: Slow Economic Growth Is Not “The New Normal” For U.S. Economy
Countering the narrative that slow economic growth is “the new normal” for America’s economy, the Pacific Research Institute today released the first in a series of reports from its new study, Beyond the New Normal, which makes the case that future U.S. economic growth can meet –or exceed – past ...
Pacific Research Institute
January 18, 2017
Business & Economics
Beyond the New Normal – New Study: Slow Economic Growth Is Not “The New Normal” For U.S. Economy
Countering the narrative that slow economic growth is “the new normal” for America’s economy, the Pacific Research Institute today released the first in a series of reports from its new study, Beyond the New Normal, which makes the case that future U.S. economic growth can meet –or exceed – past ...
Pacific Research Institute
January 18, 2017
Business & Economics
U.S. economy needs free trade
American officials are currently negotiating a free-trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership with their counterparts in Japan and 11 other Pacific Rim countries. If successful, the benefits to American consumers and producers would be significant. By some estimates, an agreement could grow the U.S. economy by $77 billion a ...
Wayne Winegarden
October 31, 2013
Business & Economics
Brown should go back to idea of a flat tax to help economy
Gov. Jerry Brown just signed bills finalizing California’s budget and closing the Golden State’s $16 billion budget deficit. But the governor’s budget is contingent on voters approving a proposed $8.5 billion tax hike at the ballot box this November. If they don’t, some $6 billion in spending cuts will go ...
Arthur Laffer
July 15, 2012
Business & Economics
Educated Legislators, Bad Economy
California has the most educated legislators, according to a recent Chronicle of Higher Education study. Those stellar academic credentials, unfortunately, have not lifted the state from its economic malaise. California’s unemployment rate, as of May, is nearly 12 percent, higher than every state in the bottom five of the study. ...
Alison Meyer
July 6, 2011
Business & Economics
Memo to Candidates – Dire Economy Calls for Deep Reforms
California’s unemployment rate is 12.4 percent – third-highest in the country – but that statistic fails to tell the whole story of our economic woes. If marginal workers and those forced to work part-time are added to the base unemployment rate – what the Bureau of Labor Statistics refers to ...
Jason Clemens
October 25, 2010
Business & Economics
Lawyers gone wild are killing our economy
Part one of a three-part series. Jackpot Justice – Lawyers Gone Wild from Nicholas Tucker on Vimeo. It’s a dangerous world. At least, that’s what the warning labels on common consumer products would lead us to believe. The kitchen knife package cautions against juggling knives. The superhero costume warns that ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
October 18, 2010
Business & Economics
How lawsuit reform could jump-start Illinois’ economy
The Illinois economy continues to struggle, with an unemployment rate of 11.5 percent, near the highest in the nation. If lawmakers want to put people back to work, without costing taxpayers another penny for “stimulus,” they can enact desperately needed lawsuit reforms. In the newly released U.S. Tort Liability Index: ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
June 23, 2010
To Grow California’s Economy, Legislature Must Act to Stop Junk Lawsuits
California’s business climate is more predictable than its weather. It’s always one storm after the other. Companies relocate to states where they are welcomed rather than vilified and preyed upon. Capital is moved to more jobs-friendly states. Productive workers just get out, or are left behind with few good opportunities ...
How To Create A High-Growth Economy
Click here to read part 1 of “Beyond the New Normal” by Wayne Winegarden and Niles Chura For more than a decade federal policy has re-shaped the economy through a variety of activist policies. Taxes have risen, spending has increased, and the regulatory state has been empowered. The Federal Reserve, ...
Beyond the New Normal – New Study: Slow Economic Growth Is Not “The New Normal” For U.S. Economy
Countering the narrative that slow economic growth is “the new normal” for America’s economy, the Pacific Research Institute today released the first in a series of reports from its new study, Beyond the New Normal, which makes the case that future U.S. economic growth can meet –or exceed – past ...
Beyond the New Normal – New Study: Slow Economic Growth Is Not “The New Normal” For U.S. Economy
Countering the narrative that slow economic growth is “the new normal” for America’s economy, the Pacific Research Institute today released the first in a series of reports from its new study, Beyond the New Normal, which makes the case that future U.S. economic growth can meet –or exceed – past ...
U.S. economy needs free trade
American officials are currently negotiating a free-trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership with their counterparts in Japan and 11 other Pacific Rim countries. If successful, the benefits to American consumers and producers would be significant. By some estimates, an agreement could grow the U.S. economy by $77 billion a ...
Brown should go back to idea of a flat tax to help economy
Gov. Jerry Brown just signed bills finalizing California’s budget and closing the Golden State’s $16 billion budget deficit. But the governor’s budget is contingent on voters approving a proposed $8.5 billion tax hike at the ballot box this November. If they don’t, some $6 billion in spending cuts will go ...
Educated Legislators, Bad Economy
California has the most educated legislators, according to a recent Chronicle of Higher Education study. Those stellar academic credentials, unfortunately, have not lifted the state from its economic malaise. California’s unemployment rate, as of May, is nearly 12 percent, higher than every state in the bottom five of the study. ...
Memo to Candidates – Dire Economy Calls for Deep Reforms
California’s unemployment rate is 12.4 percent – third-highest in the country – but that statistic fails to tell the whole story of our economic woes. If marginal workers and those forced to work part-time are added to the base unemployment rate – what the Bureau of Labor Statistics refers to ...
Lawyers gone wild are killing our economy
Part one of a three-part series. Jackpot Justice – Lawyers Gone Wild from Nicholas Tucker on Vimeo. It’s a dangerous world. At least, that’s what the warning labels on common consumer products would lead us to believe. The kitchen knife package cautions against juggling knives. The superhero costume warns that ...
How lawsuit reform could jump-start Illinois’ economy
The Illinois economy continues to struggle, with an unemployment rate of 11.5 percent, near the highest in the nation. If lawmakers want to put people back to work, without costing taxpayers another penny for “stimulus,” they can enact desperately needed lawsuit reforms. In the newly released U.S. Tort Liability Index: ...