

Striving to Get to Hanford in Balancing California’s Competing Intellectual Property Interests

Perhaps no area of the world better serves as a reminder of the importance of copyright protections as Southern California. Movie studios, music companies and video game developers make Los Angeles a copyright company town. Such industries are built upon the guarantee that a creator or artist can retain a ...

A Defense of Supply Side Economics

Supply Side Economics works. This isn’t a political statement, nor should it be a particularly controversial one either, unless you believe I am referring to the mythical “trickle down” straw man conjured up by some in the political establishment. By supply side economics, I am referring to the broad basket ...
Business & Economics

Fiscal Policy Needs Spending Reform, Not Budgetary Gimmicks: The case of the CREATES Act

Once again, budget negotiators in Washington D.C. are scrambling to put together a cogent spending plan for the federal government. And, once again, as part of this last-minute scramble, Congress is considering ad-hoc budget gimmicks to pay for spending instead of budgeting within the government’s affordability constraint. Or, as President ...

Free Markets 101: A Conservative View of Wealth Creation

Editor’s Note:  Damon Dunn breaks down what are often-confusing economic concepts and makes free market economics more relatable to our everyday lives in his new Right by the Bay column, ‘Free Markets 101’.  We are pleased to present his debut column below. One key to understanding the recent populist uprisings ...
Business & Economics

2018’s challenge: Too many jobs, not enough workers

By Danielle Paquette Employers nationwide are grappling with a problem that threatens to stall economic growth: vacancies — and lots of them. In Maine, where flurries can fall as late as April, the state transportation department is struggling to find snowplow drivers, thanks to the increasingly tight labor market. Ski resorts in ...

Looking Back on 2017: Rolling Back Red Tape

Looking back on 2017, perhaps the most under-reported story of the year has been President Trump’s success in cutting back regulations.  Back in January at the start of his administration, Mr. Trump signed an executive order requiring agencies to cut two regulations for every new one added to the books. ...
Business & Economics

How Will the New Tax Law Impact Small Business?

By Matt D’Angelo The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act aims to spur economic growth across the United States by adjusting tax structures for small businesses and corporations. The bill has officially been passed by both the House of Representatives and the Senate, so it will now head to President Trump ...
Business & Economics

Tax Win Will Be Huge for Trump, But Don’t Bank on Political Windfall

By Stephen Collinson In decades to come, people will talk about the Trump tax cuts as they now reminisce over the Reagan, Bush and Kennedy giveaways. Barring a last-minute cataclysm on Capitol Hill, President Donald Trump is set to savor a major tax reform package before Christmas and finally secure ...
Business & Economics

Foreign Experiments With Trickle-Down Tax Cuts: A Rare Proposition For A Robust Economy

By Jason Margolis “The Word”/Public Radio International In the late 1970s, Ireland’s economy was struggling. So they decided to cut business taxes dramatically while also increasing individual taxes including on the middle class. The idea was that stronger businesses would benefit everyone. It worked. “For the following 25 years, they had really rapid ...
Business & Economics

House And Senate Tax Plans Have Major Differences That Need to Be Reconciled

On Saturday, the Senate joined the House in passing its version of tax reform known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. While the two versions are very similar, there are 18 major differences that still need to be discussed between the two chambers in conference committee before the measure ...

Striving to Get to Hanford in Balancing California’s Competing Intellectual Property Interests

Perhaps no area of the world better serves as a reminder of the importance of copyright protections as Southern California. Movie studios, music companies and video game developers make Los Angeles a copyright company town. Such industries are built upon the guarantee that a creator or artist can retain a ...

A Defense of Supply Side Economics

Supply Side Economics works. This isn’t a political statement, nor should it be a particularly controversial one either, unless you believe I am referring to the mythical “trickle down” straw man conjured up by some in the political establishment. By supply side economics, I am referring to the broad basket ...
Business & Economics

Fiscal Policy Needs Spending Reform, Not Budgetary Gimmicks: The case of the CREATES Act

Once again, budget negotiators in Washington D.C. are scrambling to put together a cogent spending plan for the federal government. And, once again, as part of this last-minute scramble, Congress is considering ad-hoc budget gimmicks to pay for spending instead of budgeting within the government’s affordability constraint. Or, as President ...

Free Markets 101: A Conservative View of Wealth Creation

Editor’s Note:  Damon Dunn breaks down what are often-confusing economic concepts and makes free market economics more relatable to our everyday lives in his new Right by the Bay column, ‘Free Markets 101’.  We are pleased to present his debut column below. One key to understanding the recent populist uprisings ...
Business & Economics

2018’s challenge: Too many jobs, not enough workers

By Danielle Paquette Employers nationwide are grappling with a problem that threatens to stall economic growth: vacancies — and lots of them. In Maine, where flurries can fall as late as April, the state transportation department is struggling to find snowplow drivers, thanks to the increasingly tight labor market. Ski resorts in ...

Looking Back on 2017: Rolling Back Red Tape

Looking back on 2017, perhaps the most under-reported story of the year has been President Trump’s success in cutting back regulations.  Back in January at the start of his administration, Mr. Trump signed an executive order requiring agencies to cut two regulations for every new one added to the books. ...
Business & Economics

How Will the New Tax Law Impact Small Business?

By Matt D’Angelo The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act aims to spur economic growth across the United States by adjusting tax structures for small businesses and corporations. The bill has officially been passed by both the House of Representatives and the Senate, so it will now head to President Trump ...
Business & Economics

Tax Win Will Be Huge for Trump, But Don’t Bank on Political Windfall

By Stephen Collinson In decades to come, people will talk about the Trump tax cuts as they now reminisce over the Reagan, Bush and Kennedy giveaways. Barring a last-minute cataclysm on Capitol Hill, President Donald Trump is set to savor a major tax reform package before Christmas and finally secure ...
Business & Economics

Foreign Experiments With Trickle-Down Tax Cuts: A Rare Proposition For A Robust Economy

By Jason Margolis “The Word”/Public Radio International In the late 1970s, Ireland’s economy was struggling. So they decided to cut business taxes dramatically while also increasing individual taxes including on the middle class. The idea was that stronger businesses would benefit everyone. It worked. “For the following 25 years, they had really rapid ...
Business & Economics

House And Senate Tax Plans Have Major Differences That Need to Be Reconciled

On Saturday, the Senate joined the House in passing its version of tax reform known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. While the two versions are very similar, there are 18 major differences that still need to be discussed between the two chambers in conference committee before the measure ...
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