
Business & Economics

Reinvigorating Entrepreneurship Is Key to America’s Economic Future

Even during times of strong job and economic growth, as we’re experiencing today, economists are looking for warning signs about future economic distress – after all, it is called the “dismal science”. The fact that entrepreneurship is declining in the United States, and has been for some time, is one ...

April Showers Bring Higher Gas Prices

The old adage is April showers bring May flowers.  Well, after a very wet winter, it looks like spring has finally sprung in California.  As soon as the seasons change, Golden State drivers are typically hit with another unwelcome phenomenon brought on by spring – rising gas prices.  This year ...

Rentonomics in California: It’s Worse than We Think

Right by the Bay has sounded the alarm on the affordable housing crisis, especially our colleague Kerry Jackson, who has written about it here, here, and here.  But until we get real reform, like Sam in Casablanca, we plan to play it again and again. A new study by Apartment ...

The Haves vs. The Have-Nots

A dominant narrative in recent American politics, on full display as the Democratic presidential candidates race left to do battle in their upcoming primaries, is that America is a land of inextricably fixed “haves” and “have nots.” The challenge of our generation is to tackle income inequality and social mobility, ...
Business & Economics

Universal Income Isn’t the Utopia It’s Made Out to Be

The long-standing failures of the American welfare state have left politicians and policy wonks searching desperately for answers, including a willingness to consider radical changes to how we as a nation care for the poor. With little to show from billions in spending for traditional social programs, we do need ...

Estate Tax Bill Will Do Nothing to Reduce California’s Wealth Gap

You would think that California’s current $21.4 billion budget surplus would be plenty of money to fund the spending wish list of those thwarted over the past 8 years by former Gov. Jerry Brown’s adherence to the principle of subsidiarity. Think again.  In fact, much of the talk in Sacramento ...

We Need to Budget for Growth

Spring is in the air, which of course means it’s time to start thinking about the federal budget. Our latest Beyond the New Normal analysis examined what it would take to transform our current unaffordable federal budget. And while it would take political discipline and courage beyond what current leadership ...

Can Free Market Ideas Bring More Political Balance to California?

Last week, PRI held its inaugural “California Ideas in Action” policy conference in Sacramento. A capacity crowd came together near the State Capitol for a half-day conference exploring how free-market ideas can address California’s most pressing challenges. Legendary Sacramento political reporter and current CALmatters columnist Dan Walters was the event’s ...
Business & Economics

Gutting patents will stall medicine progress

Congress could soon vote on legislation that would gut America’s intellectual property laws. The bill isn’t just bad news for big pharmaceutical companies that hold lucrative patents. It’s terrible news for patients — medical research spending would dry up without strong patent protections. Americans could lose out on cures for ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Discusses 15% Solution on Lars Larson Show

Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics as he joins Lars Larson to discuss his latest report detailing how we reach the “15 Percent Solution”, or the optimal level of federal spending to maximize economic growth and cut the national debt. The interview begins at ...
Business & Economics

Reinvigorating Entrepreneurship Is Key to America’s Economic Future

Even during times of strong job and economic growth, as we’re experiencing today, economists are looking for warning signs about future economic distress – after all, it is called the “dismal science”. The fact that entrepreneurship is declining in the United States, and has been for some time, is one ...

April Showers Bring Higher Gas Prices

The old adage is April showers bring May flowers.  Well, after a very wet winter, it looks like spring has finally sprung in California.  As soon as the seasons change, Golden State drivers are typically hit with another unwelcome phenomenon brought on by spring – rising gas prices.  This year ...

Rentonomics in California: It’s Worse than We Think

Right by the Bay has sounded the alarm on the affordable housing crisis, especially our colleague Kerry Jackson, who has written about it here, here, and here.  But until we get real reform, like Sam in Casablanca, we plan to play it again and again. A new study by Apartment ...

The Haves vs. The Have-Nots

A dominant narrative in recent American politics, on full display as the Democratic presidential candidates race left to do battle in their upcoming primaries, is that America is a land of inextricably fixed “haves” and “have nots.” The challenge of our generation is to tackle income inequality and social mobility, ...
Business & Economics

Universal Income Isn’t the Utopia It’s Made Out to Be

The long-standing failures of the American welfare state have left politicians and policy wonks searching desperately for answers, including a willingness to consider radical changes to how we as a nation care for the poor. With little to show from billions in spending for traditional social programs, we do need ...

Estate Tax Bill Will Do Nothing to Reduce California’s Wealth Gap

You would think that California’s current $21.4 billion budget surplus would be plenty of money to fund the spending wish list of those thwarted over the past 8 years by former Gov. Jerry Brown’s adherence to the principle of subsidiarity. Think again.  In fact, much of the talk in Sacramento ...

We Need to Budget for Growth

Spring is in the air, which of course means it’s time to start thinking about the federal budget. Our latest Beyond the New Normal analysis examined what it would take to transform our current unaffordable federal budget. And while it would take political discipline and courage beyond what current leadership ...

Can Free Market Ideas Bring More Political Balance to California?

Last week, PRI held its inaugural “California Ideas in Action” policy conference in Sacramento. A capacity crowd came together near the State Capitol for a half-day conference exploring how free-market ideas can address California’s most pressing challenges. Legendary Sacramento political reporter and current CALmatters columnist Dan Walters was the event’s ...
Business & Economics

Gutting patents will stall medicine progress

Congress could soon vote on legislation that would gut America’s intellectual property laws. The bill isn’t just bad news for big pharmaceutical companies that hold lucrative patents. It’s terrible news for patients — medical research spending would dry up without strong patent protections. Americans could lose out on cures for ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Discusses 15% Solution on Lars Larson Show

Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics as he joins Lars Larson to discuss his latest report detailing how we reach the “15 Percent Solution”, or the optimal level of federal spending to maximize economic growth and cut the national debt. The interview begins at ...
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