
Business & Economics

Corporate profits are socially responsible

The Business Roundtable recently released a statement announcing it had redefined “the purpose of a corporation.” Signed by almost 200 of the most powerful CEOs in America, the statement “affirms the essential role corporations can play in improving our society,” according to one of its signatories. Specifically, it suggests that companies should ...
Business & Economics

Making It Rain In California

The “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (TCJA) was signed into law on Dec. 22, 2017. The Act reformed the U.S. corporate income tax code cutting the rate to a globally competitive 21%. Reforms on the personal income tax side, which are scheduled to expire in 2025, reduced the marginal income ...

What Will Brexit Mean for the US?

Every other year, I always take a big trip somewhere around the world.  This fall, I’m excited to be traveling to England, Ireland, and Scotland for the first time. As I prepare for my trip, the UK is in the midst of great political turmoil – perhaps more than the ...

Is the Debate over Future of Work in CA ‘(Expletive) Feudalism All Over Again’?

Perhaps the most controversial bill of this year’s legislative session is legislation responding to last year’s state Supreme Court ruling that has the potential to disrupt how millions of people work in California. In the Dynamex ruling, the Court established a new three-prong test to determine who is an employee ...

Colorado Low Emission Vehicle Standard Would Increase Energy Poverty Without Major Emission Reductions

State Analysis Paints Rosy Picture of Impact of CLEAR on Economy, Environment New analysis from the non-partisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based free-market think tank, finds that Colorado’s proposed low emission vehicle standards would impose higher economic costs on poor and working-class communities without generating significant environmental benefits. Click here ...

California’s Business Climate Continues to Receive Poor Scores

California has lived on the trope of being the hub of technology startups and innovation for decades. California’s economic success has long been touted and celebrated, none more so than the technology gold rush in the Bay Area. But despite California’s seemingly never-ending economic growth, the Golden State is now ...

The Moves (Out of California) Just Keep on Coming

Many California legislators seem to believe in open borders — not just the border to Mexico but also the borders to Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon. Businesses are slipping out of state through those boundaries at an alarming rate because of the difficult conditions lawmakers have forced on them. And it ...

Are ESG Funds a Proxy for the Green New Deal?

After being soundly defeated in the Senate 0-57 (43 Democrats voted “present”), the Green New Deal continues to languish in the House.  Roll Call reported the following excuse from Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “I can’t say we’re going to take that and pass it because we have to go through our ...

Read Wayne Winegarden’s Comments on Administration’s Trade Wars in Bankrate

The Trump administration’s trade wars are whipping Fed policy back and forth By Sarah Foster President Donald Trump’s trade wars just might prompt the Federal Reserve rate cut he’s been clamoring for — but for the wrong reasons. Weeks after the White House slapped higher duties on Chinese imports and threatened ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Discusses Fears of US Recession in Yahoo! Finance Article

US recovery closes in on 10 year milestone as fears abound that the party is ending By Calder McHugh As the U.S. economy inches closer to a record-setting decade of sustained growth, experts are increasingly worried that a cliff — caused by a multi-front trade war —could be looming . ...
Business & Economics

Corporate profits are socially responsible

The Business Roundtable recently released a statement announcing it had redefined “the purpose of a corporation.” Signed by almost 200 of the most powerful CEOs in America, the statement “affirms the essential role corporations can play in improving our society,” according to one of its signatories. Specifically, it suggests that companies should ...
Business & Economics

Making It Rain In California

The “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (TCJA) was signed into law on Dec. 22, 2017. The Act reformed the U.S. corporate income tax code cutting the rate to a globally competitive 21%. Reforms on the personal income tax side, which are scheduled to expire in 2025, reduced the marginal income ...

What Will Brexit Mean for the US?

Every other year, I always take a big trip somewhere around the world.  This fall, I’m excited to be traveling to England, Ireland, and Scotland for the first time. As I prepare for my trip, the UK is in the midst of great political turmoil – perhaps more than the ...

Is the Debate over Future of Work in CA ‘(Expletive) Feudalism All Over Again’?

Perhaps the most controversial bill of this year’s legislative session is legislation responding to last year’s state Supreme Court ruling that has the potential to disrupt how millions of people work in California. In the Dynamex ruling, the Court established a new three-prong test to determine who is an employee ...

Colorado Low Emission Vehicle Standard Would Increase Energy Poverty Without Major Emission Reductions

State Analysis Paints Rosy Picture of Impact of CLEAR on Economy, Environment New analysis from the non-partisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based free-market think tank, finds that Colorado’s proposed low emission vehicle standards would impose higher economic costs on poor and working-class communities without generating significant environmental benefits. Click here ...

California’s Business Climate Continues to Receive Poor Scores

California has lived on the trope of being the hub of technology startups and innovation for decades. California’s economic success has long been touted and celebrated, none more so than the technology gold rush in the Bay Area. But despite California’s seemingly never-ending economic growth, the Golden State is now ...

The Moves (Out of California) Just Keep on Coming

Many California legislators seem to believe in open borders — not just the border to Mexico but also the borders to Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon. Businesses are slipping out of state through those boundaries at an alarming rate because of the difficult conditions lawmakers have forced on them. And it ...

Are ESG Funds a Proxy for the Green New Deal?

After being soundly defeated in the Senate 0-57 (43 Democrats voted “present”), the Green New Deal continues to languish in the House.  Roll Call reported the following excuse from Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “I can’t say we’re going to take that and pass it because we have to go through our ...

Read Wayne Winegarden’s Comments on Administration’s Trade Wars in Bankrate

The Trump administration’s trade wars are whipping Fed policy back and forth By Sarah Foster President Donald Trump’s trade wars just might prompt the Federal Reserve rate cut he’s been clamoring for — but for the wrong reasons. Weeks after the White House slapped higher duties on Chinese imports and threatened ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Discusses Fears of US Recession in Yahoo! Finance Article

US recovery closes in on 10 year milestone as fears abound that the party is ending By Calder McHugh As the U.S. economy inches closer to a record-setting decade of sustained growth, experts are increasingly worried that a cliff — caused by a multi-front trade war —could be looming . ...
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