

Things Just Keep Going The Wrong Way In California

Two days before Thanksgiving, financial services firm Charles Schwab announced it was relocating its headquarters from San Francisco to Texas. The Wall Street Journal’s explanation: “The brokerage giant heads for a state that doesn’t punish finance.” Fresh from its $26 billion acquisition of TD Ameritrade, Schwab, located in San Francisco ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Quoted in Small-Business Saturday Piece

Jessica Locke, a paramedic living in Linn Creek, did some traditional mall-type shopping over Thanksgiving weekend, she said Friday night at a neighborhood social gathering in Republic. Locke, who’s lived in the United States since 2010 after moving from her native Germany, said she and friend Steven Belcher drove from Springfield to ...

California’s Assembly Bill 5 Is A Virus Moving Across the Country

The flood of lousy legislation that has poured out of Sacramento for the last two decades or so truly astonishes in its volume. As fourth-rate as the lawmaking has been, though, nothing has been worse than Assembly Bill 5, an existential threat to both jobs and businesses because it requires ...
Business & Economics

Want to end poverty in California? Embrace entrepreneurship.

Sacramento politicians have heralded the state’s record-low 4.0 percent unemployment figures.  While this is good news, anyone living in Southern California will tell you that things aren’t as rosy as they appear to be. Take what’s going on in Imperial County, for example.  Unemployment rates in the El Centro region, which borders ...

Meet the obscure federal interagency committee who keeps an eye on foreign investment and national security

The United States tweet first, tariff second trade policy against China continues to define American -Chinese relations. As both nations pursue the “Cold War light” escalation through tariffs, the United States continues to drum up new regulations to combat Chinese economic influence. One policy the federal government is embracing is ...
Business & Economics

STEM-ming the Slide of Our Educational System

Recently we ran across several fascinating articles about civics, liberal arts, and climate hysteria that raise basic questions about the content taught at too many of our educational institutions: Has our society lost sight of the fundamental purpose of education, and is the result less resilient, less capable adults? While there is no doubt ...

Watch Sally Pipes Speak on Sen. Warren’s Billionaires’ Tax on Fox Business

Sen. Warren’s plan to spike billionaires’ taxes would be detrimental to economy: Expert Pacific Research Institute CEO and president Sally Pipes discusses the constant attacks Sen. Elizabeth Warren makes on billionaires and how her health care plan and wealth tax could harm the middle class and economy. Watch the latest ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden quoted in Washington Examiner on trade wars

Fears that the President’s Trump’s trade war with China will lead to a recession may have faded from the headlines, but economists say it cannot be discounted. “We’re not expecting a recession anytime soon, but, that said, there are a number of headwinds, ranging from slower growth, trade tensions, a gradual erosion ...

Warren’s ‘Medicare-for-all’ is financial fantasy – There’s no way to do this fuzzy math

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has released her plan for financing “Medicare-for-all.” She claims it’ll cost “just” $20.5 trillion in new federal spending over 10 years, with, in her words, “not one penny in middle-class tax increases.” Warren has little choice but to indulge in fuzzy math. After all, doubling everyone’s ...

California Power Outages — A Look Into The Future

California’s Great Blackout of 2019 has begun as the lights keep going out for millions across the state’s northern stretches. What should be the past now seems to be the future. Pacific Gas and Electric began shutting down power early the morning of Oct. 9, when electricity was cut to ...

Things Just Keep Going The Wrong Way In California

Two days before Thanksgiving, financial services firm Charles Schwab announced it was relocating its headquarters from San Francisco to Texas. The Wall Street Journal’s explanation: “The brokerage giant heads for a state that doesn’t punish finance.” Fresh from its $26 billion acquisition of TD Ameritrade, Schwab, located in San Francisco ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Quoted in Small-Business Saturday Piece

Jessica Locke, a paramedic living in Linn Creek, did some traditional mall-type shopping over Thanksgiving weekend, she said Friday night at a neighborhood social gathering in Republic. Locke, who’s lived in the United States since 2010 after moving from her native Germany, said she and friend Steven Belcher drove from Springfield to ...

California’s Assembly Bill 5 Is A Virus Moving Across the Country

The flood of lousy legislation that has poured out of Sacramento for the last two decades or so truly astonishes in its volume. As fourth-rate as the lawmaking has been, though, nothing has been worse than Assembly Bill 5, an existential threat to both jobs and businesses because it requires ...
Business & Economics

Want to end poverty in California? Embrace entrepreneurship.

Sacramento politicians have heralded the state’s record-low 4.0 percent unemployment figures.  While this is good news, anyone living in Southern California will tell you that things aren’t as rosy as they appear to be. Take what’s going on in Imperial County, for example.  Unemployment rates in the El Centro region, which borders ...

Meet the obscure federal interagency committee who keeps an eye on foreign investment and national security

The United States tweet first, tariff second trade policy against China continues to define American -Chinese relations. As both nations pursue the “Cold War light” escalation through tariffs, the United States continues to drum up new regulations to combat Chinese economic influence. One policy the federal government is embracing is ...
Business & Economics

STEM-ming the Slide of Our Educational System

Recently we ran across several fascinating articles about civics, liberal arts, and climate hysteria that raise basic questions about the content taught at too many of our educational institutions: Has our society lost sight of the fundamental purpose of education, and is the result less resilient, less capable adults? While there is no doubt ...

Watch Sally Pipes Speak on Sen. Warren’s Billionaires’ Tax on Fox Business

Sen. Warren’s plan to spike billionaires’ taxes would be detrimental to economy: Expert Pacific Research Institute CEO and president Sally Pipes discusses the constant attacks Sen. Elizabeth Warren makes on billionaires and how her health care plan and wealth tax could harm the middle class and economy. Watch the latest ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden quoted in Washington Examiner on trade wars

Fears that the President’s Trump’s trade war with China will lead to a recession may have faded from the headlines, but economists say it cannot be discounted. “We’re not expecting a recession anytime soon, but, that said, there are a number of headwinds, ranging from slower growth, trade tensions, a gradual erosion ...

Warren’s ‘Medicare-for-all’ is financial fantasy – There’s no way to do this fuzzy math

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has released her plan for financing “Medicare-for-all.” She claims it’ll cost “just” $20.5 trillion in new federal spending over 10 years, with, in her words, “not one penny in middle-class tax increases.” Warren has little choice but to indulge in fuzzy math. After all, doubling everyone’s ...

California Power Outages — A Look Into The Future

California’s Great Blackout of 2019 has begun as the lights keep going out for millions across the state’s northern stretches. What should be the past now seems to be the future. Pacific Gas and Electric began shutting down power early the morning of Oct. 9, when electricity was cut to ...
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