

And The Damage From AB 5 Begins

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has officially filed suit against Uber and Lyft for violating Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5). The action is a clear signal that the state’s policy leaders are determined to maximize the economic damage from this ill-considered policy at a time when millions have been furloughed ...

Coronavirus Chronicles: Why for Some Workers, Unemployment Makes More Sense

Roughly 30 million people have filed for unemployment since the coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc on the nation’s economy.  Economists estimate that the unemployment rate now ranges from 15 to 20 percent – numbers not seen since the Great Depression nearly a century ago.  How H How quickly the economy bounces ...

Opening America

“Healthy people have rights too,” complained my 89-year old mother, who’s miffed because we’ve refused to take her to her favorite grocery store.  Mom has joined the tens of thousands of people across America who believe that enough is enough. From California to Pennsylvania, from Michigan to Texas, people have ...

Can Taxpayers Afford a Big Spending Sacramento “Economic Recovery Plan”?

Speaker Pelosi and her allies in Congress received significant pollical pushback for using the COVID-19 crisis to enact their budget wish list in the $2 billion “phase 3” stimulus. Recently, Rowena Itchon wrote on Right by the Bay about tens of millions being spent on priorities for Democrats like propping ...

Hardening California’s ‘Progressive’ Wall

Earlier this month, Gov. Gavin Newsom acknowledged that the COVID-19 pandemic could be the crisis that his party has been looking for to permanently establish a progressive “nation-state.” “There is opportunity for reimagining a progressive era as it pertains to capitalism,” Newsom said earlier this month, when asked by a ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden – Keeping America’s Economy Afloat Amidst the Coronavirus

PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Dr. Wayne Winegarden joins us to evaluate the response by state and federal governments to boost America’s economy amidst the coronavirus pandemic. We discuss the “phase 3” $2 trillion stimulus package enacted by Congress, the long-term consequences of the significant debt increase, how ...

The Chinese Version of a Coronavirus Economic Stimulus Plan

The United States and China are engaged in a no-holds barred attempt to salvage their economies during the coronavirus pandemic. We’re all familiar with the actions taken in the recent weeks by the United States. The Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury have led the largest economic response in American history ...

Amidst Coronavirus-Fueled Economic Downturn, State Leaders Must Suspend Government Barriers to Opportunity

In his “Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity” series, PRI’s Dr. Wayne Winegarden has argued that one of the most important ways that elected officials can help to lift people up the economy ladder is by embracing policies that encourage entrepreneurship. As many Californians struggle to stay afloat financially during the ...

“90% Great”

That’s what Pres. Trump said in a tweet on the record-shattering $2 trillion phase 3 stimulus package. Right by the Bay doesn’t question the need for government to step up to help the economy get through the coronavirus pandemic.  But even during this crisis, the swamp continues to gurgle over.  ...

The Coronavirus Aftermath: Debt and Deficits as Far as the Eye Can See

All the Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas Layin’ in the sun, Talkin’ ’bout the things They woulda coulda shoulda done… –Shel Silverstein As of this writing, the Trump Administration has pledged to spend more than a trillion dollars to save the lives and livelihoods of Americans as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. We’re ...

And The Damage From AB 5 Begins

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has officially filed suit against Uber and Lyft for violating Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5). The action is a clear signal that the state’s policy leaders are determined to maximize the economic damage from this ill-considered policy at a time when millions have been furloughed ...

Coronavirus Chronicles: Why for Some Workers, Unemployment Makes More Sense

Roughly 30 million people have filed for unemployment since the coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc on the nation’s economy.  Economists estimate that the unemployment rate now ranges from 15 to 20 percent – numbers not seen since the Great Depression nearly a century ago.  How H How quickly the economy bounces ...

Opening America

“Healthy people have rights too,” complained my 89-year old mother, who’s miffed because we’ve refused to take her to her favorite grocery store.  Mom has joined the tens of thousands of people across America who believe that enough is enough. From California to Pennsylvania, from Michigan to Texas, people have ...

Can Taxpayers Afford a Big Spending Sacramento “Economic Recovery Plan”?

Speaker Pelosi and her allies in Congress received significant pollical pushback for using the COVID-19 crisis to enact their budget wish list in the $2 billion “phase 3” stimulus. Recently, Rowena Itchon wrote on Right by the Bay about tens of millions being spent on priorities for Democrats like propping ...

Hardening California’s ‘Progressive’ Wall

Earlier this month, Gov. Gavin Newsom acknowledged that the COVID-19 pandemic could be the crisis that his party has been looking for to permanently establish a progressive “nation-state.” “There is opportunity for reimagining a progressive era as it pertains to capitalism,” Newsom said earlier this month, when asked by a ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden – Keeping America’s Economy Afloat Amidst the Coronavirus

PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Dr. Wayne Winegarden joins us to evaluate the response by state and federal governments to boost America’s economy amidst the coronavirus pandemic. We discuss the “phase 3” $2 trillion stimulus package enacted by Congress, the long-term consequences of the significant debt increase, how ...

The Chinese Version of a Coronavirus Economic Stimulus Plan

The United States and China are engaged in a no-holds barred attempt to salvage their economies during the coronavirus pandemic. We’re all familiar with the actions taken in the recent weeks by the United States. The Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury have led the largest economic response in American history ...

Amidst Coronavirus-Fueled Economic Downturn, State Leaders Must Suspend Government Barriers to Opportunity

In his “Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunity” series, PRI’s Dr. Wayne Winegarden has argued that one of the most important ways that elected officials can help to lift people up the economy ladder is by embracing policies that encourage entrepreneurship. As many Californians struggle to stay afloat financially during the ...

“90% Great”

That’s what Pres. Trump said in a tweet on the record-shattering $2 trillion phase 3 stimulus package. Right by the Bay doesn’t question the need for government to step up to help the economy get through the coronavirus pandemic.  But even during this crisis, the swamp continues to gurgle over.  ...

The Coronavirus Aftermath: Debt and Deficits as Far as the Eye Can See

All the Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas Layin’ in the sun, Talkin’ ’bout the things They woulda coulda shoulda done… –Shel Silverstein As of this writing, the Trump Administration has pledged to spend more than a trillion dollars to save the lives and livelihoods of Americans as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. We’re ...
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