

Covid-19 Lockdowns Brings Rise in Black Market

Media reports that some California businesses have gone underground during the pandemic lockdown should surprise no one. When politicians ban activities, both those accepted by society and those considered less honorable, they drive them into black markets. The desires and needs of our nature aren’t easy to legislate. Humans are ...

Californians Reverse the State’s Legislature Providing a Fighting Chance for Innovation

Last month, Californians may very well have begun the process of saving their state, reversing a move by the state legislature. They voted by a large margin via Proposition 22 to preserve the ability of people to pursue flexible working arrangements if they so choose. In September 2019, the California ...

A New Year, A Promising New Education Model

With the disastrous education landscape of 2020 now in the rear-view mirror, the New Year offers the opportunity to consider new ways of delivering effective learning to America’s children.  Portal Schools is one such promising model. Confronted with student-learning catastrophes during the COVID crisis, some states, according to a new ...

Winners and Losers – January 8

Tim Anaya, Senior Director of Communications Winner:  Stacey Abrams – Say what you will about her, but there’s no doubt that the former Georgia House Democratic leader and failed Democratic gubernatorial candidate succeeded beyond her wildest imagination this week in her decade-long effort to turn Georgia blue with the election ...
Business & Economics

The OCC Is Right, Politics Should Not Determine Credit Access

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is considering a rule (i.e., Fair Access to Bank Services, Capital, and Credit), which would ensure that banks provide equal access to financial services, without discrimination. Such clarification is sorely needed. It should go without saying, that banks should not discriminate ...

What’s Up with the New “California Driver Benefits Fee”?

Uber customers might have noticed a new fee that’s appearing on their charges. Now, who do we have to thank for that? Oh, yes, the lawmakers who tried to destroy the gig economy and its millions of jobs. Uber added a “California Driver Benefits Fee” to its charges on Dec. ...

Populist Politicians Meet Antitrust Cancel Culture

The ill-winds of populism are again blowing across the American political landscape. This thin veneer of ideology only seeks to divide people, diving a wedge between “the people,” presented as the forces of good, against “the elite,” portrayed as evil. The most recent iteration of this divisive approach to politics ...

California’s Unexpected Surplus Further Proof Bailout for States Unnecessary

Last week, the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s office (LAO) released its fiscal outlook for 2021, which is traditionally the start of the debate over next year’s state budget. Unexpectedly, California finds itself sitting on a $26 billion windfall according to the LAO, attributed to “results from revisions in prior- and current-year ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Quoted in COVID-19 Stimulus Article

Majority of Voters Think Coronavirus Stimulus Package Should Be Top Priority During Biden’s First 100 Days By Rachel Bucchino Amajority of registered voters think President-elect Joe Biden should focus on issues relating to tackling the coronavirus pandemic and a strained economy during his first 100 days in the White House, ...

A Work-at-Home Tax?

Ronald Reagan once described the government’s view of the economy like this: “If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” From his last point, even the Gipper couldn’t imagine that government would tax something that just stayed put. Fast forward ...

Covid-19 Lockdowns Brings Rise in Black Market

Media reports that some California businesses have gone underground during the pandemic lockdown should surprise no one. When politicians ban activities, both those accepted by society and those considered less honorable, they drive them into black markets. The desires and needs of our nature aren’t easy to legislate. Humans are ...

Californians Reverse the State’s Legislature Providing a Fighting Chance for Innovation

Last month, Californians may very well have begun the process of saving their state, reversing a move by the state legislature. They voted by a large margin via Proposition 22 to preserve the ability of people to pursue flexible working arrangements if they so choose. In September 2019, the California ...

A New Year, A Promising New Education Model

With the disastrous education landscape of 2020 now in the rear-view mirror, the New Year offers the opportunity to consider new ways of delivering effective learning to America’s children.  Portal Schools is one such promising model. Confronted with student-learning catastrophes during the COVID crisis, some states, according to a new ...

Winners and Losers – January 8

Tim Anaya, Senior Director of Communications Winner:  Stacey Abrams – Say what you will about her, but there’s no doubt that the former Georgia House Democratic leader and failed Democratic gubernatorial candidate succeeded beyond her wildest imagination this week in her decade-long effort to turn Georgia blue with the election ...
Business & Economics

The OCC Is Right, Politics Should Not Determine Credit Access

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is considering a rule (i.e., Fair Access to Bank Services, Capital, and Credit), which would ensure that banks provide equal access to financial services, without discrimination. Such clarification is sorely needed. It should go without saying, that banks should not discriminate ...

What’s Up with the New “California Driver Benefits Fee”?

Uber customers might have noticed a new fee that’s appearing on their charges. Now, who do we have to thank for that? Oh, yes, the lawmakers who tried to destroy the gig economy and its millions of jobs. Uber added a “California Driver Benefits Fee” to its charges on Dec. ...

Populist Politicians Meet Antitrust Cancel Culture

The ill-winds of populism are again blowing across the American political landscape. This thin veneer of ideology only seeks to divide people, diving a wedge between “the people,” presented as the forces of good, against “the elite,” portrayed as evil. The most recent iteration of this divisive approach to politics ...

California’s Unexpected Surplus Further Proof Bailout for States Unnecessary

Last week, the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s office (LAO) released its fiscal outlook for 2021, which is traditionally the start of the debate over next year’s state budget. Unexpectedly, California finds itself sitting on a $26 billion windfall according to the LAO, attributed to “results from revisions in prior- and current-year ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Quoted in COVID-19 Stimulus Article

Majority of Voters Think Coronavirus Stimulus Package Should Be Top Priority During Biden’s First 100 Days By Rachel Bucchino Amajority of registered voters think President-elect Joe Biden should focus on issues relating to tackling the coronavirus pandemic and a strained economy during his first 100 days in the White House, ...

A Work-at-Home Tax?

Ronald Reagan once described the government’s view of the economy like this: “If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” From his last point, even the Gipper couldn’t imagine that government would tax something that just stayed put. Fast forward ...
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