

Watch the latest Free Cities Center video

WATCH: Are Crime and Homelessness Shifting San Francisco Right?

Do recent election results show a rightward shift in San Francisco? Join Free Cities Center’s Steven Greenhut as he visits the City by the Bay and talks with two experts about what’s really going on in the City. They discuss whether things are really as bad as some media outlets ...
Business & Economics

Instead Of The CHIPS Act Congress Should Address Patent Troll Abuse

President Biden and Democratic Party leaders are trying to take credit for seeding the next generation of innovations in the information technology sector. Crowing about their latest industrial policy, the CHIPS and Science Act, Senator Schumer stated that “the federal government [is] taking back the reins, putting money where its mouth is ...

Latest wild idea - a $50 minimum wage

Why Don’t Businesses Just Print Money?

Maybe it’s time to start thinking about requiring newly elected lawmakers to take an economics 101 class before they start their first session. It seems that maybe outside of our woke and crumbling public education system, there’s no other institution where economic illiteracy is more prevalent than in government. Example ...
Business & Economics

Nippon Steel’s Purchase Of U.S. Steel Will Improve The Economy

There has been a rare showing of bipartisanship over the past month; unfortunately, the consensus is founded on economic myths that, if acted upon, would cost jobs, increase inflationary pressures, and weaken economic growth. At issue is Nippon Steel’s offer to purchase U.S. Steel for $14.9 billion – a surprisingly ...
Business & Economics

Read how California's AB 5 is going national

War on Gig Workers Goes National

Much of the resistance to Julie Su’s nomination as secretary of the Department of Labor has been based on her record as California’s labor commissioner—in particular, her role in the state’s effort to outlaw gig work. Her patrons have deflected the criticism as if it were baseless. But almost a year ...

Who are winners and losers of 2023 legislative session?

Progressives Dominate Legislative Session, But Will Newsom Spoil the Party?

Late Thursday evening, the Legislature wrapped up its business for the 2023 legislative session.  As bleary-eyed lawmakers travel home today for the fall recess, what is the biggest story of this year’s legislative session? This year’s legislative session will go down as perhaps the most successful legislative session ever for ...
Business & Economics

Watch Wayne Winegarden Discuss Legal Reform Study on Nasdaq Trade Talks

Watch PRI’s Dr. Wayne Winegarden discuss his latest study, “Enriching Lawyers, Not Helping Victims” on Nasdaq Trade Talks.  To download a copy of the study, click here.

Los Angeles Moves Forward with Public Bank Proposal

There are nearly 400 bank branches in the city of Los Angeles, according to one source. Another says there are about 325 branches and 63 banks. Whatever the true number is, it doesn’t seem the city is underserved, especially in an era in which banks don’t even have to have ...
Business & Economics

Read why tort reform is important for the economy

Tort Reform Offers A Win-Win Stimulus For The Economy

Alleviating the long-term burdens created by tort abuse should be a top priority regardless of the economic outlook. Considering our current economic struggles, however, the benefits from effective tort reform are more important than ever. The inflationary surge that began in mid-2021, even if it is ending, has left far ...

Ken Pope – Victims of Communism

On this Independence Day week our guest is Ken Pope, CEO of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. It’s been nearly 35 years since the Berlin Wall has fallen, but communism continues to thrive in many areas around the world.  Ken discusses the continuing threat of communism, why it’s important ...

Watch the latest Free Cities Center video

WATCH: Are Crime and Homelessness Shifting San Francisco Right?

Do recent election results show a rightward shift in San Francisco? Join Free Cities Center’s Steven Greenhut as he visits the City by the Bay and talks with two experts about what’s really going on in the City. They discuss whether things are really as bad as some media outlets ...
Business & Economics

Instead Of The CHIPS Act Congress Should Address Patent Troll Abuse

President Biden and Democratic Party leaders are trying to take credit for seeding the next generation of innovations in the information technology sector. Crowing about their latest industrial policy, the CHIPS and Science Act, Senator Schumer stated that “the federal government [is] taking back the reins, putting money where its mouth is ...

Latest wild idea - a $50 minimum wage

Why Don’t Businesses Just Print Money?

Maybe it’s time to start thinking about requiring newly elected lawmakers to take an economics 101 class before they start their first session. It seems that maybe outside of our woke and crumbling public education system, there’s no other institution where economic illiteracy is more prevalent than in government. Example ...
Business & Economics

Nippon Steel’s Purchase Of U.S. Steel Will Improve The Economy

There has been a rare showing of bipartisanship over the past month; unfortunately, the consensus is founded on economic myths that, if acted upon, would cost jobs, increase inflationary pressures, and weaken economic growth. At issue is Nippon Steel’s offer to purchase U.S. Steel for $14.9 billion – a surprisingly ...
Business & Economics

Read how California's AB 5 is going national

War on Gig Workers Goes National

Much of the resistance to Julie Su’s nomination as secretary of the Department of Labor has been based on her record as California’s labor commissioner—in particular, her role in the state’s effort to outlaw gig work. Her patrons have deflected the criticism as if it were baseless. But almost a year ...

Who are winners and losers of 2023 legislative session?

Progressives Dominate Legislative Session, But Will Newsom Spoil the Party?

Late Thursday evening, the Legislature wrapped up its business for the 2023 legislative session.  As bleary-eyed lawmakers travel home today for the fall recess, what is the biggest story of this year’s legislative session? This year’s legislative session will go down as perhaps the most successful legislative session ever for ...
Business & Economics

Watch Wayne Winegarden Discuss Legal Reform Study on Nasdaq Trade Talks

Watch PRI’s Dr. Wayne Winegarden discuss his latest study, “Enriching Lawyers, Not Helping Victims” on Nasdaq Trade Talks.  To download a copy of the study, click here.

Los Angeles Moves Forward with Public Bank Proposal

There are nearly 400 bank branches in the city of Los Angeles, according to one source. Another says there are about 325 branches and 63 banks. Whatever the true number is, it doesn’t seem the city is underserved, especially in an era in which banks don’t even have to have ...
Business & Economics

Read why tort reform is important for the economy

Tort Reform Offers A Win-Win Stimulus For The Economy

Alleviating the long-term burdens created by tort abuse should be a top priority regardless of the economic outlook. Considering our current economic struggles, however, the benefits from effective tort reform are more important than ever. The inflationary surge that began in mid-2021, even if it is ending, has left far ...

Ken Pope – Victims of Communism

On this Independence Day week our guest is Ken Pope, CEO of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. It’s been nearly 35 years since the Berlin Wall has fallen, but communism continues to thrive in many areas around the world.  Ken discusses the continuing threat of communism, why it’s important ...
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