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Green Subsidies

California Campaign

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In the News
Been There, Done That: Restrictions on Worker Freedom
Employment law firm Littler writes, “through the PRO Act, Congress seeks to decide ‘once and for all’ at the federal level the independent contractor versus employee classification issue.” Americans who want to earn a living through the gig economy should beware California’s AB 5-style restrictions on worker freedom going national.
Been There, Done That: Government-Run Health Care
Congress and the Biden Administration are currently considering taking California’s health care mistakes national, including doubling down on Obamacare (Covered California) and exploring a move to a “public option” or single-payer health care system, and expanding government control over drug pricing that would decrease innovation and availability of life-saving medications.
Been There, Done That: Living in Fear in Our Homes and Communities
The Biden Administration has outlined plans to implement dangerous California policies like zero cash bail and weakened sentencing laws that have led to increased incidents of crime and reduced justice for crime victims and their families.
Been There, Done That: Unaffordable Housing and Rampant Homelessness
The Biden Administration’s homeless proposals mirror California’s anti-homeless agenda – increasing taxpayer spending and prioritizing government programs as the solution. As we’ve seen across the state today, the status quo thinking hasn’t made a difference, and California’s homeless crisis is worse than ever before.
Legal, Political Constraints Encourage Homelessness
Legal, Political Constraints Encourage Homelessness
Been There, Done That: Legislating Energy Poverty
California’s electricity prices are among the highest in the country, its gas prices are the highest in the country, and its cost of living is the second-highest in the country. Those who live in California’s poor, rural, minority and inland communities have been hit hardest by these expensive energy mandates with rising energy costs and few job opportunities.
Been There, Done That: Trapping Our Kids in Failing Schools
California’s public school system is failing to prepare students – especially those living in poor and minority communities – to meet college entrance requirements or meet the demands of the workforce upon graduation. The state ranks below the national average in reading and math scores. Guardians of the status quo are standing in the way of parents having sufficient school choice options to choose an educational alternative that best meets the needs of their kids.
Been There, Done That: Costly Policies That Hurt Consumers, Threaten Innovation
A national solution on online privacy is needed, and the California “model” is not it. A successful privacy law would create a system grounded in consumer choice, with clear rules that consistently protect consumer data end to end while promoting competition and innovation in the online marketplace.
Been There, Done That: Taxing the So-Called Rich
81 percent of voters in a Berkeley IGS poll said “the level of state and local taxes paid by the average Californian is high.” Californians now fully realize how high taxes are in California thanks to the SALT deduction cap. Repealing it would restore the unfair subsidy of voters in low-tax states paying for high taxes and out-of-control spending in California.