Wayne Winegarden


Wayne Winegarden on Lars Larson Show: Did Covid Restrictions Wreck Our Economy For Nothing?

Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics and director of PRI’s Center for Medical Economics and Innovation, discuss his new brief “No Solutions, Only Tradeoffs,” which explores how the small health benefits generated by state COVID-19 lockdowns were more than offset by huge losses in ...

Read Wayne Winegarden's latest at Fox News

New study reveals why Americans are fleeing big cities

Apologists for the declining cities will cite COVID-19 as a causal explanation and even optimistically claim that the declines have moderated. Such blind optimism overlooks the obvious – people are leaving big cities like San Francisco, New York and Boston because of bad public policy choices in those cities. They’re ...
Free Cities


New ‘Free Cities Index’ Ranks America’s Best and Worst Pro-Growth Cities

SACRAMENTO – Cities that promote pro-growth policies, encourage entrepreneurship, and efficiently provide core public services ranked at the top of a new “Free Cities Index” of the nation’s most 50 populous cities released today by the Free Cities Center at the nonpartisan, free-market think tank, the Pacific Research Institute. Click ...

Read latest about state pension problem

ESG and CalPERS Sub-par Investment Returns

CalPERS has one core social responsibility – maximizing returns to help secure the retirement of millions of current and future pensioners. The pension fund is also a major proponent of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing. CalPERS claims that ESG “disclosures provide important metrics to understand how a company’s practices ...

Greater Immigration Can Alleviate Troubling Skilled Nurse Shortage

Immigration, always a strength for the U.S. economy, has the potential to fill a dangerous and growing labor shortage of skilled nurses. According to nurse.org’s 2023 State of Nursing report, “91% of nurses believe the nursing shortage is getting worse, and 79% report that their units are inadequately staffed.” And it’s not just ...

Read more about broken 340B program

340B Advocates Strike Back

There are many reasons why government programs fail to deliver on their intentions, regardless of how well meaning they may be. The rhetoric from too many 340B recipients exemplifies a primary obstacle: Reforms that are necessary to correct a program’s glaring flaws or its fundamental unsustainability are demagogued and labeled ...

Bipartisan Price Transparency Reforms Will Improve Outcomes

Beneficial healthcare change is occurring – in a bipartisan manner too. The reform, referred to as the Transparency in Coverage (Tic) rule, improves the functioning of the healthcare market; and unlike the calls for price controls or increased government distortions, improving the efficiency of the healthcare market can achieve the ...
Business & Economics

Read why tort reform is important for the economy

Tort Reform Offers A Win-Win Stimulus For The Economy

Alleviating the long-term burdens created by tort abuse should be a top priority regardless of the economic outlook. Considering our current economic struggles, however, the benefits from effective tort reform are more important than ever. The inflationary surge that began in mid-2021, even if it is ending, has left far ...

Imposing Price Controls Is Never The Answer

The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee is currently reauthorizing the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA), which is supposed to help us prepare for the next public health emergency. Never missing an opportunity to impose price controls on anything and everything, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) wants to ...

Read about California's outmigration problem

California: Economic Laggard or Leader?

Digging into the analysis quickly reveals that California’s top five ranking results from the state’s past achievements, not its current economic health nor its future growth prospects. Documenting this reality is essential because the state’s top ranking can be easily misconstrued as confirmation that California’s current policy mix is promoting ...

Wayne Winegarden on Lars Larson Show: Did Covid Restrictions Wreck Our Economy For Nothing?

Listen to Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics and director of PRI’s Center for Medical Economics and Innovation, discuss his new brief “No Solutions, Only Tradeoffs,” which explores how the small health benefits generated by state COVID-19 lockdowns were more than offset by huge losses in ...

Read Wayne Winegarden's latest at Fox News

New study reveals why Americans are fleeing big cities

Apologists for the declining cities will cite COVID-19 as a causal explanation and even optimistically claim that the declines have moderated. Such blind optimism overlooks the obvious – people are leaving big cities like San Francisco, New York and Boston because of bad public policy choices in those cities. They’re ...
Free Cities


New ‘Free Cities Index’ Ranks America’s Best and Worst Pro-Growth Cities

SACRAMENTO – Cities that promote pro-growth policies, encourage entrepreneurship, and efficiently provide core public services ranked at the top of a new “Free Cities Index” of the nation’s most 50 populous cities released today by the Free Cities Center at the nonpartisan, free-market think tank, the Pacific Research Institute. Click ...

Read latest about state pension problem

ESG and CalPERS Sub-par Investment Returns

CalPERS has one core social responsibility – maximizing returns to help secure the retirement of millions of current and future pensioners. The pension fund is also a major proponent of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing. CalPERS claims that ESG “disclosures provide important metrics to understand how a company’s practices ...

Greater Immigration Can Alleviate Troubling Skilled Nurse Shortage

Immigration, always a strength for the U.S. economy, has the potential to fill a dangerous and growing labor shortage of skilled nurses. According to nurse.org’s 2023 State of Nursing report, “91% of nurses believe the nursing shortage is getting worse, and 79% report that their units are inadequately staffed.” And it’s not just ...

Read more about broken 340B program

340B Advocates Strike Back

There are many reasons why government programs fail to deliver on their intentions, regardless of how well meaning they may be. The rhetoric from too many 340B recipients exemplifies a primary obstacle: Reforms that are necessary to correct a program’s glaring flaws or its fundamental unsustainability are demagogued and labeled ...

Bipartisan Price Transparency Reforms Will Improve Outcomes

Beneficial healthcare change is occurring – in a bipartisan manner too. The reform, referred to as the Transparency in Coverage (Tic) rule, improves the functioning of the healthcare market; and unlike the calls for price controls or increased government distortions, improving the efficiency of the healthcare market can achieve the ...
Business & Economics

Read why tort reform is important for the economy

Tort Reform Offers A Win-Win Stimulus For The Economy

Alleviating the long-term burdens created by tort abuse should be a top priority regardless of the economic outlook. Considering our current economic struggles, however, the benefits from effective tort reform are more important than ever. The inflationary surge that began in mid-2021, even if it is ending, has left far ...

Imposing Price Controls Is Never The Answer

The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee is currently reauthorizing the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA), which is supposed to help us prepare for the next public health emergency. Never missing an opportunity to impose price controls on anything and everything, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) wants to ...

Read about California's outmigration problem

California: Economic Laggard or Leader?

Digging into the analysis quickly reveals that California’s top five ranking results from the state’s past achievements, not its current economic health nor its future growth prospects. Documenting this reality is essential because the state’s top ranking can be easily misconstrued as confirmation that California’s current policy mix is promoting ...
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