Wayne Winegarden

Business & Economics

New Climate Disclosure Would Add No Value For Investors

With only a few months left in office, President Barack Obama’s administration seeks to step up climate change disclosure, raising implications for corporations and asset owners. National Economic Council Director Jeffrey Zients and White House senior adviser Brian Deese unveiled in August a proposal to require public companies to disclose ...
Business & Economics

New PRI Study Finds Clean Power Plan Will Raise Electricity Costs, Worsen Problem Of Energy Poverty

Study Shows Some Will See Power Costs Equal More Than 10 Percent of Income Interactive Map Shows Consumers How Much Local Electricity Costs Will Rise SACRAMENTO – Low-income communities nationwide could face higher electricity expenditures under the controversial Clean Power Plan – in many states, equal to greater than 10 ...
Business & Economics

Reformed Public Pensions Can Still Be Generous

As documented in a September 18, 2016 story in the L.A. Times, the problem of California’s unfunded public pensions has reached crisis proportions. The state controller’s office estimates that the total unfunded liabilities of the state and local public pension systems are $241.3 billion. But this assumes an annual return ...

Health Care Needs Effective Reforms, Not the CREATES Act

Congress is back in session. With the election looming, this means a frenetic dash to pass bills on a number of big ticket items, including the budget and Zika funding. While the legislative fight over these issues will likely dominate the headlines, we cannot forget about other below-the-radar, but nevertheless ...

Stop squandering California’s energy resources

Pacific Gas and Electric Co. just announced plans to prematurely shutter California’s sole nuclear power plant, Diablo Canyon. The news came hours after energy officials issued the year’s first “flex alert” — a warning that certain areas should conserve energy to avoid a blackout. That’s right — at a time ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: California Following Dangerous Energy Path

Read the full brief On a sweltering June day, the California Independent System Operator (CalISO), the group that oversees the state’s electricity grid, issued the first “flex alert” of the year. That same week, a major California utility announced it had reached an agreement with the environmental community to close ...
Business & Economics

Proposed Regulatory Expansion Threatens The Education Market

The federal government has taken over the student loan market and currently guarantees (or directly holds) about 90 percent of the 40 million student loans valued in excess of $1.2 trillion. The millions of people at risk of defaulting on this huge student loan portfolio is a large and growing ...

Empowering Frivolous Healthcare Litigation Does Not Help Patients

Of all the problems troubling the U.S. healthcare system, too little litigation is not one of them. And yet, the “Creating and Restoring Equal Access to Equivalent Samples Act of 2016” (CREATES Act), which is currently being rushed through Congress, takes just such an approach. If implemented, the CREATES Act ...

Putting Cost Ahead of Medical Outcomes

Unlike most markets, prices do not convey value in health care. In light of this problem, the Boston-based Institute for Clinical and Economic Review has been attempting to calculate the value of new medical technologies in order to assign a reasonable price to the latest innovations. The Blue Shield of ...
Business & Economics

Regulating the Upstream Energy Industry: Getting the Balance Right

Read Full Study New Study: State Regulations Have Outsized Impact on Energy Industry’s Health SAN FRANCISCO (May 31) — Natural resources don’t respect state boundaries. Consequently, states’ energy regulations are among the prime determinants of whether a state benefits from its resource wealth — or lets those benefits accrue to ...
Business & Economics

New Climate Disclosure Would Add No Value For Investors

With only a few months left in office, President Barack Obama’s administration seeks to step up climate change disclosure, raising implications for corporations and asset owners. National Economic Council Director Jeffrey Zients and White House senior adviser Brian Deese unveiled in August a proposal to require public companies to disclose ...
Business & Economics

New PRI Study Finds Clean Power Plan Will Raise Electricity Costs, Worsen Problem Of Energy Poverty

Study Shows Some Will See Power Costs Equal More Than 10 Percent of Income Interactive Map Shows Consumers How Much Local Electricity Costs Will Rise SACRAMENTO – Low-income communities nationwide could face higher electricity expenditures under the controversial Clean Power Plan – in many states, equal to greater than 10 ...
Business & Economics

Reformed Public Pensions Can Still Be Generous

As documented in a September 18, 2016 story in the L.A. Times, the problem of California’s unfunded public pensions has reached crisis proportions. The state controller’s office estimates that the total unfunded liabilities of the state and local public pension systems are $241.3 billion. But this assumes an annual return ...

Health Care Needs Effective Reforms, Not the CREATES Act

Congress is back in session. With the election looming, this means a frenetic dash to pass bills on a number of big ticket items, including the budget and Zika funding. While the legislative fight over these issues will likely dominate the headlines, we cannot forget about other below-the-radar, but nevertheless ...

Stop squandering California’s energy resources

Pacific Gas and Electric Co. just announced plans to prematurely shutter California’s sole nuclear power plant, Diablo Canyon. The news came hours after energy officials issued the year’s first “flex alert” — a warning that certain areas should conserve energy to avoid a blackout. That’s right — at a time ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: California Following Dangerous Energy Path

Read the full brief On a sweltering June day, the California Independent System Operator (CalISO), the group that oversees the state’s electricity grid, issued the first “flex alert” of the year. That same week, a major California utility announced it had reached an agreement with the environmental community to close ...
Business & Economics

Proposed Regulatory Expansion Threatens The Education Market

The federal government has taken over the student loan market and currently guarantees (or directly holds) about 90 percent of the 40 million student loans valued in excess of $1.2 trillion. The millions of people at risk of defaulting on this huge student loan portfolio is a large and growing ...

Empowering Frivolous Healthcare Litigation Does Not Help Patients

Of all the problems troubling the U.S. healthcare system, too little litigation is not one of them. And yet, the “Creating and Restoring Equal Access to Equivalent Samples Act of 2016” (CREATES Act), which is currently being rushed through Congress, takes just such an approach. If implemented, the CREATES Act ...

Putting Cost Ahead of Medical Outcomes

Unlike most markets, prices do not convey value in health care. In light of this problem, the Boston-based Institute for Clinical and Economic Review has been attempting to calculate the value of new medical technologies in order to assign a reasonable price to the latest innovations. The Blue Shield of ...
Business & Economics

Regulating the Upstream Energy Industry: Getting the Balance Right

Read Full Study New Study: State Regulations Have Outsized Impact on Energy Industry’s Health SAN FRANCISCO (May 31) — Natural resources don’t respect state boundaries. Consequently, states’ energy regulations are among the prime determinants of whether a state benefits from its resource wealth — or lets those benefits accrue to ...
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