Wayne Winegarden
Business & Economics
Eliminate Pharmaceutical Rebates to Improve Patient Welfare
Pfizer CEO Ian Read recently told investors that he believes pharmaceuticals will soon be sold without rebates. While this change, if it comes to pass, is undoubtedly positive for patients, a question naturally arises: why? After all, rebates and discounts are a normal part of most competitive markets. The problem ...
Wayne Winegarden
August 16, 2018
Business & Economics
Reforming Medicare’s Competitive Bidding Program To Improve Health And Lower Costs
Through its purchases of durable medical equipment (DME), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) helps many patients remain in their home and out of hospitals or other long-term care settings. These purchases cover a wide array of medical equipment including diabetes testing strips, wheelchairs, and oxygen tanks. Previously, ...
Wayne Winegarden
August 7, 2018
California’s Public Pension Systems Are Not Immune from Financial Consequences
Step one in any recovery program is to admit that the problem exists. And, make no mistake about it, California’s public pensions are addicted to debt. Solving this debt crisis requires political courage to implement fundamental reforms, which is why studies that provide excuses not to act are so troubling. ...
Wayne Winegarden
July 31, 2018
Health Care
NEW STUDY: Medicare Competitive Bidding Process Should Be Reformed
Proposed reforms to the Medicare competitive bidding process for wheelchairs, home breathing equipment, and other durable medical equipment underscore the findings of a recently-released Pacific Research Institute study showing that patient health is being negatively impacted by an inefficient system plagued by low provider payments and lack of access to ...
Wayne Winegarden
July 26, 2018
Business & Economics
It’s Generics Not PBMs That Keep Pharmaceuticals Affordable
Expenditures on prescription drugs grew 12.4 percent in 2014 and 8.9 percent in 2015. These eye-popping data are not representative of the long-term expenditure trend, however. Not only did the growth in prescription drugs expenditures slow to 1.3 percent in 2016, longer-term (between 2009 and 2016), the average annual growth ...
Wayne Winegarden
July 12, 2018
Business & Economics
From Hooverville To Trumpville
In June of 1930 President Hoover signed the Smoot-Hawley Act. This Act imposed steep tariffs on over 20,000 different goods that Americans imported from other countries. As of its time, it was one of the largest tax increases in history. It was also one of the driving factors that turned ...
Wayne Winegarden
June 21, 2018
Business & Economics
Tariffs Are A Clear and Present Danger To The U.S. Economy
The business guru Peter Drucker is credited with the notion that “if you can’t measure something you can’t manage it”. Using this logic in reverse, perhaps the best way to thwart the misplaced attempts to manage global economic trade is to stop measuring it. After all, when was the last ...
Wayne Winegarden
June 12, 2018
Business & Economics
Embracing Competition To Empower Biosimilars
In 2017, there were 46 new novel drug innovations, including new treatments for cancers, Parkinson’s disease, and serious skin infections. These innovations are essential for improving the quality of health care in the U.S. However, innovation is not sufficient. It is equally imperative to promote drug affordability through greater competition. Promoting ...
Wayne Winegarden
June 5, 2018
Business & Economics
New Study: Patients, Employers and Taxpayers Could Save Significantly if Barriers to Biosimilars Removed
A new study released today found that, by removing barriers holding back the increased use of biosimilars, savings could be significant. In a case study of infliximab, used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and other illnesses, reforms could realize an annual savings of between $412 million and $465 million. ...
Wayne Winegarden
June 5, 2018
The Anti-Growth Tariffs Are a Clear and Present Danger to Our Future Economic Prosperity
Without a hint of irony, while announcing the 25 percent tariffs on imported steel and the 10 percent tariffs on imported aluminum on May 31st, Commerce Secretary Ross proclaimed that “we take the view that without a strong economy, you cannot have strong national security”. In reality, these tariffs will ...
Wayne Winegarden
May 31, 2018
Eliminate Pharmaceutical Rebates to Improve Patient Welfare
Pfizer CEO Ian Read recently told investors that he believes pharmaceuticals will soon be sold without rebates. While this change, if it comes to pass, is undoubtedly positive for patients, a question naturally arises: why? After all, rebates and discounts are a normal part of most competitive markets. The problem ...
Reforming Medicare’s Competitive Bidding Program To Improve Health And Lower Costs
Through its purchases of durable medical equipment (DME), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) helps many patients remain in their home and out of hospitals or other long-term care settings. These purchases cover a wide array of medical equipment including diabetes testing strips, wheelchairs, and oxygen tanks. Previously, ...
California’s Public Pension Systems Are Not Immune from Financial Consequences
Step one in any recovery program is to admit that the problem exists. And, make no mistake about it, California’s public pensions are addicted to debt. Solving this debt crisis requires political courage to implement fundamental reforms, which is why studies that provide excuses not to act are so troubling. ...
NEW STUDY: Medicare Competitive Bidding Process Should Be Reformed
Proposed reforms to the Medicare competitive bidding process for wheelchairs, home breathing equipment, and other durable medical equipment underscore the findings of a recently-released Pacific Research Institute study showing that patient health is being negatively impacted by an inefficient system plagued by low provider payments and lack of access to ...
It’s Generics Not PBMs That Keep Pharmaceuticals Affordable
Expenditures on prescription drugs grew 12.4 percent in 2014 and 8.9 percent in 2015. These eye-popping data are not representative of the long-term expenditure trend, however. Not only did the growth in prescription drugs expenditures slow to 1.3 percent in 2016, longer-term (between 2009 and 2016), the average annual growth ...
From Hooverville To Trumpville
In June of 1930 President Hoover signed the Smoot-Hawley Act. This Act imposed steep tariffs on over 20,000 different goods that Americans imported from other countries. As of its time, it was one of the largest tax increases in history. It was also one of the driving factors that turned ...
Tariffs Are A Clear and Present Danger To The U.S. Economy
The business guru Peter Drucker is credited with the notion that “if you can’t measure something you can’t manage it”. Using this logic in reverse, perhaps the best way to thwart the misplaced attempts to manage global economic trade is to stop measuring it. After all, when was the last ...
Embracing Competition To Empower Biosimilars
In 2017, there were 46 new novel drug innovations, including new treatments for cancers, Parkinson’s disease, and serious skin infections. These innovations are essential for improving the quality of health care in the U.S. However, innovation is not sufficient. It is equally imperative to promote drug affordability through greater competition. Promoting ...
New Study: Patients, Employers and Taxpayers Could Save Significantly if Barriers to Biosimilars Removed
A new study released today found that, by removing barriers holding back the increased use of biosimilars, savings could be significant. In a case study of infliximab, used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and other illnesses, reforms could realize an annual savings of between $412 million and $465 million. ...
The Anti-Growth Tariffs Are a Clear and Present Danger to Our Future Economic Prosperity
Without a hint of irony, while announcing the 25 percent tariffs on imported steel and the 10 percent tariffs on imported aluminum on May 31st, Commerce Secretary Ross proclaimed that “we take the view that without a strong economy, you cannot have strong national security”. In reality, these tariffs will ...