Wayne Winegarden


President Biden’s Stimulus Will Harm The Economy Long-term With No Short-term Benefits

The argument for an economic stimulus seems persuasive. The economy contracted 3.5 percent in 2020, which is the largest annual decline in the national economy since 1946. The latest employment numbers, which were a disappointment to many, seem to further confirm the urgent need for Congress to immediately pass a ...

Lessons from the Left Coast: The economic costs from adopting California’s approach to global climate change

All signs indicate that the Biden Administration is adopting California’s approach to global climate of prohibit, discourage, and subsidize. The prohibit plank refers to punishing the politically disfavored energy sources of nuclear and natural gas. California has punished nuclear power generation by shuttering the San Onofre Nuclear Generating station in ...
Climate Change

President Biden Should Not Adopt California’s Approach To The Environment

Whether it is canceling the Keystone XL pipeline or obstructing new permits for oil and gas projects on federal lands, President Biden appears to be adopting California’s approach to addressing the problem of global climate change. If fully adopted, there will be large economic consequences with little net environmental benefit. ...

It’s the Payment System

Effectively addressing the drug affordability problem requires an understanding of its causes. Toward this end, the rhetoric of Matt Eyles, the president and chief executive of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), is unhelpful. According to Eyles, “Americans are being hurt by out-of-control drug prices, which are set and fully controlled ...
Business & Economics

Government-Mandated Hero Pay Fails To Achieve Its Lofty Goals

Offering a temporary pay increase to grocery workers, often referred to as “hero pay”, makes a lot of sense when grocers voluntarily provide this additional compensation to their employees. Grocery workers are taking on additional health risks, suffering additional stresses, and must work in more difficult environments, which all warrant ...

Support, Not Stimulus or Political Favoritism

Governor Newsom has announced his stimulus plans for the state economy, the “Equitable Recovery for California’s Business and Jobs” plan. While increased support to those who are harmed is necessary, neither California nor the U.S. require an economic stimulus, as traditionally defined. To see why, consider the state and national ...
Business & Economics

The OCC Is Right, Politics Should Not Determine Credit Access

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is considering a rule (i.e., Fair Access to Bank Services, Capital, and Credit), which would ensure that banks provide equal access to financial services, without discrimination. Such clarification is sorely needed. It should go without saying, that banks should not discriminate ...
Business & Economics

PRI’s Wayne Winegarden Submits Comments on Proposed Rule on Fair Access to Bank Services

Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics, today submitted comments to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency responding to their proposed rule on “Fair Access to Bank Services, Capital and Credit.” In the letter, Winegarden writes, “it should go without saying that banks should not ...

Biden’s New EPA Chief Should Heed the Lessons from His Home State

President-elect Joe Biden has nominated Michael Regan to lead the EPA. Regan worked at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for years, and has been North Carolina’s environmental chief since 2018. As North Carolina’s top environmentalist, Regan has opposed constructing natural gas infrastructure, claiming North Carolina’s clean energy future is not ...

Reforming Rebate Contracting will Improve Drug Affordability

By Wayne Winegarden and Robert Popovian The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finalized a regulation on November 20, 2020 that removed the safe harbor protections for rebates on prescription drugs paid to pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) and Part D plans. This analysis evaluates the expected impact from this ...

President Biden’s Stimulus Will Harm The Economy Long-term With No Short-term Benefits

The argument for an economic stimulus seems persuasive. The economy contracted 3.5 percent in 2020, which is the largest annual decline in the national economy since 1946. The latest employment numbers, which were a disappointment to many, seem to further confirm the urgent need for Congress to immediately pass a ...

Lessons from the Left Coast: The economic costs from adopting California’s approach to global climate change

All signs indicate that the Biden Administration is adopting California’s approach to global climate of prohibit, discourage, and subsidize. The prohibit plank refers to punishing the politically disfavored energy sources of nuclear and natural gas. California has punished nuclear power generation by shuttering the San Onofre Nuclear Generating station in ...
Climate Change

President Biden Should Not Adopt California’s Approach To The Environment

Whether it is canceling the Keystone XL pipeline or obstructing new permits for oil and gas projects on federal lands, President Biden appears to be adopting California’s approach to addressing the problem of global climate change. If fully adopted, there will be large economic consequences with little net environmental benefit. ...

It’s the Payment System

Effectively addressing the drug affordability problem requires an understanding of its causes. Toward this end, the rhetoric of Matt Eyles, the president and chief executive of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), is unhelpful. According to Eyles, “Americans are being hurt by out-of-control drug prices, which are set and fully controlled ...
Business & Economics

Government-Mandated Hero Pay Fails To Achieve Its Lofty Goals

Offering a temporary pay increase to grocery workers, often referred to as “hero pay”, makes a lot of sense when grocers voluntarily provide this additional compensation to their employees. Grocery workers are taking on additional health risks, suffering additional stresses, and must work in more difficult environments, which all warrant ...

Support, Not Stimulus or Political Favoritism

Governor Newsom has announced his stimulus plans for the state economy, the “Equitable Recovery for California’s Business and Jobs” plan. While increased support to those who are harmed is necessary, neither California nor the U.S. require an economic stimulus, as traditionally defined. To see why, consider the state and national ...
Business & Economics

The OCC Is Right, Politics Should Not Determine Credit Access

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is considering a rule (i.e., Fair Access to Bank Services, Capital, and Credit), which would ensure that banks provide equal access to financial services, without discrimination. Such clarification is sorely needed. It should go without saying, that banks should not discriminate ...
Business & Economics

PRI’s Wayne Winegarden Submits Comments on Proposed Rule on Fair Access to Bank Services

Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics, today submitted comments to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency responding to their proposed rule on “Fair Access to Bank Services, Capital and Credit.” In the letter, Winegarden writes, “it should go without saying that banks should not ...

Biden’s New EPA Chief Should Heed the Lessons from His Home State

President-elect Joe Biden has nominated Michael Regan to lead the EPA. Regan worked at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for years, and has been North Carolina’s environmental chief since 2018. As North Carolina’s top environmentalist, Regan has opposed constructing natural gas infrastructure, claiming North Carolina’s clean energy future is not ...

Reforming Rebate Contracting will Improve Drug Affordability

By Wayne Winegarden and Robert Popovian The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finalized a regulation on November 20, 2020 that removed the safe harbor protections for rebates on prescription drugs paid to pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) and Part D plans. This analysis evaluates the expected impact from this ...
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