Tim Anaya


Winners and Losers in 2019’s State Budget

This year’s state budget debate is in the history books.  On Thursday, the Legislature’s liberal supermajority passed the main budget bill and some of the trailer bills required to implement the budget. The 2019-20 state budget is also Gov. Gavin Newsom’s first opportunity to put his stamp on the state’s ...

Voters Give Legislature Low Marks for Failing to Act on Housing, Homelessness

Last week, the non-partisan Public Policy Institute of California released their latest survey of Californians stand on a host of issues. Writing about the poll results, veteran Los Angeles Times political columnist George Skelton summed up the survey’s shock findings with a banner headline – “California’s Legislature is less popular ...

Words Mean A Different Thing When It Comes to Socialism, Says America’s Top Pollster

In the classic work Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, the character Humpty Dumpty says that “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.” Responding, Alice (of Wonderland fame) says, “The question is whether you can make works ...

Legislature Focuses on Its Priorities While Going Slow on Housing and Homelessness

On Friday, the Legislature faces the big “house of origin” deadline.  All bills that were introduced this year must pass their “house of origin” by the 31st.  In other words, bills that were introduced in the Assembly must pass by Friday night and vice versa. In fact, the Assembly and ...

The Suspense is Over: Taxpayers Facing Billions in New Spending Following Committee Verdict

Last week, hundreds of bills died a quiet death.  The scene of the crime was not the Bates Motel, but rather 2 committee rooms at the State Capitol.  And the murder weapon wasn’t a candlestick or other choices from the game of Clue.  In fact, the bills were killed without ...

Gov. Newsom to May Revise Winners – “You Get a Billion!”

Years ago, in perhaps one of the most well-known episodes of her long-running talk show, Oprah Winfrey gave away shiny-red Pontiacs to all of the unsuspecting members of her studio audience. Uttering a phrase that has gone down in pop culture history, Winfrey told the shrieking audience, “You get a ...

Latest Evidence of California’s Pension Crowd-Out: Less Classroom Funding

My colleagues and I have written often about California’s pension crowd-out, or how state and local governments budgets are increasingly gobbled up by public pension payments. Last fall, PRI’s Wayne Winegarden released a new study showing that, using a more realistic accounting measure, California’s unfunded public employee pension obligations stood ...

Virtue Signaling at the Neighborhood Diner

The old adage goes that you should never talk about religion or politics at the dinner table. Working in a political world, I try to heed that advice whenever I leave work.  The last thing I want to face when going out for dinner with friends or family is politics.  ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Cited in Congressional Testimony on Medicare for All Legislation

In her testimony to the U.S. House Rules Committee on April 30, Galen Institute President Grace-Marie Turner cited the work of PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes in highlighting the problems with single-payer health care in the United Kingdom.  Turner was ...

Newsom Tries to Pass the Gas Price “Hot Potato”

Gov. Newsom is playing hot potato. Starting to get heat from angry Californians about gas prices soaring past $4 per gallon, the Associated Press reports that he asked the California Energy Commission for a report on “why prices are higher than in the rest of the country, blaming potential ‘inappropriate ...

Winners and Losers in 2019’s State Budget

This year’s state budget debate is in the history books.  On Thursday, the Legislature’s liberal supermajority passed the main budget bill and some of the trailer bills required to implement the budget. The 2019-20 state budget is also Gov. Gavin Newsom’s first opportunity to put his stamp on the state’s ...

Voters Give Legislature Low Marks for Failing to Act on Housing, Homelessness

Last week, the non-partisan Public Policy Institute of California released their latest survey of Californians stand on a host of issues. Writing about the poll results, veteran Los Angeles Times political columnist George Skelton summed up the survey’s shock findings with a banner headline – “California’s Legislature is less popular ...

Words Mean A Different Thing When It Comes to Socialism, Says America’s Top Pollster

In the classic work Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, the character Humpty Dumpty says that “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.” Responding, Alice (of Wonderland fame) says, “The question is whether you can make works ...

Legislature Focuses on Its Priorities While Going Slow on Housing and Homelessness

On Friday, the Legislature faces the big “house of origin” deadline.  All bills that were introduced this year must pass their “house of origin” by the 31st.  In other words, bills that were introduced in the Assembly must pass by Friday night and vice versa. In fact, the Assembly and ...

The Suspense is Over: Taxpayers Facing Billions in New Spending Following Committee Verdict

Last week, hundreds of bills died a quiet death.  The scene of the crime was not the Bates Motel, but rather 2 committee rooms at the State Capitol.  And the murder weapon wasn’t a candlestick or other choices from the game of Clue.  In fact, the bills were killed without ...

Gov. Newsom to May Revise Winners – “You Get a Billion!”

Years ago, in perhaps one of the most well-known episodes of her long-running talk show, Oprah Winfrey gave away shiny-red Pontiacs to all of the unsuspecting members of her studio audience. Uttering a phrase that has gone down in pop culture history, Winfrey told the shrieking audience, “You get a ...

Latest Evidence of California’s Pension Crowd-Out: Less Classroom Funding

My colleagues and I have written often about California’s pension crowd-out, or how state and local governments budgets are increasingly gobbled up by public pension payments. Last fall, PRI’s Wayne Winegarden released a new study showing that, using a more realistic accounting measure, California’s unfunded public employee pension obligations stood ...

Virtue Signaling at the Neighborhood Diner

The old adage goes that you should never talk about religion or politics at the dinner table. Working in a political world, I try to heed that advice whenever I leave work.  The last thing I want to face when going out for dinner with friends or family is politics.  ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Cited in Congressional Testimony on Medicare for All Legislation

In her testimony to the U.S. House Rules Committee on April 30, Galen Institute President Grace-Marie Turner cited the work of PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes in highlighting the problems with single-payer health care in the United Kingdom.  Turner was ...

Newsom Tries to Pass the Gas Price “Hot Potato”

Gov. Newsom is playing hot potato. Starting to get heat from angry Californians about gas prices soaring past $4 per gallon, the Associated Press reports that he asked the California Energy Commission for a report on “why prices are higher than in the rest of the country, blaming potential ‘inappropriate ...
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