Tim Anaya


The latest dumb idea from San Francisco – banning plastic water bottles at the airport

San Francisco has most recently been known more for its quality of life problems and lack of affordability than the home of Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge. You would think that city officials would be doing everything they can to lure both tourists and business travelers back to the ...

What Will Brexit Mean for the US?

Every other year, I always take a big trip somewhere around the world.  This fall, I’m excited to be traveling to England, Ireland, and Scotland for the first time. As I prepare for my trip, the UK is in the midst of great political turmoil – perhaps more than the ...

Tim Anaya Joins Commonwealth Club to Discuss Democratic Presidential Debate

Tim Anaya, PRI’s Communications Director, joined the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco to discuss the July 30 Democratic presidential debate.  

The Next Battle in the Fight for Worker Freedom in California

As PRI has documented extensively, last year’s landmark Janus ruling has not stopped California’s public employee unions from continuing to siphon off dues from disaffected members. Our Kerry Jackson has written that, “long before the Janus ruling was announced, California lawmakers, many of whom have been widely criticized as being ...

Is the Debate over Future of Work in CA ‘(Expletive) Feudalism All Over Again’?

Perhaps the most controversial bill of this year’s legislative session is legislation responding to last year’s state Supreme Court ruling that has the potential to disrupt how millions of people work in California. In the Dynamex ruling, the Court established a new three-prong test to determine who is an employee ...

Newsom’s Homeless Task Force Shuts Out Private Charities, Non-Profits

California’s homeless crisis continues to wage out of control on the streets of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and communities across the state. State and local politicians have given lots of lip service about “taking action” to solve the problem.  Not surprisingly, their vision for addressing the problem only involves ...

CA Legislature Now Determining Which Presidential Candidates You Can Vote For

What’s in President Trump’s tax returns?  It’s a mystery that has stumped cable television pundits since he refused to release them during the 2016 campaign.  At times, the furor has been so high that I’m surprised that Matlock or Jessica Fletcher were not called out of retirement to investigate. Democrats ...

The latest victim of SF’s homeless crisis? Luxury shopping!

San Francisco’s homeless crisis may soon have a new victim – luxury shopping in the City. The City by the Bay has long been known as home to the world’s best shopping.  It was home to now-defunct high-end retailers like I. Magnin, and the Joseph Magnin, Co. started by one ...

California Now Has the Nation’s Highest Gas Taxes

In June 2011, a group of Republican lawmakers gathered at a Ford dealership in downtown Sacramento for a celebratory press conference. They were gathered to celebrate what they were calling, “Freedom from Higher Taxes Day,” the day when temporary tax increases were enacted in 2009 as part of a tough ...

Celebrating 100 Episodes of “Next Round with PRI”

This week marks a milestone for PRI’s weekly “Next Round” podcast as we celebrate our 100th episode. When we first started the podcast in July 2017, our podcast had a different name, “Another Round with PRI” (I won’t go into the story of why we changed our name).  Sally Pipes’ ...

The latest dumb idea from San Francisco – banning plastic water bottles at the airport

San Francisco has most recently been known more for its quality of life problems and lack of affordability than the home of Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge. You would think that city officials would be doing everything they can to lure both tourists and business travelers back to the ...

What Will Brexit Mean for the US?

Every other year, I always take a big trip somewhere around the world.  This fall, I’m excited to be traveling to England, Ireland, and Scotland for the first time. As I prepare for my trip, the UK is in the midst of great political turmoil – perhaps more than the ...

Tim Anaya Joins Commonwealth Club to Discuss Democratic Presidential Debate

Tim Anaya, PRI’s Communications Director, joined the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco to discuss the July 30 Democratic presidential debate.  

The Next Battle in the Fight for Worker Freedom in California

As PRI has documented extensively, last year’s landmark Janus ruling has not stopped California’s public employee unions from continuing to siphon off dues from disaffected members. Our Kerry Jackson has written that, “long before the Janus ruling was announced, California lawmakers, many of whom have been widely criticized as being ...

Is the Debate over Future of Work in CA ‘(Expletive) Feudalism All Over Again’?

Perhaps the most controversial bill of this year’s legislative session is legislation responding to last year’s state Supreme Court ruling that has the potential to disrupt how millions of people work in California. In the Dynamex ruling, the Court established a new three-prong test to determine who is an employee ...

Newsom’s Homeless Task Force Shuts Out Private Charities, Non-Profits

California’s homeless crisis continues to wage out of control on the streets of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and communities across the state. State and local politicians have given lots of lip service about “taking action” to solve the problem.  Not surprisingly, their vision for addressing the problem only involves ...

CA Legislature Now Determining Which Presidential Candidates You Can Vote For

What’s in President Trump’s tax returns?  It’s a mystery that has stumped cable television pundits since he refused to release them during the 2016 campaign.  At times, the furor has been so high that I’m surprised that Matlock or Jessica Fletcher were not called out of retirement to investigate. Democrats ...

The latest victim of SF’s homeless crisis? Luxury shopping!

San Francisco’s homeless crisis may soon have a new victim – luxury shopping in the City. The City by the Bay has long been known as home to the world’s best shopping.  It was home to now-defunct high-end retailers like I. Magnin, and the Joseph Magnin, Co. started by one ...

California Now Has the Nation’s Highest Gas Taxes

In June 2011, a group of Republican lawmakers gathered at a Ford dealership in downtown Sacramento for a celebratory press conference. They were gathered to celebrate what they were calling, “Freedom from Higher Taxes Day,” the day when temporary tax increases were enacted in 2009 as part of a tough ...

Celebrating 100 Episodes of “Next Round with PRI”

This week marks a milestone for PRI’s weekly “Next Round” podcast as we celebrate our 100th episode. When we first started the podcast in July 2017, our podcast had a different name, “Another Round with PRI” (I won’t go into the story of why we changed our name).  Sally Pipes’ ...
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