Thomas Tanton


California’s Own Economic Stimulus


Perpetuating a myth

The myth of green jobs being a “savior” is same as the myth of the Phoenix: it always rises from the ashes. As I wrote here, it just isn’t so. As written here more recently, even the green industry in California is suffering setbacks. The NextTen authors take pains to ...

Green Jobs?

As I wrote back in 2007, “Investing in renewable energy will provide a clean source of power and create an explosion of new jobs. In late September [2007], this claim attracted the attention of the U.S. Senate Energy and Public Works Committee and its chair, Democratic California Sen. Barbara Boxer. ...

Counting the Cost of the War on Global Warming

Last month, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger held an international climate summit to show local governments in other countries that greenhouse gas emissions can be cut, to the degree he wants, without harming the economy. This comes as the financial meltdown has prompted a global movement to scale back draconian measures ...

Are “Green Jobs” an answer to economy?

The prospects sound good but the conference got only half the story. Estimates of just how many jobs our push to go green may generate vary widely, but not all economists believe that there really will be any kind of green-job boom. More important is the question of whether these ...

Air Board’s analysis holds many flaws

This is not the time to implement policies that will further cripple California’s economy and put a disproportionate financial burden on the state’s poor and elderly, but that is exactly what the California Air Resources Board is planning to do by implementing the Global Warming Solutions Act. The air board ...
Climate Change

With substantial costs coming to light, CARB should delay any action on further implementation of AB32

There is a consensus. No, not the one about the science of climate change being “settled.” There’s a consensus that the Air Resources Board has fouled up its plan to regulate greenhouse gasses. The California Air Resources Board intentionally skewed its analysis of the economic effects of its proposed climate ...

Does Climate Regulation Help the Economy?

Sacramento Union, November 6, 2008 A new study, Energy Efficiency, Innovation, and Job Creation in California, claims that California’s energy-efficiency policies created nearly 1.5 million jobs from 1977 to 2007. The Oct. 20 study, which examined only household spending, comes as the regulatory regime has gained momentum. At the same ...

Costing Out California’s Global Warming Solutions Act

On Sept. 17, the California Air Resources Board released an economic analysis of their own implementation scheme for AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. The analysis said, “not only will the economy grow by a similar amount as we move toward 2020, but it will grow at ...

Googling Energy

Later the same month, Al Gore introduced a proposal for 100 percent of U.S. electricity to be generated from renewable energy within 10 years. The Google web page for their plan references both schemes, stating that the intention of the latest proposal is to continue to move the discussion forward. ...

California’s Own Economic Stimulus


Perpetuating a myth

The myth of green jobs being a “savior” is same as the myth of the Phoenix: it always rises from the ashes. As I wrote here, it just isn’t so. As written here more recently, even the green industry in California is suffering setbacks. The NextTen authors take pains to ...

Green Jobs?

As I wrote back in 2007, “Investing in renewable energy will provide a clean source of power and create an explosion of new jobs. In late September [2007], this claim attracted the attention of the U.S. Senate Energy and Public Works Committee and its chair, Democratic California Sen. Barbara Boxer. ...

Counting the Cost of the War on Global Warming

Last month, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger held an international climate summit to show local governments in other countries that greenhouse gas emissions can be cut, to the degree he wants, without harming the economy. This comes as the financial meltdown has prompted a global movement to scale back draconian measures ...

Are “Green Jobs” an answer to economy?

The prospects sound good but the conference got only half the story. Estimates of just how many jobs our push to go green may generate vary widely, but not all economists believe that there really will be any kind of green-job boom. More important is the question of whether these ...

Air Board’s analysis holds many flaws

This is not the time to implement policies that will further cripple California’s economy and put a disproportionate financial burden on the state’s poor and elderly, but that is exactly what the California Air Resources Board is planning to do by implementing the Global Warming Solutions Act. The air board ...
Climate Change

With substantial costs coming to light, CARB should delay any action on further implementation of AB32

There is a consensus. No, not the one about the science of climate change being “settled.” There’s a consensus that the Air Resources Board has fouled up its plan to regulate greenhouse gasses. The California Air Resources Board intentionally skewed its analysis of the economic effects of its proposed climate ...

Does Climate Regulation Help the Economy?

Sacramento Union, November 6, 2008 A new study, Energy Efficiency, Innovation, and Job Creation in California, claims that California’s energy-efficiency policies created nearly 1.5 million jobs from 1977 to 2007. The Oct. 20 study, which examined only household spending, comes as the regulatory regime has gained momentum. At the same ...

Costing Out California’s Global Warming Solutions Act

On Sept. 17, the California Air Resources Board released an economic analysis of their own implementation scheme for AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. The analysis said, “not only will the economy grow by a similar amount as we move toward 2020, but it will grow at ...

Googling Energy

Later the same month, Al Gore introduced a proposal for 100 percent of U.S. electricity to be generated from renewable energy within 10 years. The Google web page for their plan references both schemes, stating that the intention of the latest proposal is to continue to move the discussion forward. ...
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