Sally C. Pipes


States Can’t Afford Medicaid Expansion — Neither Can Patients

This fall’s midterm election ballot just got a little longer in Utah. In mid-April, progressive activists announced that they’d gathered enough signatures to force a November referendum on Medicaid expansion. Utah isn’t the only red state flirting with extending free government health insurance to able-bodied, childless adults. Within weeks, activists in Idaho ...

U.S. Seniors Deserve Better Than Canadian Health Care

Seven in 10 Democrats want to establish a Canada-style single-payer health care system. Progressive lawmakers are even more gung-ho. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has introduced a “Medicare for All” bill modeled on Canada’s system. Sixteen of his Democratic colleagues have co-sponsored it. Meanwhile, over 60 percent of Democrats in the ...

Don’t blame Trump for Obamacare’s failures

This year, premiums for mid-level “silver” plans on the insurance exchange rose 32 percent. President Trump deserves the lion’s share of the blame for this surge – at least according to a new report from the Urban Institute. The left-leaning think tank claims that uncertainty about the Trump administration’s ...

Canada’s Health Care Is Abysmal. Why Would We Copy It?

Americans have come down with single-payer fever. A whole 59% now back a national health plan, according to a March 2018 Kaiser Health Tracking Poll—way up from the 33% reported by the Pew Research Center in summer 2017. But the American people don’t really understand what supporting a single-payer plan means. For ...

Bailouts Won’t Fix Obamacare’s Fundamental Flaws

Senate Republicans are complaining about Obamacare again. But this time, they’re upset that the federal government isn’t spending enough money to prop up the health law’s insurance exchanges. Over a dozen GOP senators, nearly all of whom repeatedly campaigned on repealing and replacing Obamacare, tried to include a $60 billion ...

Iowa Is “Done” Waiting for Congress to Fix Obamacare

As goes Iowa, so goes the nation — or at least that’s the conventional wisdom during presidential elections. Let’s hope the same rule applies to healthcare reform. Earlier this month, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed a law that takes advantage of a major loophole in Obamacare. The legislation, based on ...

Concierge Medicine Catches On, Cutting Out Health Insurers

Most Americans harbor no love for health insurance companies, which often seem to nickel and dime customers. Doctors and hospital administrators don’t like dealing with insurers either. Increasingly, patients and providers are choosing to cut out insurers and contract directly with each other. The model is known as “concierge medicine” ...

Idaho Can’t Ignore ObamaCare Completely — But It Can Pry Open These Loopholes

Last month, the Trump administration saved ObamaCare from destruction. It was a difficult decision — and the correct one. Administration officials shot down a daring plan from Idaho Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter that would have allowed Idaho insurers to ignore ObamaCare’s premium-inflating regulations. Under the proposal, insurers would have been able ...

Expanding Affordable Healthcare in the States, The Legal Way

In March, the Trump administration saved Obamacare in Idaho. It was a hard decision for administration officials, who harbor no love for the health law. But it was the right call. Idaho officials wanted to help residents who have been harmed by Obamacare’s premium-inflating regulations. So they planned to allow ...

This Easter, Single-Payer Is Rising from the Grave

A revival movement is sweeping the nation. Millions of souls have already been converted, thanks to a charismatic preacher and his passionate disciples. I’m talking, of course, about the doctrine of “Medicare for All” and its chief evangelist, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. The socialist senator’s sermons appear to have swayed ...

States Can’t Afford Medicaid Expansion — Neither Can Patients

This fall’s midterm election ballot just got a little longer in Utah. In mid-April, progressive activists announced that they’d gathered enough signatures to force a November referendum on Medicaid expansion. Utah isn’t the only red state flirting with extending free government health insurance to able-bodied, childless adults. Within weeks, activists in Idaho ...

U.S. Seniors Deserve Better Than Canadian Health Care

Seven in 10 Democrats want to establish a Canada-style single-payer health care system. Progressive lawmakers are even more gung-ho. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has introduced a “Medicare for All” bill modeled on Canada’s system. Sixteen of his Democratic colleagues have co-sponsored it. Meanwhile, over 60 percent of Democrats in the ...

Don’t blame Trump for Obamacare’s failures

This year, premiums for mid-level “silver” plans on the insurance exchange rose 32 percent. President Trump deserves the lion’s share of the blame for this surge – at least according to a new report from the Urban Institute. The left-leaning think tank claims that uncertainty about the Trump administration’s ...

Canada’s Health Care Is Abysmal. Why Would We Copy It?

Americans have come down with single-payer fever. A whole 59% now back a national health plan, according to a March 2018 Kaiser Health Tracking Poll—way up from the 33% reported by the Pew Research Center in summer 2017. But the American people don’t really understand what supporting a single-payer plan means. For ...

Bailouts Won’t Fix Obamacare’s Fundamental Flaws

Senate Republicans are complaining about Obamacare again. But this time, they’re upset that the federal government isn’t spending enough money to prop up the health law’s insurance exchanges. Over a dozen GOP senators, nearly all of whom repeatedly campaigned on repealing and replacing Obamacare, tried to include a $60 billion ...

Iowa Is “Done” Waiting for Congress to Fix Obamacare

As goes Iowa, so goes the nation — or at least that’s the conventional wisdom during presidential elections. Let’s hope the same rule applies to healthcare reform. Earlier this month, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed a law that takes advantage of a major loophole in Obamacare. The legislation, based on ...

Concierge Medicine Catches On, Cutting Out Health Insurers

Most Americans harbor no love for health insurance companies, which often seem to nickel and dime customers. Doctors and hospital administrators don’t like dealing with insurers either. Increasingly, patients and providers are choosing to cut out insurers and contract directly with each other. The model is known as “concierge medicine” ...

Idaho Can’t Ignore ObamaCare Completely — But It Can Pry Open These Loopholes

Last month, the Trump administration saved ObamaCare from destruction. It was a difficult decision — and the correct one. Administration officials shot down a daring plan from Idaho Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter that would have allowed Idaho insurers to ignore ObamaCare’s premium-inflating regulations. Under the proposal, insurers would have been able ...

Expanding Affordable Healthcare in the States, The Legal Way

In March, the Trump administration saved Obamacare in Idaho. It was a hard decision for administration officials, who harbor no love for the health law. But it was the right call. Idaho officials wanted to help residents who have been harmed by Obamacare’s premium-inflating regulations. So they planned to allow ...

This Easter, Single-Payer Is Rising from the Grave

A revival movement is sweeping the nation. Millions of souls have already been converted, thanks to a charismatic preacher and his passionate disciples. I’m talking, of course, about the doctrine of “Medicare for All” and its chief evangelist, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. The socialist senator’s sermons appear to have swayed ...
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