Sally C. Pipes


You should absolutely believe Kamala Harris: ‘Medicare for All’ will kill your health insurance

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., wants to ban private health insurance. But if she can’t do that outright, she’s happy settling for a reform that will eventually take away private health coverage. Harris, who is pursuing the Democratic nomination for president in 2020, spoke honestly about her proposal for the healthcare ...

Washington’s rude healthcare awakening

Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee wants to create a state-run health insurance plan to compete against private coverage on the Evergreen State’s Obamacare exchange. This plan, known as a “public option,” is a terrible idea. It’d be a boondoggle for taxpayers and open the door to a future single-payer system. Inslee claims a public ...

Grassley-Klobuchar proposal ushers in dangerous counterfeit drugs

Congress is poised to consider a bill that would allow Americans to import prescription drugs from Canada. The bill’s authors, Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), label their effort as a bipartisan push to “help Americans who struggle to pay exorbitant prices for medication.” It’s noble of lawmakers to ...

Arizona Patients Should Welcome Medicaid Work Requirements

Arizona just received the Trump Administration’s go-ahead to impose work requirements on Medicaid beneficiaries. Under the policy, able-bodied enrollees between the ages of 19 and 49 will have to spend 80 hours a month working, attending school, or giving back to their community in some way. Arizona will be the eighth state ...

Progressives’ Prescription Drug Plan Puts Patients At Risk

In mid-January, three Democrats — Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, and California Rep. Ro Khanna — introduced legislation that aims to reduce prescription drug prices. Their plan would essentially peg U.S. drug prices to those in five foreign countries where prices are typically lower because their governments forcibly control ...

‘Medicare-for-all’ means long waits for poor care, and Americans won’t go for it once they learn these facts

This week, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., one of the front-runners in the race for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, revealed her radical vision for American health care – outlawing private health insurance and putting the government in charge of the system. Harris, along with 15 of her Democratic colleagues, supports Sen. Bernie Sanders’, ...

You’ve probably never heard of anti-competitive ‘certificate of need’ laws but they’re harming your health care

Imagine if a state law prohibited new restaurants from opening in your town unless an aspiring restaurateur successfully convinced the government that the area “needed” another eatery. Now imagine if that law didn’t stop there – that is also gave incumbent restaurants a say in the matter. If one could persuade the government that ...

To Win The White House, Democrats Will Have To Hide The Truth About Single-Payer

Senator Elizabeth Warren kicked off the 2020 Democratic presidential primary late last month by announcing she’d created an exploratory committee, the first step in any serious presidential campaign. This month, Sen. Kamala Harris followed suit and declared her candidacy. Other contenders — including Sen. Cory Booker, Representative Beto O’Rourke of Texas, ...

Heed the cautionary tale of Canadian health care

It’s a good thing Canadians are so polite; they spend an unbelievable amount of time waiting in line. In 2018, the typical Canadian patient faced a median wait of almost 20 weeks for treatment from a specialist after referral from a general practitioner, according to a new report from the ...

Imposing price controls on prescription drugs

President Donald Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders don’t agree on much. But they both believe in price controls. Both men recently introduced separate proposals to impose price controls on prescription drugs. Though both men are likely well-intentioned, their plans are deeply misguided. Both proposals would discourage drug research and reduce ...

You should absolutely believe Kamala Harris: ‘Medicare for All’ will kill your health insurance

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., wants to ban private health insurance. But if she can’t do that outright, she’s happy settling for a reform that will eventually take away private health coverage. Harris, who is pursuing the Democratic nomination for president in 2020, spoke honestly about her proposal for the healthcare ...

Washington’s rude healthcare awakening

Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee wants to create a state-run health insurance plan to compete against private coverage on the Evergreen State’s Obamacare exchange. This plan, known as a “public option,” is a terrible idea. It’d be a boondoggle for taxpayers and open the door to a future single-payer system. Inslee claims a public ...

Grassley-Klobuchar proposal ushers in dangerous counterfeit drugs

Congress is poised to consider a bill that would allow Americans to import prescription drugs from Canada. The bill’s authors, Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), label their effort as a bipartisan push to “help Americans who struggle to pay exorbitant prices for medication.” It’s noble of lawmakers to ...

Arizona Patients Should Welcome Medicaid Work Requirements

Arizona just received the Trump Administration’s go-ahead to impose work requirements on Medicaid beneficiaries. Under the policy, able-bodied enrollees between the ages of 19 and 49 will have to spend 80 hours a month working, attending school, or giving back to their community in some way. Arizona will be the eighth state ...

Progressives’ Prescription Drug Plan Puts Patients At Risk

In mid-January, three Democrats — Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, and California Rep. Ro Khanna — introduced legislation that aims to reduce prescription drug prices. Their plan would essentially peg U.S. drug prices to those in five foreign countries where prices are typically lower because their governments forcibly control ...

‘Medicare-for-all’ means long waits for poor care, and Americans won’t go for it once they learn these facts

This week, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., one of the front-runners in the race for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, revealed her radical vision for American health care – outlawing private health insurance and putting the government in charge of the system. Harris, along with 15 of her Democratic colleagues, supports Sen. Bernie Sanders’, ...

You’ve probably never heard of anti-competitive ‘certificate of need’ laws but they’re harming your health care

Imagine if a state law prohibited new restaurants from opening in your town unless an aspiring restaurateur successfully convinced the government that the area “needed” another eatery. Now imagine if that law didn’t stop there – that is also gave incumbent restaurants a say in the matter. If one could persuade the government that ...

To Win The White House, Democrats Will Have To Hide The Truth About Single-Payer

Senator Elizabeth Warren kicked off the 2020 Democratic presidential primary late last month by announcing she’d created an exploratory committee, the first step in any serious presidential campaign. This month, Sen. Kamala Harris followed suit and declared her candidacy. Other contenders — including Sen. Cory Booker, Representative Beto O’Rourke of Texas, ...

Heed the cautionary tale of Canadian health care

It’s a good thing Canadians are so polite; they spend an unbelievable amount of time waiting in line. In 2018, the typical Canadian patient faced a median wait of almost 20 weeks for treatment from a specialist after referral from a general practitioner, according to a new report from the ...

Imposing price controls on prescription drugs

President Donald Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders don’t agree on much. But they both believe in price controls. Both men recently introduced separate proposals to impose price controls on prescription drugs. Though both men are likely well-intentioned, their plans are deeply misguided. Both proposals would discourage drug research and reduce ...
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