Sally C. Pipes

Health Care

Sally Pipes Argues Against Medicare for All on the Jim Bohannon Show

Sally Pipes, PRI’s President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy joins the nationally syndicated Jim Bohannon Show to explain the litany of problems with single payer health care and provide examples from her new book False Premise, False Promise: The Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All.

Warren’s Medicare for All isn’t affordable for anyone

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has released her new road map for Medicare for All. She’s proposing a series of executive actions and bills that would transition the country to a government-run health system during her first term in the White House. Sen. Warren claims her brand of Medicare for All, once fully in place, would require $20.5 ...

Doctors need a second opinion on ‘Medicare-for-all’

The American College of Physicians, the nation’s second-largest doctors group, has endorsed “Medicare-for-all.” The group, whose membership consists of 159,000 internists, claims the plan would bring a host of necessary changes to the American healthcare system. The American College of Physicians joins the American Nurses Association, the American Medical Association’s ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Breaks Down Single-Payer Health Care Failings on Newell Normand

Sally C. Pipes joins Newell Normand to breakdown the failings of other single-payer nations like Canada and the United States on WWL AM 870 in New Orleans.

Bernie Sanders’ Resurgence Is Bad For America’s Health

Just three months after suffering what many thought was a campaign-ending heart attack, Senator Bernie Sanders is on a roll. According to the latest polls, he leads nominal front-runner Joe Biden in California and is within a percentage point in both Iowa and New Hampshire. On top of all that, his campaign is bringing in record ...

Under Elizabeth Warren, there’s no choice but government-run healthcare

The top story out of this week’s Democratic presidential debate was Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s accusation that Sen. Bernie Sanders called her “a liar on national TV.” Both progressive firebrands have a casual relationship with the truth, especially when it comes to their plans for healthcare. But Warren’s pitch has grown ...

Bernie’s ‘Medicare-for-all’ misinformation — learn these facts before this week’s debate

Sen. Bernie Sanders has launched a new misinformation campaign on “Medicare-for-all” in advance of this week’s Democratic presidential debate. Last week, advisers to his campaign released a study trumpeting the supposed savings “Medicare-for-all” would bring. Days prior, Sanders refused to say how much his “Medicare-for-all” plan would cost. “I don’t give a number and I’ll ...
Health Care

New Book from Health Care Expert Sally Pipes Exposes the Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All

Pacific Research Institute President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes makes the case against single-payer health care and offers a vision for market-based health care reforms in her new book, False Premise, False Promise:  The Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All, now available ...

The Epic Folly Of Trump’s Drug Importation Crusade

Late last month, the Trump administration released a plan that would green-light the importation of certain drugs from Canada and potentially other foreign countries. The administration’s proposal comes on the heels of legislative pushes by Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida and Democratic Governor Jared Polis of Colorado to import drugs from Canada. Other states are ...

ObamaCare turns 10 – decade of failure is nothing to celebrate

As the calendar flips to 2020, we’re coming up on a decade since the passage of ObamaCare. But Democrats aren’t celebrating 10 years of the Affordable Care Act, signed into law March 23, 2010. That’s largely because President Obama’s signature legislative achievement hasn’t yielded the affordable care Democrats promised. Let’s start with that opening ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Argues Against Medicare for All on the Jim Bohannon Show

Sally Pipes, PRI’s President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy joins the nationally syndicated Jim Bohannon Show to explain the litany of problems with single payer health care and provide examples from her new book False Premise, False Promise: The Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All.

Warren’s Medicare for All isn’t affordable for anyone

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has released her new road map for Medicare for All. She’s proposing a series of executive actions and bills that would transition the country to a government-run health system during her first term in the White House. Sen. Warren claims her brand of Medicare for All, once fully in place, would require $20.5 ...

Doctors need a second opinion on ‘Medicare-for-all’

The American College of Physicians, the nation’s second-largest doctors group, has endorsed “Medicare-for-all.” The group, whose membership consists of 159,000 internists, claims the plan would bring a host of necessary changes to the American healthcare system. The American College of Physicians joins the American Nurses Association, the American Medical Association’s ...
Health Care

Sally Pipes Breaks Down Single-Payer Health Care Failings on Newell Normand

Sally C. Pipes joins Newell Normand to breakdown the failings of other single-payer nations like Canada and the United States on WWL AM 870 in New Orleans.

Bernie Sanders’ Resurgence Is Bad For America’s Health

Just three months after suffering what many thought was a campaign-ending heart attack, Senator Bernie Sanders is on a roll. According to the latest polls, he leads nominal front-runner Joe Biden in California and is within a percentage point in both Iowa and New Hampshire. On top of all that, his campaign is bringing in record ...

Under Elizabeth Warren, there’s no choice but government-run healthcare

The top story out of this week’s Democratic presidential debate was Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s accusation that Sen. Bernie Sanders called her “a liar on national TV.” Both progressive firebrands have a casual relationship with the truth, especially when it comes to their plans for healthcare. But Warren’s pitch has grown ...

Bernie’s ‘Medicare-for-all’ misinformation — learn these facts before this week’s debate

Sen. Bernie Sanders has launched a new misinformation campaign on “Medicare-for-all” in advance of this week’s Democratic presidential debate. Last week, advisers to his campaign released a study trumpeting the supposed savings “Medicare-for-all” would bring. Days prior, Sanders refused to say how much his “Medicare-for-all” plan would cost. “I don’t give a number and I’ll ...
Health Care

New Book from Health Care Expert Sally Pipes Exposes the Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All

Pacific Research Institute President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes makes the case against single-payer health care and offers a vision for market-based health care reforms in her new book, False Premise, False Promise:  The Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All, now available ...

The Epic Folly Of Trump’s Drug Importation Crusade

Late last month, the Trump administration released a plan that would green-light the importation of certain drugs from Canada and potentially other foreign countries. The administration’s proposal comes on the heels of legislative pushes by Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida and Democratic Governor Jared Polis of Colorado to import drugs from Canada. Other states are ...

ObamaCare turns 10 – decade of failure is nothing to celebrate

As the calendar flips to 2020, we’re coming up on a decade since the passage of ObamaCare. But Democrats aren’t celebrating 10 years of the Affordable Care Act, signed into law March 23, 2010. That’s largely because President Obama’s signature legislative achievement hasn’t yielded the affordable care Democrats promised. Let’s start with that opening ...
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